
UNTOUCHED (A Tale of Betrayal and Secrets)

Angel. That's what they call me. Captive. That's how they bred me. Unfortunate. That's what I am. Auction lot. That's what I have always been. Undefiled, pure, a perfect sacrifice for the greater good. I refuse to be one.

Author_kelly · Urban
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4 Chs

Take ll

"How do you know my name?" I whispered, breathless.

His piercing eyes lock in on me. "That's not important now, is it? Come, we'll go home." I was being reluctant so he added. "Now."

"It is. I am not going with a stranger who somehow knows my name." I stood my ground. I remembered Max. "Furthermore, will you leave my arm? I have to check up on max."

"No. And to answer your concern, he is not dead. I just knocked him out."

"You did what!" That was definitely the liquid courage speaking because the death stare he was directly towards me had me gulping. "Why would you do that?"

"All your questions can be answered later. First of all, we get the hell out of here." Somehow, I trusted his words. A drunken mistake.

I nodded, hesitantly. His gaze lowered but quickly came back up. He grabbed my wrist in a tight hold and guided me like a toddler.

"You know, I have legs that work perfectly fine." I blabbered but he paid no attention to me.

A black SUV with tinted glass came into view. He wasn't going to kidnap me, was he?

That would be better than facing the bitter reality tomorrow.

He guided me to the passenger seat,buckled me in, then got in himself. I scooted at the very far corner with a pout. He will take me home and tomorrow, I'll be married off to a stranger. It seems my life has exceptional connections with strangers.

I leaned my head against the car window. Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Will you tell me who you are?" Now that I looked at him up close, I can tell he's in the business line, but he was not that old. Thirty five, maybe.

The man I'm going to be married off to is almost my father's age. Disgusting. I refuse to even look at his photos before the real meeting.

"Your father's acquaintance. However, what were you thinking of doing with that boy, Angel?" I felt his eyes on me.

I should tell him. It's not like it's important for him.

"Then, you must know I'm getting married tomorrow." My eyes looked up to his already on mine. God, he was quite handsome and hot. He turned his head and gave a firm nod.

"Long story short, I am being sold off to a man my father's age for his personal benefits. You see, I have always been sheltered with little to no outside interference. The contract also offers me as a virgin to suit his taste. Disgusting, right? So, I wanted to unvirgin myself just to piss my soon-to-be husband old ass off."

"Do you even know who you're marrying, Angel?" I watched as his cheek clenched slightly and his hand tightened around the steering wheel.

I shook my head. "Of course, I do. He's a rich bastard with loads of my money that he thinks he can buy whatever he wants. I am not interested in even looking at him before the dreadful day."

It was silent in the car for sometime. Neither of us spoke to each other. As I saw the familiar neighbourhood come into view, I started to panic a little. No one knows I am out this late at night. I ran my mind to think of something quickly. I unbuckled my seat belt.

"What are you doing, Angel?" He turned to look at me and back on the road.

I took a deep breath and jumped into action. I crossed over the centre console to the driver seat and plopped in his lap. The car swayed from side to side before he hit the brake.

"What the fuck, Angel? You nearly killed us both."

"That would be better than being sold off to a stranger. At least, I wouldn't have to worry about being used by him, to his pleasure."

"Look, Angel, I am sure your father thought of something before doing that. I'll take you home and you can ask him. Simple. Now get off my lap." I felt something poking my thigh. God, it was an erection. It was hard against my sensitive flesh.

"No. I want you to take me here and now. If you want me to not kill myself, you will do as I say." I rolled my hips slowly on his lap until his penis was placed right below my entrance.

"Get off, Angel. You don't want me to put my hands on you. You're not prepared for that." He said in a little above a whisper tone, darkness coating his each syllable.

I ignored his words and lowered my clothes ass until it touched the right spot. A little moan left my mouth. His hands around my hips tightened. That just turned me on even more.

"You will regret this, Angel."

"I will regret not doing this."