
UNTOUCHED (A Tale of Betrayal and Secrets)

Angel. That's what they call me. Captive. That's how they bred me. Unfortunate. That's what I am. Auction lot. That's what I have always been. Undefiled, pure, a perfect sacrifice for the greater good. I refuse to be one.

Author_kelly · Urban
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4 Chs


My eyes roamed the entire length of the night club. Anxiety rolled in waves all through me. But I have to do this. I have to get laid tonight. There's no other way.

But the problem is finding the right person who's not a freak in bed. I can't do this sober. I wave over the bartender.

"Get me the strongest liquor here. Keep the change." I slap the hundred dollar bill on the counter. He snatches it and goes off to get my drink.

I sigh for nth time, at my twisted fate. God, I wish I had a normal life like the people around me. Young and carefree. Not me.

A large glass filled with a golden coloured fluid appears in front of me. The bubbles at the top popping have me gulping hard. Can I do this?...

I have to. There's no other way. Get your big girl panties on.

I took a deep breath and grabbed the tumbler. In one breath, I downed it all at once. The burning in my throat has my face wrinkling up. My brain seemed to feel fuzzy.

A chuckle from a nearby source has me looking up. A handsome boy, around my age, is gazing at me with keen interest.

"What's so funny?" I say in an annoyed tone.

"Chill, girl. I just thought you looked cute." My cheeks reddened at the unexpected compliment.

"My name's Maxwell. You can call me Max."


"Carol, it seems like you're alone. Do you want to go dancing? Trust me it's fun." He seemed cute and well, I needed someone easy going to get my plan to succeed.

"Sure, Max."He extended his hand to me. I smiled and dropped mine in his. He tugged me to the centre of the dance floor. The booze had started to affect my body.

I laughed and giggled as he twirled me around. He had his arms around my waist and we swayed to the banging music in our own rhythm.

I snaked my arms around his neck, smiling in a daze. He inched closer to me. I thought he was going to kiss me. Instead, he bent his head and his lips made contact with my neck.

I shuddered at the giddy feeling that rushed all through me. That's how it feels to be touched by someone. Sensual. My arms tightened around his shoulder.

He sucked on my sensitive flesh, trailing his mouth up and down the length of my neck. A soft sigh escaped me.

He lifted his head and looked straight into my eyes. What I saw had to be lust. For me. I felt hot as my insides burned.

He brought his mouth near my ear. "Should we leave, Carol?" And licked my ear.

I nodded breathless. And he grabbed my hand and rushed us through the crowd. He turned the corner into an empty hallway that had doors lining the walls.

He pushed me against the nearest wall and his mouth was on my clavicle. His hand beelined up my thigh, nearing the hot flesh that begged to be attended.

Suddenly, the feel of his body on mine was gone. Empty, Needy and unsatisfied. I groaned and fluttered my eyes open.

"Max, wha-" I gazed dumbfounded at his lying form on the floor. I began lowering myself to check on him, but my upper arm was grabbed by a large hand. Tugging me so hard that I spinned on my heel to face the intruder.

"Time to go home, Angel." He knew my real name. My eyes go as wide as saucers.

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