
UNTOUCHED (A Tale of Betrayal and Secrets)

Angel. That's what they call me. Captive. That's how they bred me. Unfortunate. That's what I am. Auction lot. That's what I have always been. Undefiled, pure, a perfect sacrifice for the greater good. I refuse to be one.

Author_kelly · Urban
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4 Chs

Hot passion

He guided my hips and swirled them over his increasing mass. He seemed to grow bigger. A soft moan resonated from me.

"Take me. Tonight, I am all yours." I whispered, prodding him to go on.

"All mine." He lifted my hips up to gather the hem of my dress and up to my waist, revealing my bare ass. He sucked in a sharp breath.

"Fuck, Angel. You didn't put on any panties. So sure to get fucked tonight, were you?"Darkness pooled in his iris, heating me with just his gaze.

I shook my head in a yes. One hand still holding my hips, the other fussed with the belt of his pants, then the zipper. His hand disappeared in his boxers and came out with his thick, veiny, erect penis that had me gasping.

Maybe this is not the best idea. Not that I have any other choice. If I have to give my virginity to a stranger, It'd be my choice.

"Since you're so ready, let's get this done and over with. Right, Angel?" I was a little dazed but I had not even finished nodding when he slammed himself straight into me with a powerful tug on my waist, breaking the barrier open and stretching it to its seams. I clawed at his chest to ease the pain of the sudden intrusion. My insides burned and clasped the penis deadly in its hold. Too big, too full.

Tiny gasps escaped my mouth at the sensation as he began to lift my hips up and down to the hilt. The feeling of fullness, slowly becoming accustomed.

"You're so tight. I might just burst from the pressure." He groaned into my skin as he bit the skin of my neck, collarbone, shoulder, wherever his mouth could reach, guiding my hips at the same time.

He removed my strap with his mouth till one of breast came into view. He savagely devoured them increasing the building pressure.

I exploded when he tugged on my pointed nipple, swirling his tongue all around.

He lifted me up and twirled us around that I sat between his thighs and he stood over me. He fisted his length and pumped a few time before white liquid squirted out and on my bare chest. I was completely, utterly spent.

He packed himself and cleaned me up, covered me with his coat and drove me home. Just what I wanted, no strings attached.

Now my future husband will never have the satisfaction of being my first.