
UNTOUCHED (A Tale of Betrayal and Secrets)

Angel. That's what they call me. Captive. That's how they bred me. Unfortunate. That's what I am. Auction lot. That's what I have always been. Undefiled, pure, a perfect sacrifice for the greater good. I refuse to be one.

Author_kelly · Urban
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4 Chs


A nervous wreck. The perfect description of my current state. Shivers ran throughout my dolled up body. Picture-perfect. Nothing more they want to see. Beyond the facade, not their disquietude.

I still had those red marks, courtesy to that stranger who showed me heaven on earth, covered with foundation. Oh, how I thank the great inventor of make-up.

In a few minutes, I'd be marrying a complete stranger. Again, my life is invested with various of them. Even my own family can count as one.

"Time to go, sweetie." Mom felt a little generous today.

I walked behind her in my 10" heels, custom made to fit me like a glove. My father stood just beside the huge doors to the cathedral. I took a deep breath as I slipped my hand through his outstretched arm.

"Behave, or you know the consequences." Father said in a threatening low tone so that only I could hear his personal warning.

I nodded behind the veil frantically. I knew more than enough not to provoke him, 'cause like a parasite he knew the exact weakest point to attack and accomplish his mission without so much as a mark visible to the outsiders.

The doors opened to my doom and my hand tightened deadly around the dead organs of rose plant, bunched in my life, lifeless. How I would soon be.

At the other far end of the alter, I saw a glimpse of his form before I lowered my eyes. I am determined to not look at the face of my future tormentor till the very end of this madness. I refuse to acknowledge his presence in my mind.

Ignorance is bliss, right?

Goosebumps peppered my skin acknowledging his intent eyes, patiently waiting for his prey to be alone and vulnerable.

My father took hold of my hand, squeezed it a little to hard that I flinched a bit, and handed me over to the winning bidder.

"All yours, Rosenthal." Who even have such names in this generation?

I moved towards my self-created hell entrance with grace. I stood face to face with my very soon-to-be husband. I looked at his broad chest, surely muscular beneath the perfect fit.

I zoned out as the priest went on and on about the importance of marriage and union of two souls with their permission. Blah, blah.

"I do." Him.

"I do." I don't. Me.

"I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Oh shit.

My veil was liftled but I kept my gaze plastered, if any more intense, I would have burned a whole in his expensive tux.

My chin was lifted by a hand, his hand and the moment my eyes landed on his face, I stopped breathing.

It was him. The stranger last night who gave me such a memorable first time