
Until only ash remains

Lemonsoda82 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

For the couple of days it was the same routine wake up, eat , walk around the garden or library then diner, sleep. She saw no sight of him. Which she didn't really mind as she didnt want to do perform any marriage duties. She didn't want the nickname the nobles gave her to come true.

There were still no servants, I guess Its too dishonorable to serve a kaju princess turn slave. She continues her days without him.

Occasionally she would see a servant walking about in the garden but could never get a clear view of his face.

She had given the servant a name: Kieran, owing to his dark hair. She found herself trying to steal glances of him whenever possible. The isolation within the palace walls weighed heavily on her, and she feared that the absence of human connection would drive her to the brink of madness. At times, she even entertained the thought of engaging in conversation with the painted figures adorning the walls.

However, she couldn't help but notice that Kieran always kept his back turned to her, adding to the enigma surrounding him.

It becomes like a game to her on how close she could get to Kieran. Once he was right in front of her turn into a corner but he vanish. He was always out of reach. It keep her mind out of her darkest thoughts. If she died , maybe the treaty would be considered broken by Kaju and they would lay seeg to her lands and destroy everything.