
Until only ash remains

Lemonsoda82 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

The next morning, Hunger wake her up . She couldn't get rid of this strange feeling. It felt unsettling. In the Kaju, there had always servants waiting her, meticulously prepared and laid out her dress, yet she hadn't caught a glimpse of a single servant tending to her needs. She got herself dress into a simple grey gown and she strolled though the empty palace.


As she entered the dining room, a sumptuous meal awaited her, meticulously arranged on the table.

However, to her surprise, only one place setting was prepared. A pang of solitude and bitterness struck her, but she quickly dismissed it, resigning herself to the solitary meal before her.

"I suppose I'll be dining alone," she muttered to herself. " it's for the best." I don't think i would stomach eating with a killer.

she took her seat at the table, ready to partake in the meal, finding solace in the silence that surrounded her.

As the wine touched her lips, its familiar taste triggered a flood of memories from home. A bittersweet longing swelled within her, threatening to unleash a torrent of tears, but she held them back, refusing to show weakness. She knew she had to save her vulnerability for the solitude of her chamber. Silently, she savored each bite of her meal, the flavors a bitter reminder of the life she had left behind.

Once she had eaten her fill, she gracefully rose from the table, a glimmer of determination shining in her eyes. With a sarcastic smile and she raise her middle finger at the portrait of the prince hanging on the wall then left.