
Until only ash remains

Lemonsoda82 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

Basking in the gentle caress of the warm sun, she surrendered herself to the blissful tranquility. The soft grass cradled her body, while the delicate fragrance of flowers danced in her nostrils. It was an unexpected respite, a peculiar oasis amidst the chaos. Over time, she had begrudgingly embraced the odd arrangement.

Amidst the peacefulness, she painstakingly wove a flower crown, each delicate bloom evoking a wave of nostalgia. Her mind drifted to the memory of Freya, the youngest of them all, only eight years old. She smiled at it bittersweetly.

But the thought of crown prince—the one responsible—brought her remisting to an abrupt halt.

He killed her, he killed all of them.

In a fit of angry she throw the crown to the flower. What was she doing here? Freya and everyone was dead. Here she was living peacefully she would have rather died on the battle then continue with this shame. She need to gather her people and figure out a way to strike back. At the very least find out what happening to them.

The peace she had found in this gilded prison felt like a mockery, a cruel reminder of the guilt she carried.

She look at her hand. The flames leapt and swirled at her fingertips, their mesmerizing dance casting an ethereal glow upon her face. A sinister urge coursed through her veins, fueling a wicked idea that took root in her mind. What if she unleashed the destructive power of fire upon this garden, this palace, this entire kingdom? The thought enticed her, luring her with the allure of chaos and retribution. The mere contemplation of wielding the flames as her instrument of vengeance sent a thrilling shiver down her spine, awakening a dangerous exhilaration within her.

Who cares about this stupid treaty? Death would have been a kinder fate, she thought bitterly. But revenge, that was what she needed. Revenge for her mother, for Freya, and for all her people who had suffered and perished. The burning fire of their memories ignited a ferocious fire within her.

Consequences be damned, she would be the instrument of their justice, exacting her revenge upon those who had wronged them.

She quickly dispersed the flames, her power was too valuable to be squandered on something as insignificant as burning a garden.

As she did, she caught a glimpse of a figure watching her from the corner of her eye, but she paid it no mind. Would anyone even notice if she disappeared? This desolate place seldom saw any visitors.

The longing to escape intensified within her, fueling her rebellious spirit. She yearned to slip away silently, to seize control over her own fate.

She sank into the embrace of the solid earth, its unwavering support cradling her tired body


As sleep claimed her, a mysterious figure approached with silent steps, delicately placing the flower crown upon her head.

"Beautiful," he whispered in awe, his voice filled with both admiration and trepidation. His fingertips glided through her dark locks, studying every curve and contour of her face. She was breathtaking, a beauty that seemed to defy the world around her.

Perhaps he should allow her to unleash the destruction, he contemplated with a smile playing upon his lips. He had already succumbed to the depths of love for her, like a fallen soul lost in the throes of passion.

He would go to any lengths to capture her attention, to have her gaze fixated upon him. The playful game they had shared, a dance of pursuit and evasion, had provided moments of amusement, yet now a longing for something greater stirred within him. He yearned for a connection that surpassed the bounds of their game, craving a deeper intimacy. He look at her a moment longer then let out a deep sigh. He rise to his feet and silently departed.