
Until only ash remains

Lemonsoda82 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

They continued to walk in silence until they reached the palace of the crown prince. It wasn't what she had expected. From the outside, it displayed opulence akin to the other palaces she had passed, but inside it bore the desolation of abandonment. The air felt heavy and damp. She searched for any sign of servants, but found none.

"This will be your room," he said, his tone cool. "Dinner will be served shortly."

She remained silent, waves of mixed emotions crashing within her. There was something she wanted to ask him, to confront him about. But she held herself back.

"Thank you, but there is no need. I will retire for the night, Your Highness," she replied, the last part dripping with venom.

He took notice of her tone but said nothing. "Very well then, starve," he retorted coldly, turning on his heel and walking away.

She stormed into the bedroom, her anger fueling her actions as she slammed the door with all her might.


She cast her eyes around the room, taking in its modest and unassuming appearance. It was a far cry from the opulence she had expected. "Is this some kind of servant's quater?" she pondered, her mind swirling with questions. What was the meaning behind this peculiar arrangement? Marrying a hell hound was bad enough, but now it seemed that even the palace itself harbored a deep-seated disdain for him. A wry smile played upon her lips. "Just my luck," she muttered under her breath.

Determined to find some solace, she decided to immerse herself in a much-needed bath. As the warm water enveloped her, her thoughts became untethered, wandering through the labyrinth of her mind. In that moment of tranquility, a sudden realization dawned upon her with electrifying clarity—the crown prince's lofty title as commander held no sway here. Maybe he was abandoned just like her. She laughed at that the thought.