
Until only ash remains

Lemonsoda82 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: The Fall of Kaju

Chapter 1

The prison guards forced her to kneel on the cold throne room's floor. It was suppose to be a show of dominance to their newly defeated foe. However, it look ridiculous that such small woman had 5 guards surround her, their swords ready like she was a wild beast. Lailah gritted her teeth and then smiled. The look of defiance burning bright in her eyes. She wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth and stares daggers at the person in front of her.

The emperor examined her meticulously like she was a newly purchase beast of burden. A chill went down her spine but she didn't show it. She was young woman in her twenties. Her hair as black as moonless night paired with fiery amber eyes. Lailah was a sacrificial offering from her defeated kingdom. Legends has it that her people descended from might dragons, but what good was it now that her land laid to ruins, her people sold off as slaves, scattered to the winds? With their defeat, a new Kiesbal empire rose—his empire.

The Capital's nobility circled around her like a pack of wolves, sneering and taunting her. They gracious nicknamed calling her the Kiesbal's whore. Lailah continued to lock eyes with the elderly man in front of her, wispy gray hair clung to his weathered face. His face beaming arrogance at his new conquest. Lailah chuckled inwardly, she could easily rip out his throat. She dig her claws deeper into her palm to control herself. This was the man her father was so scared of. Pathetic. Dooming us and all of her people because of dying old man's greed.

Bastard she seethed silently, I will tear you apart to shred. Her glare intensified, a murderous rage burning in her eyes. I just need a single moment, baring her teeth at him.

A overwhelming pain washed over her from the slave mark etched into her back, a cruel reminder of her subjugation. Lailah continue to maintain a smug expression, yet sweat dripped from her brow.The treaty deemed her kind as too savage, leaving them with two choices: complete annihilation or slavery. Damn you, Father she thought bitterly. We could have fought until the bitter end. Anything would have been better than this humiliation. Her father, the king broken by death of his sons, signed the treaty, clinging to the desperate hope of mercy from the empire to preserve what little was left of their people.

"Princess Lailah of Kaju. It is a pleasure to finally met you. The tales of your beauty really are true.. Kaju's shinning gem. " his voice dripping with malice "You look well,"

"It's thanks to your majesty's kindness," Lailah retorted through gritted teeth, her gaze blazing with hatred..

"Excellent " he responded, a sinister glint in his eyes

The knights kept their sword points aimed at her, a silent warning should she dare to make a move. Good she thought. Fear me. It was the only advantage she possessed now. The people of this kingdom didn't know anything about her linage, only tales from old legends. If they had known they would have killed her along rest of her family. There was a pregnant pause as He waiting on her to respond, half expecting her to beg for life. .

She continued to stared him down like a beast on the hunt, though she knelt on the ground. In her eyes, he was the prey, not her. Just one moment and you will be dead she thought. A dark chuckle escaped her lips. For a brief second, she detected a flicker of fear in his cold, gray eyes, but it vanished as quickly as it had surfaced.

The emperor clear his throat and gesture to his son, the 5th prince Athtar, to step forward. The 5th prince embodied the capital's pride, emanating an radiate beauty. He had chestnut hair and strong jaw. His gray eyes mirrored his father' grey eyes.

Lailah fixed her gaze upon him seething. You… He was the commander caused the brutal deaths of her mother and siblings. He was the one who order her home to be burned down. Athtar bowed deeply before his father.

"My son," the emperor's voice boomed inside the throne room, "You have yet to be duly rewarded for your efforts.. ."

The crown prince remained silent, avoiding the piercing gaze of emperor. Emperor smiled broadly.

With a mocking sneer, the emperor declared "Allow me to gift to you Kaju's rarest gem." he said as he opens his arms towards her.

No! Lailah thought, not him. Bile rising in her throat. The 5th prince glanced at her with cold indifference.

"She's lovely, isn't she?"

"For Kaju standards, I suppose," he added dismissively.

I'm glad she meets your approval. You shall be married with the arrival of spring," he declared, his words laced with an air of finality.

"Yes, Your Majesty," he said, bowing even lower.

I'm to be married to the hell hound of Kielbasa, I would sooner slit my own throat than be wedded to the killer of my people.

"You are dismissed," he added "You may take your new fiancée with you."

Lailah rose slowly from the cold stone floor, carefully concealing the pain throbbing in her knees from being forceful throw earlier. .

Athtar turned abruptly, his gaze fixed on the ornate double doors and left without any acknowledgment to her.

she followed behind him, attempting to match his stride with an air of silent elegance.

The grand chamber was eerie quiet, broken only by the sound of their footsteps against the marbled floor.


As they traversed the corridor, a Lailah go lost in her thoughts. A storm raged within her mind. The idea of being bound to the very embodiment of her people's destruction filled her with a visceral disgust. I would sooner take my own life than submit to the union imposed upon me but before that…

The scent of ancient tapestries and polished floor hit her nose. I'm going to have fun she thought, a sinister grin curling her lips .In her mind eye, she envision a roaring fire devouring this palace, reducing it to nothing but smoldering white ash.