
Unrealistic Warfare

Ethan Turner, a teenage boy who had awoken from a Two Year Coma into a world of Monsters and dungeons. Somehow wakes up with a hidden weapon with a multitude of secrets, so now he has to face against the secrets of society as well as face off against Mythical Threats That Roam The Earth, All while finding out he is Half human - Half Vampire...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 19: Academy Preparation

The awkward silence between Alex and me still hung in the air as we left the room where Commander Lucas had delivered his ultimatum. There were questions I wanted to ask, feelings I wanted to express, but the weight of our shared destiny kept us both in a contemplative silence.

Finally, Alex broke the tension by taking a step toward me, her voice firm and commanding. "Come on, Ethan. We have things to do."

I nodded, appreciating her directness. It was clear that she was a woman of action, and there was much to be done as I embarked on this new chapter of my life as a Dagger.

We left the room and navigated a series of winding corridors within the Dagger Society's hidden headquarters. The layout was a labyrinth, designed to protect the organization's secrets from prying eyes. I couldn't help but marvel at the complexity of the structure and the meticulous planning that had gone into its construction.

Eventually, we emerged into a bustling underground marketplace, a stark contrast to the sterile, secretive corridors we had left behind. The shopping district was alive with activity, filled with Daggers and recruits bustling about, each with a sense of purpose.

"We're here to get you your uniform and choose your weapon," Alex explained, her tone matter-of-fact. "Your uniform will identify you as a Dagger, and your weapon will become an extension of yourself."

We made our way to a stall that specialized in Dagger uniforms. The merchant, a grizzled old man with a patch over one eye, scrutinized me with a knowing look as he selected a set of black attire. The uniform consisted of durable pants, a fitted shirt, and a cloak adorned with the emblem of the Dagger Society, a dagger encircled by a wreath.

As I changed into the uniform, I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging and purpose wash over me. It was a visual representation of my commitment to this new life, a life dedicated to protecting humanity from the supernatural threats that lurked in the shadows.

Once I had donned the uniform, Alex led me to a nearby armory. Rows of weapons lined the walls, each one gleaming with deadly potential. Daggers, swords, crossbows, and a myriad of other tools of destruction were on display.

"Choose wisely," Alex advised as we stood before the array of weapons. "Your weapon will become an extension of yourself, your most trusted companion in the field."

My eyes scanned the weapons, each one calling out to me in its own way. But then, a particular sword caught my attention. It was a finely crafted blade, its hilt adorned with intricate engravings. As I reached for it, I felt a strange connection, as if the sword itself had chosen me.

"This one," I said, drawing the sword from its resting place. It felt comfortable in my hand, as if it had always belonged there.

Alex nodded in approval. "A good choice. Now, let's head to the weapon choosing ceremony. It's time for you to be officially inducted as a Dagger."