
Unrealistic Warfare

Ethan Turner, a teenage boy who had awoken from a Two Year Coma into a world of Monsters and dungeons. Somehow wakes up with a hidden weapon with a multitude of secrets, so now he has to face against the secrets of society as well as face off against Mythical Threats That Roam The Earth, All while finding out he is Half human - Half Vampire...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 18: What Comes Next

The tension in the room hung thick as I awaited the commander's response to my agreement. His gaze remained unyielding, and for a moment, it seemed as though he might change his mind. But then, with a measured nod, he stepped closer and began to unfasten the restraints that held me in place.

The metal bindings fell away, and I flexed my arms and legs, feeling a rush of relief at the newfound freedom. The commander extended his hand, his expression still stern, but there was a hint of something else, perhaps approval or even begrudging respect.

"I am Commander Lucas," he said, his voice firm yet not unkind. He offered his hand for a handshake.

I accepted the gesture, grasping his hand firmly. "Ethan Turner."

The commander released my hand, his gaze unwavering. "You've made the right choice, Ethan. The Dagger Society is humanity's last line of defense against the creatures that threaten our world."

I nodded, my thoughts a whirlwind of uncertainty and determination. I had agreed to join their ranks, to become a Dagger and face the challenges that lay ahead, but the mysteries surrounding my mother, the vampire queen, still haunted me.

As if on cue, the commander began to explain what awaited me. "You will be trained in our elite Academy for future Daggers. There, you will learn the skills and knowledge needed to protect humanity from the dangers that lurk in the shadows."

I listened intently, the weight of his words sinking in. My journey was far from over; it was only just beginning, and the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty and danger.

"And you will not be alone," the commander continued, his gaze shifting to the doorway. "Alex will be your guide and mentor throughout your days at the Academy."

My heart skipped a beat as I turned to see Alex standing in the doorway, her expression inscrutable. We had shared moments of camaraderie and tension, but the prospect of her becoming my mentor in this new world was both unexpected and daunting.

An awkward silence filled the room as the three of us regarded each other. The tension between Alex and me was palpable, a reflection of the complex emotions that had colored our interactions from the start.

The commander broke the silence with a commanding tone. "You both have a role to play in our society, and you will need to work together to succeed. Trust is paramount, and the fate of humanity rests in your hands."

Alex's gaze met mine, her eyes betraying a hint of uncertainty beneath her stoic exterior. She nodded in acknowledgment of the commander's words, and I did the same, recognizing the gravity of the task that lay ahead.

With that, Commander Lucas turned and left the room, leaving Alex and me alone. The weight of our unspoken history and the uncertain future we faced hung heavily in the air.

I broke the silence, my voice hesitant but determined. "I didn't expect this."

Alex regarded me with a mixture of caution and curiosity. "Neither did I," she admitted. "But we have no choice now. We're in this together."