
Unrealistic Warfare

Ethan Turner, a teenage boy who had awoken from a Two Year Coma into a world of Monsters and dungeons. Somehow wakes up with a hidden weapon with a multitude of secrets, so now he has to face against the secrets of society as well as face off against Mythical Threats That Roam The Earth, All while finding out he is Half human - Half Vampire...

TheM337 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Chapter 20: Sword Ceremony

The atmosphere in the Dagger Society's training grounds was charged with anticipation as I entered the area designated for the sword ceremony. A platform had been set up in the center, and recruits and seasoned Daggers alike had gathered to witness the induction of a new member.

I walked with purpose, my new uniform and sword lending me an air of confidence that belied the whirlwind of emotions and uncertainty roiling within me. This was the moment when I would officially become a Dagger, a protector of humanity, and a member of this secretive society.

As I approached the platform, I noticed a stoic figure presiding over the ceremony, the High Commander, a stern and imposing leader who commanded the respect of all Daggers. He was flanked by several senior members of the society, their expressions a mix of authority and expectation.

The High Commander addressed the assembly, his voice firm and commanding. "We gather here today to induct a new member into our ranks, one who has shown exceptional potential and resolve. Ethan Turner, step forward."

I ascended the platform, standing before the High Commander, my sword gripped firmly in my hand. The moment was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking, a culmination of the choices and challenges that had brought me here.

The High Commander gestured for me to present my sword, signaling the official registration of my weapon and the acceptance of my commitment to the Dagger Society. I held the sword aloft, its blade gleaming in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the underground canopy.

But then, in an instant, something extraordinary occurred. My vision blurred, and a strange sensation washed over me. I felt a surge of power radiating from the sword, coursing through my veins like a torrent of energy.

My eyes, which had been a shade of light brown, transformed before the astonished eyes of the assembly. They glowed with a brilliant, otherworldly purple hue, the intensity of which seemed to defy explanation.

The sword I held seemed to have a life of its own, its blade emitting sparks of ethereal energy. It pulsed with an unpredictable power that defied my attempts to control it. Panic surged within me as I realized that I was losing control of the sword, and the situation was spiraling out of hand.

Just as chaos threatened to erupt, the voice of the dagger whispered in my mind, its presence a reassuring anchor in the storm. "Ethan, focus. You have the power to control this. Trust in yourself."

I took a deep breath, trying to center myself amidst the chaos. With the dagger's guidance, I focused my will on the sword, willing the unruly energy to submit to my command. It was a battle of willpower and resolve, a test of my newfound abilities.

Slowly, the sword's surging power began to subside, the brilliant purple glow receding until it settled into a gentle, steady radiance. I could feel the weapon responding to my command, its energy now under my control.

The assembly of Daggers and recruits watched in stunned silence, their expressions ranging from shock to awe. The High Commander's stern facade had cracked, revealing a hint of admiration beneath the surface.

With the sword now under control, I turned to the High Commander, extending the weapon toward him as a gesture of submission and acceptance. "I am ready to become a Dagger."

The High Commander accepted the sword, his gaze lingering on me with a mixture of approval and curiosity. "Ethan Turner, you have shown remarkable potential. Welcome to the Dagger Society."