
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


If I see a gentleman, my heart will stop


She was carried by the War Ghosts like a sack, not moving, not knowing whether she was dead or alive.

The great monk pondered for a while, then slowly laughed: "She is just a mortal, the war ghost clan also want to kill?

No one said a word, the War Ghost clan always only fights when they encounter enemies, if they can't beat them, they will die, they will never waste their words, the six of them wielded their long whips together and smashed at the place where the Great Monk was standing. The long whip is the most commonly used weapon of the war ghost clan, because of its flexibility and after-effects of the strange big, six long whip smashed on the ground, almost to the mountain to be overturned as if, the ground immediately a bout of trembling, turf dust rose up, obscuring the line of sight.

The big monk has long slipped to the side, saw Tan Yin was thrown on the ground, there seems to be a wound in the back is still bleeding, he hesitated for a moment, he was about to scoop her up, behind the wind suddenly came, his whole body suddenly turned into a group of golden light flashed away, only to see that the calf-thick long whip just smashed in the side of the Tan Yin, her whole body was bouncing up, and then ruthlessly fell to the ground and rolled around for countless rounds, and the large area of blood sprinkled on the ground!She was not sure if she would survive.

It's a pity to lose a beautiful girl like a flower, he sighed in his heart. Originally, he suspected that she had a different identity, and was afraid that the fox clan might have some mischievous intentions, but he never imagined that she would die like this, which is a pity.

The six long whips are like eyes, the sensitivity of the war ghost is simply terrifying, where he hides will be instantly found out. He has no doubt that if he were to be licked by the whip, half of his life would be lost. Last time he went to fight against Kuanzhaoyang, his right hand was lost with a casual swing of his halberd, but it's a good thing he's so good at escaping.

"Boom", another loud noise, a small piece of mountain forest was leveled. The monk continued to sigh, war ghosts war ghosts, listen to the name you know that people are good at fighting, and they? The Foxes, what the heck, I think it's weak, and he is also the foxes in the clan who can't fight, all day long to kill and kill, how not elegant ah.

He wanted to escape quietly, but there were six of them, so his hope was slim. He lowered his head and pulled the black silk glove on his left hand, it was inevitable that he would have to go on another killing spree today.

Although the war ghosts had a great power to kill, and this mountain was almost leveled, but the fox escaped even faster, and the long whip could not roll up to him in any way. The leader of the War Ghosts was slightly annoyed, they like to fight quickly and face to face, but when they encountered this kind of only run away, the depression in their hearts can be imagined.

Smoke and dust blocked the line of sight, that dead fox do not know where to hide, the war ghost sensitive ears can not be detected. War ghost armor long whip flat swing, cut off the smoke, the opposite mountain forest trees have been broken many, up and down, look around, no one.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly glimpsed a red light flashing on the left side, and there was a person's shadow, he immediately swung his whip in shock, but he realized that the long whip was grabbed by that person's hand without any effort, and he fixed his eyes on it, and sure enough, it was that fox monk, his soapy clothes were full of dust, and his head and face were dusty, and he looked very ugly, but he grabbed the long whip in his hand, and he smiled in a leisurely manner.

"Be careful, don't fall."The monk warned him with a smile.

War ghost armor shrinking pupils, was about to step to pounce on him, but unexpectedly the soles of his feet was suddenly nailed to the ground, he really fell down hard, surprised while looking down, shocked to find that the soles of the feet of a layer of ice, and this layer of ice from the ankles to the top of the rapid condensation, a moment of freezing of the two legs.

"Furry animal!"He cursed in horror, and tried to retract the whip in his hand, only to find that the whip cracked into several pieces - the whip was frozen! He tilted his head and let out a furious howl, but before he could make it out, his whole body was already wrapped in ice and he couldn't move.

Surrounded by five war ghosts have already heard the sound of movement, long whip interspersed with sharp wind sounds waved over, the big monk left hand on the ground lightly pressed, the whole person again turned into a group of golden light, blinking to the distance.

This kind of dodging and dodging behavior has long made people impatient, the war ghosts simply dropped their long whips, and pounced on the rich fragrance - there are fox clan people injured and bleeding will emit fragrance, that dead fox must be injured.

Gradually, the soles of their feet began to stick to the ground, until they could no longer move out, and then they realized that a thick layer of ice had formed on the ground at some point, freezing the soles of their feet and making it impossible to pull them out no matter how hard they tried. Worse still, the layer of ice was slowly freezing along their calves, causing them to feel paralyzed.

As the smoke gradually cleared, the monk's soapy robes were blown by the wind, and he stood in the distance. He was standing not far away. In front of him, at the edge of the forest. The area in front of him and up to the edge of the forest is covered with thick ice. Even Tan Yin was frozen in the ice.

The skin on his face was broken.

His mask was torn from his forehead to the corner of his mouth and hung down on his chin, blood staining half of his face. Blood stained half of his face. But the eye that showed was bright and shining. The narrow, upturned tail of the eye, the tail of the eye is narrow and upturned, and there is no trace of mischief in it.

By then the remaining five war ghosts had all been frozen in the ice, and only one had half a brain left. Only one of them still has half a brain left. Blood-red pupils stared at him, hissing, "What kind of demonic magic is this? Hissed: "What kind of demonic magic ...".

The great monk said lightly, "No one knows, and neither do I. No one who has seen it lives except me, and no one lives except Kuanchao Yang, so please go in peace, and I will pray for the blessing of the six of you."

I will pray for the blessing of the six of you." After saying this, he put his hands together and saluted in silence.

It was only then that the ghost realized that the black silk glove on his left hand had been removed at some point.

The back of his hand and his arm were dark red. He was about to open his mouth and scream. The next moment, the snow and ice covered him. He will be frozen in the ice for eternity. He could not turn around.

The monk closed his eyes and prayed silently. I don't know how long it took.

He slowly opened his eyes. He looked at the six warrior ghosts frozen in the ice. He breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, he thought of something. He let out a cry. He ran up to the ice and saw that Tan Yin was frozen in the ice.

The monk knelt down and touched her face through the ice. Poor beauty. She died with a face full of blood. I don't know whether she was disfigured or not.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I couldn't save you, but I'll come back in a few days to bury your bones and return to my hometown in peace."

On her bloodstained chest was a broken, colorful windmill. He gave it to her before. What a beautiful little girl, and she died by mistake. The monk patted the ashes on his body sadly and got up to leave.

Tan Yin slowly opened her eyes, and there was only one feeling on her body: cold.

She tried to move her arms and legs, but it was as if her body had been frozen and she couldn't move a muscle.

The sharp pain in her back and head alerted her to the fact that her body had suffered a fatal injury, and her left leg was insensible from the knee down, and she didn't know if it was broken or not.

She can't let this body die.

She opened her mouth and blew gently, and the ice that had frozen her body immediately shattered like powder, and she sat up with great difficulty, both of her hands seeming to be broken, and her fingers constantly wincing.

Both of her hands seemed to be broken, and her fingers kept wincing. Her forehead seemed to be broken as well, and the blood stained her vision so red that she couldn't see much of her surroundings, except for a vague sense of extreme cold, and there was ice everywhere she touched.

Ice ...

Suddenly, she realized what was going on, and with difficulty, she wiped the blood from her eyes with her sleeve and looked around.

A dozen feet around her body were covered with thick ice and snow, and it seemed that six people were also frozen in the ice.

This is not ordinary ice, perhaps no one in this world is more familiar with the power and dominance of the snow and ice than she is.

That was Taihe's hand. Tan Yin's mind was in turmoil. She stood up with a jerk. Her left leg immediately lost its strength. She fell down hard again.

Taihe ... She touched the cold ice with emotion. After five thousand years, I finally saw this dead sea of ice again.

It was quiet in all directions, only the mountain wind was blowing gently, Tanyin was saddened to see that the surrounding mountains were twisted and the forest was flattened.

The surrounding mountains were twisted and the trees were flattened.

Except for the six warrior ghosts frozen in the ice, there was no one around, and that cunning fox monk must have escaped in one piece.

She was too careless, after such an incident, how could she return to the big monk's side, how could she explain it clearly?

Tell him you didn't freeze me? Or am I lucky that I didn't die? Even a three year old wouldn't believe such a lie. Not to mention the fact that the monk is warm in face and cold in heart. He is smart and suspicious. But that's not the most important thing right now. Almost half of the bones in this body are broken. I don't know if I can use it again.

Tan Yin lay down helplessly and slowly closed her eyes. The broken forehead slowly closed. The fractured legs and arms are also slowly swelling. After a little more than half an hour, she slowly climbed up from the ground, except for the shocking blood on her face and body, she has completely recovered. She touched her heart, her chest was cold. This body is still dead, the heart stopped beating. Even if the body is repaired, it will begin to rot in a short time, and the scene will be very horrible.

Tan Yin let out a long sigh. She laid her hands on her face in exhaustion. Her whole body was covered in a cool white light. From a distance, she looked like a small, clear and delicate moon.

I don't know how long it took. As the sky darkened, Tanyin slowly got up and looked around. Looking around. This place has been through a fierce battle. The terrain has changed, and with these six war ghosts frozen in the ice, it would be troublesome if they were discovered.

She dug around in her Qiankun pouch for a while. She took out a small thing the size of her thumb. It was white and moist, shaped like a conch shell. This is the Linglong House she made when she was alive. Even my father did not have this kind of exquisite craftsmanship to make such a small house.

The house is thrown out and grows in the wind. In an instant, it swallowed up half of the mountain, and gradually became transparent, merging with the melting night color. By now the wind was still blowing, the trees were hidden, and the deformed mountains and the frozen bodies of the war ghosts had long since disappeared.

Tan Yin turned around and left. Suddenly, something colorful fell out of her arms, but it was the broken windmill.

She plucked at it, and it started spinning again. She remembered the first time she saw Taihe. He was sitting on the bank of the Tianhe River, playing with a similarly colorful windmill in his hands.

She remembered Han's tears when she left. If Taihe was awake, he would not have loved to see her in tears. She also remembered that she had been guarding the temple for 5,000 years, but she hadn't changed, nothing had changed.

She has not changed, nothing has changed. Tan Yin sighed. She raised her hand and threw the small windmill out.

The best of the best is in the middle of the world. I see a gentleman, I am happy and have manners. The boat is floating in the sea. If I see a gentleman, my heart will be at rest.

This is her choice. It was also the last thing she could do for him, although he always said: you are very good, very good to me. But she knows that she has not been good to him. She is really not very good to him, not worth him to say so.

The world is a troubled place. How many partings are there? How many times have we been parted? The two look at each other and do not keep each other. But she can do the most important thing for Taihe. She is already one of the lucky ones.