
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


I won't hurt you


When the monk returned to the inn. There were already two clansmen guarding the place, and they were all relieved to see him return unharmed. They were relieved to see that he had returned unharmed.

"Elder Tingxu has learned of Zi Fei's death, and it is fortunate that you were able to escape unharmed."

The two clansmen half-kneeled with expressions of awe. The great monk smiled: "If I can't get away with it, why am I here?"

The great monk had a strange character, and his moods were unpredictable. When he was good, he could talk to anyone, but when he was bad, he would not talk to anyone. Everyone knew about his problems, and the two clansmen were afraid to speak.

The two clansmen dared not speak at once. "Do these old men of Tingxu still not repent?" He said as he took off his dirty robe: "When we fight with the War Ghosts, today it's Zi Fei who dies, and tomorrow it's someone else. I think they will be satisfied if they all die together."

The two clansmen looked at each other, not knowing how to respond.

The great monk took his long tangled hair apart and combed it slowly. Suddenly he said: "Go away, I want to take a bath and change my clothes." Clan member A hesitated for a moment and said sharply: "Your Highness, the two of us were sent by Elder Ding Xu to assist you ...."

"Go back." He put down the comb and turned around, his face was expressionless, but his eyes were cold. The two clansmen were frightened by the look in his eyes.

"But ... The Clan of the Orange Lake ... Though it is said that they have been separated from Fangwai Mountain for a long time. But the deeper our clan balks with the War Ghost clan, all the clansmen will be trapped. Unity is the right thing to do. You have made a stand for them today. I don't think they'll refuse to come to Fangwai Mountain."

"Don't let me say it a third time." The monk interrupted him coldly. "Go back and tell Elder Ding Xu. Tell Elder Ting Xu that after my right hand was cut off, I'd like to ask him to fix it for me. I have returned the favor. What he does from now on is none of my business."

The two clansmen were shocked and lost their colors, they have been living in Fangwai Mountain since they were young, the rules of the old elders such as Elder Tingxu are simply iron laws in their hearts, and the big monk's actions can be considered as a deviation from the norm.

"But ..." Clan member A wanted to say. However, at this moment, the face of the great monk was as heavy as water. They were afraid, and after a moment's hesitation, they saluted and left.

Fighting all the time. As if the Foxes are really good at fighting. They are just using his left hand as a killing weapon.

The monk released a boundary to cover the inn. He lifted his hand and took off his fake face, revealing the bloodstained half of his face underneath. When he looked in the mirror, he saw that a bloodstain was torn open on his forehead. He didn't care, he pulled off his clothes and plunged into a tub full of cold water.

He was not in a good mood. Anyone who sees a member of his clan die in front of him will not be in a good mood, not to mention that Zi Fei was originally fine. He sent him to investigate Ji Tan Yin's identity in four different places, and it turned out that he was too suspicious. He was the one who sent him to investigate Ji Tan Yin's identity, and he was the one who was paranoid about her. She is also dead. Zi Fei's death becomes more and more unworthy.

When the monk Xin Mao was dying, he was the only one who was worried about him. He had been with Elder Ding Xu for a long time. He had done countless dishonorable deeds and changed too much. Elder Ting-hsu once said it was his destiny. After all these years. After so many years, that hand has finally reappeared in the clan, and he is destined to become the tip of the Fox's sword, cutting down any enemy without mercy.

The monk Xin Mao asked him, "Yuan-zhong, let me ask you this. Do you believe in anyone else in the world, do you still trust anyone in the world except yourself?"

He didn't answer then and still can't answer now. The monk Xin Mao said, "My people used to be so free ... Those were his last words, and he passed away.

The monk let out a small sigh, lifted up the cold water splashed on the face, leaning on the tub to take a look around. There was a teacup on the table, and at noon Ji Tan Yin used it to drink tea. In the blink of an eye, a human life is gone. Of course, he had a hand in this, and perhaps he would do it again, without hesitation.

But perhaps Zi Fei's death was so unjust that he felt a sense of guilt towards Ji Tan Yin. He's leaving. He didn't know what the monk Xin Mao's idea of freedom was, but if he stayed in Fangwai Mountain, everything would only get worse.

He took a towel and wiped his face. Just as he was about to get up, he heard a "click" on the window. Suddenly, the window was opened without a sound, and Ji Tan Yin, who should have been dead, came in through the window. Ji Tan Yin, who was supposed to be dead, poked half of her body through the window, but unexpectedly saw him leaning naked in the bathtub. Both of them were stunned.

Tanyin had thought of countless ways to explain the situation along the way. For example, I have a special body, so I didn't die. Or that I'm a craftsman, so it's useless to freeze me. But when she thought about it, only an idiot would believe these excuses. She had no choice but to ride the machine bird around in circles, thinking hard.

Is it possible to borrow another body? However, even though she had only spent a short time with the monk, she could tell that he was extremely suspicious. I'm afraid he would never use a maid, and the fact that he used her before is just based on suspicion. Even if she borrows another body and enters Fangwai Mountain without any flaws, she won't be able to catch half of his fox hair.

What's more, it was a coincidence that she was able to borrow this body. Where in the world are there so many coincidences? She couldn't think of any good plan even if she thought about it. So she decided not to think about it and went to see him directly.

The locks on the windows of the inn were as if they didn't exist to her, and she could open them with a thin copper wire. She didn't care about the fox clan's boundaries. She was prepared for the great monk to be away from the inn. She was prepared for him to be sleeping, or eating, or anything else, but she didn't expect him to be bathing.

His hair was still dripping with water, and his long eyelashes were covered with water droplets, shaking and trembling. The two eyes under his eyelashes were as clear as God's, with the ends of the eyes turned upwards. The skin on his face is extremely white, presumably due to the fact that he has been wearing a fake face for many years. Tan Yin suddenly understood why he had to wear a fake face, such a face, no matter who, after a glance, will never forget, that kind of cold and cold style, enough to make people crazy.

The great monk first looked at her with a fixed gaze. His eyes were stunned with surprise. But in almost an instant, his gaze turned colder than ice, and with a splash of water, Tan Yin was dragged by him to a stumbling half-plopped on the side of the bathtub, the window closed behind her silently.

His left hand was ungloved, less than half a point away from her neck. She could clearly feel the ghostly chill emanating from his fingertips. She didn't change her face. She looked up at him calmly.

"... What are you?" The great monk's voice was low, and he asked the question without any courtesy. He didn't believe that a mortal could survive, having her bones broken by a war ghost and sealed by his ice, yet she could appear in front of him unharmed. Was she possessed by some kind of demon? Or was it something else he didn't know?

He has met the demons that can't be killed. Those demons in the 24 caves of the Southern Barbarians, even if they cut off their brains and sliced them into pieces, they still can't die. But he has never seen a mortal who can't be killed, and he doesn't believe there will be one. Could it be that he was mistaken and Ji Tan Yin is not a mortal? But she really doesn't have any demonic aura on her. He didn't believe that he was mistaken either. He knew the difference between a human, a demon and an immortal very well.

Tan Yin thought for a long time before she said, "I am Ji Tan Yin."

The monk revealed an odd smile. Immediately after that, she only felt her whole body paralyzed for a while, and the thick layer of ice and snow sealed her almost in the blink of an eye. She sighed in the bottom of her heart, opened her mouth and blew gently, the thick layer of snow and ice turned into powder in a moment, and fell to the ground in a rustling manner.

She looked at him quietly and said softly: "I won't hurt you." After a moment's thought, she added, "And I won't harm the Fox Clan." The monk looked at her like she was a monster, not saying a word.

Until then, he realized that the girl in front of him seemed to be slightly different from what she once was, but he couldn't tell what the difference was, her nose, eyes and mouth were still exactly the same, and even her hair hadn't changed, but there was really something different.

In his memories, Ji Tan Yin seemed to be more like a mortal, with beautiful but lifeless eyes and a calm but slightly youthful demeanor, that of a real seventeen-year-old girl. Now her eyes are too bright, long ago memory, that pair of black jewel-like eyes flickered, he himself found it absurd.

He took a step back. When he turned around, the soap clothes hanging on the shelf flew in like they had eyes, and automatically attached themselves to his body, and when he turned around again, his face had already been replaced by a bland and uninteresting mask.

Tan Yin felt that she still need to say something, she thought of the big monk furious to kill her, also thought he would not hesitate to ask a bunch of questions, but he did not say anything, she instead did not know what to do.

"That ..."

She just opened her mouth, the great monk suddenly turned into a golden light, and disappeared in the guest room in the blink of an eye.

... He actually ran away.

The Great Monk was riding on the back of an Aurora Bird.

He was already in a bad mood, but now he was in an even worse one, with a series of questions and fear of the unknown locking him in place.

He was confident that there was no immortal or demon he couldn't kill, even the mighty War Ghost had to submit to his left hand, but why couldn't he kill Ji Tan Yin? But why couldn't he kill Ji Tan Yin? If he couldn't kill her, he had no choice but to leave. The great monk of the Fox Clan had never been in such an awkward situation.

Suddenly, he felt something wrong behind him. When he looked back, he saw Tan Yin riding on the back of a strange-looking machine bird, following him from afar.

The ghost will not leave him alone! What is she and where does she come from?

The monk took out a jade chess piece from his pocket. This is also a game piece that he touched from Tong Hua. He aimed at the chest of the bird. He narrowed his fingers and flicked the jade chess piece over. Only to hear a "music sound", the strange bird was probably damaged by some precise mechanism in its body, and fell down crookedly.

He breathed a sigh of relief, only to realize that his back was covered in cold sweat. He also laughed bitterly at himself, everything that happened tonight was simply ridiculous, was he having some kind of nightmare?

Not far ahead, golden light flashed. The monk recognized the boundary of the Fox Clan at a glance. This should be the place of the Orange Lake Clan. In this situation, the big monk's heart suddenly rises a sense of security of "finally arrived home". He couldn't help but laugh helplessly.