
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


I'll let you go to hell with your beloved today


Tan Yin withdrew her gaze, looked calmly back at the monk, and asked, "Why do you have so many faces? Or do you want to talk about your real face?"

He went down again, muttering: "This ... man and woman are not kissed, you a young girl must be more reserved."

Tan Yin did not pay attention to what he muttered, she was holding the curiosity of his face on the cart, but now she is not interested in his face, this new and prosperous town attracted all her attention away. She jumped out of the cart and looked around, not knowing where to start.

On the face of a rattle-playing hawker, carrying a wooden box half a person high, inserted with a colorful variety of small windmills and knickknacks, hawking along the way, Tan Yin's eyes were instantly attracted to the past, and could not help but walk up to the front, picked up his hanging on the wooden box with a bead strung carp carefully, and could not let go of the small carps.

"... You like it?" The big monk looked strange, this bead carp is neither exquisite, nor chic, can be seen everywhere, in the end how to get her eyes?

Tan Yin was so intent on enjoying those beaded knickknacks that she paid no attention to what he said. At the time she lived, the mortal world was not so prosperous, not to mention these interesting trinkets, even though the craftsmanship of the Ji family was superb, but no one would make these things. She saw a cute little fox on a red string and couldn't help but rub it in her hand.

When the vendor saw that she liked it, he laughed and said, "These are all handmade trinkets, they don't cost much, if you like them, buy one and I'll give you another one".

Tan Yin was indeed very moved, but suddenly her sleeve was gently pulled, and the big monk came over to her and looked at her expectantly, "Sister Xiao Ji, do you like foxes so much? I will change it to show you later, guaranteed to be a thousand times better looking than this one ...".

Without finishing her sentence, she walked away, her attention drawn to the clay figure maker on the other side.

When the vendor saw her walking away, he looked back at the monk and nodded slightly. The monk laughed and picked up the beaded fox that she had been fondling and asked, "How much is it?

The peddler smiled bitterly, but did not say anything. He took the fox and the carp off the string and handed them to him, and gave him a small windmill, and then left.

While blowing on the windmill, the monk crushed the carp in his palm, and a secret message lingered in his ears: "We've been investigating for a long time, but we've found nothing, and the girl's life is very strange, so let's continue to look into the matter.

He blew the windmill to spin around, slowly walked to Tan Yin's side, patted her, and laughed: "Little sister Ji, come on, let me give you a game."

Tan Yin obviously liked the windmill, the beaded fox she played with for a while and then put it into her sleeve pocket, but the windmill has always been held in her hand, gently blowing on it once in a while, watching it wobble and spin, colorful.

Holding his chin, the monk sighed as he slumped on the table, "Is this so much fun? You can see it everywhere. Only three-year-olds would like it."

Seeing that Tan Yin didn't say anything, he hurriedly added with a smile, "I'm not saying that Sister Xiao Ji is childish, but you have a childish heart, and I like you very much."

Tan Yin put the windmill away and took a sip of tea, then said, "Are you going to show me your real face now?"

The big monk coughed twice in an awkward manner, looked around, and said in a low voice, "There are so many people here, I'm afraid that if I show my real face, we won't be able to get away. Come on, let's finish this cup of tea first, then sister Ji will rest in the guest room for half a day, I will go to the city to look for a craftsman, my cart hasn't been repaired for a long time, and my bones ache from the jolting, let's go to the Orange Lake when the cart is repaired, that's the place of my clan, and it's quiet and peaceful, and I'll show it to you again, okay?"

Tan Yin did not comment on this, but got up and asked, "Is the cart downstairs?"

The big monk watched her go downstairs in dismay and wondered, "Where are you going, Sister Ji?"

"Fix the cart."Her answer was simple and clear.

Fixing a cart? Is she fixing the cart or smashing it? Seeing that his beloved cart was in danger of being destroyed, the great monk hurried to follow him.

His magnificent cart is parked in the backyard of the inn, and the men are taking care of it respectfully, not daring to be the slightest bit slow, even the four birds of paradise pulling the cart have had their feathers tended to, becoming more and more snow-white and handsome.

Tan Yin is bending down to look at the axle of the cart, and she has many small black hammers in her hand, tapping here and there. The big monk's heart was almost knocked out by her, and he hurriedly compensated: "Little sister Ji, how dare I trouble you with this kind of rough work ...".

Tan Yin straightened up, threw the small hammer toward a worn-out cowhide pouch on her waist, and said, "The center axle is cracked and crooked, so we need to replace it with a new axle."

The big monk's jaw almost fell, eyes staring at her waist that old cowhide pouch, half a day before saying: "... Qiankun bag?"

Tan Yin smiled faintly: "You also recognize?

She died early, although also expected to do their own four Qiankun bag will inevitably millions of people tend to like, but did not think after so many years, there are still people recognize.

The big monk blinked his eyes, and after a long time, the look of shock slowly faded, turned his eyes, and said, "Naturally, I recognize it, it is a rare treasure."

The Qiankun bag is an ancient Yuan craftsman made, how many made so far no one knows, he only knows that the palace of the Qiong Kingdom hides one, one in the War Ghost clan, there is also a rumored to have appeared in the east of the Great Kingdom of Yan, the rest of the rumors are false. Whose Qiankun bag is this on her waist?

"It's rare."Tan Yin was puzzled, she had always thought that after so many years, there must be someone in the mortal world who could make many more Qian Kun Bags.

The monk shook his head and changed the topic: "Sister Xiao Ji, do you know how to repair a cart?"

She blushed a little, "Not really, but ebony, though valuable, is not suitable for axles because it is hard and brittle. Why don't you replace it with a cypress axle, it's much more comfortable."

The big monk was silent, and after a few moments he laughed and said: ''Sister Xiao Ji knows so much, could it be that she has a rich family heritage?

Tan Yin shook her head in silence, "... Go find a craftsman to replace the axle."

The big monk was about to say something, suddenly heard the extremely distant eastern mountains from a burst of harsh hissing, his face did not change, turn his head to see, only to see the distant eastern sky a line of red mist slowly spread.

His face remained unchanged, and he smiled back and said, "I don't know how good or bad the wood is, but since Sister Xiao Ji does, why don't you come with me, okay?"

He didn't wait for Tan Yin to say anything, and dragged her to the carpenter's shop in the city, but he didn't know that the old carpenter was not there, and said he had gone up to the mountains to pick out wood.

"There's nothing to do anyway, Sister Ji, do we want to go up to the mountains to play?"The monk continued to look at her with expectant and glowing eyes.

For Tan Yin, going to the mountains usually had only one purpose, the same as the old carpenter's: to choose wood.

At that time, she was young, but young and old, unlike the other children in the family, up the mountain still know how to laugh and play, she always followed her old father, listening to him talk about the use of various kinds of wood. Later, when her father was seriously ill and dying, he was worried about her and said, "Tanyin, you have never played as freely as other children, and I'm going to go, so I'm not worried about you, but you're so young and old and withdrawn, how can you find your husband in the future?

She really hadn't had a good look at the scenery in the mountains. At that time, all she could think about was making things and nothing else.

Now she was riding on the back of an Aurora Bird, which flew very slowly, clinging to the tops of the trees, and several times the leaves brushed against her skirt, and in the distance the green mountains were shadowing the sky and the clouds were high, which was a scene that only existed in the realm of mortals. The big monk, also riding an Aurora Bird, followed her, chattering and yakking, not knowing what to say; he was always talking too much.

Tan Yin stopped at the top of a tree and bent down to scoop up a leaf to look at it, and the monk followed her, pressing himself against her and asking, "What kind of tree is this?"


The big monk stretched a lazy waist, laughed: "Why don't you just cut down this tree and take it to be the axle ...".

Before he finished speaking, he only heard a "whoosh" sound that cracked the air, the bird he rode on issued a cruel cry, and one of its wings was cut off, blood splattered, and it fell down almost instantly.

Tan Yin was shocked, and was about to look down to see how the monk was doing, when another strange whistle suddenly sounded under the tree. The bird she was riding on was attracted by the whistle and looked around in an uneasy manner, and suddenly opened its wings and flew in a flurry of chaos, and Tan Yin was almost overturned, so she hurriedly hugged it by the neck, trying to calm this panicked bird.

"Whoosh", there is a sound of air, but this time it is not in the bird, Tan Yin only felt a cold knee, followed by severe pain, she looked down, knee where I do not know what sharp weapon cut a deep and long mouth, blood has not yet been able to gush out. She was even more shocked, and looked around but saw no one.

Not allowing her to react, the sharp sound again, Tan Yin's back as if being poked by a knife, pain, she shivered, two hands can no longer hold the neck of the bird of paradise, body crooked, fell straight from the sky.

The big monk early in the bird was cut off the wings of the instant on the turn over and jumped down, to be light to the ground, suddenly saw the opposite tree tops there is a silhouette of a flash, he thought about it, but did not chase. When he looked up, he saw the bird that Tanyin was riding on flying randomly and flying away. He deliberately shouted, "Sister Xiao Ji! Don't be afraid! I'm coming!"

After saying that, he pulled his legs and chased after her, but how could he catch up with her, she flew away without a trace in a short while. The monk stopped abruptly, and the mountain breeze brought an elegant fragrance. His face was as deep as water, and he followed the scent slowly towards the east. Suddenly, he saw an extremely deep and wide pit on the ground opposite to him, as if it had been dug out by a giant.

The monk slowly walked over and looked down, only to see a red fox covered in blood lying at the bottom of the pit, long dead. Next to the body was a broken, half-half-high wooden box, with many beaded trinkets scattered all over the ground. The fox clan is good at making spices, the blood contains fragrance, the more blood, the more concentrated the fragrance, but the fragrance is gradually to be blown away by the mountain wind.

He let out a long sigh, hands together, towards the red fox's body silently salute, the red fox's body gradually became transparent, and finally transformed into a lot of YingYingWuXia light points, reluctant to surround his body, a long time before slowly dissipate.

This is the last message left by the clan. The big monk spread out his palm, and on it was a line of small, fluorescent letters: Encountered the remnants of the War Ghosts, six in number, report urgently to the Orange Lake for our clan to take precautions.

The big monk was expressionless, using his finger to gently wipe away the line of words, he slowly turned around, suddenly sighed again and said: "The War Ghost Clan has also learned to peep in the dark nowadays and attack in groups?"

After a long time, the forest slowly walked out of a few people, all dressed in black, face cold, each face pupils are blood red, and look at him in a serene way.

One, two, three, four ... The big monk counted, five war ghosts, no wonder this messenger s clan died so fast and so miserable.

The leader of the war ghosts coldly said: "You hurt my clan, the Lord of the Pangchao Central in the first, today I want to slaughter the fox of the Orange Lake, for the Lord of the Pangchao Central to avenge.

The big monk laughed silently, stroked his right arm and shook his head, "So it's for Zhaoyang, I also have a debt to settle with her. I was the one who sealed her in the ice, and my right arm was also chopped off by her, and it was easy to get it back, but I am still not good at it.

War ghosts face immediately changed, have heard that there is a fox clan of great monks, but did not think that in front of this inconspicuous person is actually him. On the side, there is a war ghost has long been unable to hold back, pull out the long whip on his waist, and smashed at his head.

The monk retreated a step, immediately smashed a big pit by his feet, he shook his hand: "Slowly, slowly, I'm a lazy person, you people are not all together, I will wait for all together and then kill together.

The leader of the war ghosts laughed coldly: "You can hurt the Lord of the Pillar, we do not dare to take it lightly, today and let you and your beloved one together to the Yellow Springs.

Heart, beloved? The big monks were dumbfounded, only to see two more people come out of the mountain forest, a person in black clothes with red pupils, is the sixth war ghost, and the ... girl full of blood carried in his hand is precisely Tan Yin.

Note: The entanglement between the two monks is described in detail in the book "A Good Match Made in Heaven".