
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


I'm so happy and surprised and shy ...


Death is cold, and after she died, her soul stayed with her, watching people bury her body because she vomited blood when she died, fearing that she might have some kind of disease, and she watched her body being burned to ashes, blown everywhere by the wind.

She watched her body being burned to ashes, blown everywhere by the wind. This is the punishment that only the worst offenders will encounter, and it is also the heavenly condemnation of the Ji family.

With a passionate pursuit of the Ji family's skills, she was unable to cross the Naihe Bridge, so she wandered around the Ji family's old house every day. She still has a lot of things she wants to do, and she doesn't want to die yet.

She could only stay in the old house, like this every day, floating on the chair she used to sit on, wanting to use her pen to draw out that one fantastic idea.

She didn't know what result she would wait for, maybe one day a powerful character would come to take her away as a haunted ghost, or maybe she could finally wait for the day of reincarnation on the Naiho Bridge, or maybe she would just float around like this forever with regret, holding on to her passionate heart and soul.

That was her last memory of the mortal world.


When Tan Yin woke up, it was raining heavily outside, she didn't close the window, and the ground was damp.

Now that she was a mortal again, only mortals could dream, and whether she wanted to or not, those old, yellowed memories still had to invade her at midnight, as if she were experiencing her thin life again in a dream.

Perhaps she was subconsciously looking forward to dreaming of that person, whose face and face she could no longer see, so even if it was a dream, it would be the ultimate joy if it could make her relive it.

I don't know why, but I suddenly remembered the monk's thoughtless words: "A girl should be weak.

She was always strong, she would not put anything on her face, she was cold even when she liked someone, she was afraid of being seen by anyone, she never called for help when she was afraid, she endured everything by herself. The man said: "You look too tough, I ... feel ashamed of myself".

If she cried in front of him, what would it be like? What if she revealed her weakness to him, what would he do?

The woman is accustomed to carrying everything on her own, and she has always longed for her heart to be as strong as her appearance, so that she would not have any expectations, nor any pain.

The rain outside the window did not tend to become smaller, Tan Yin went to the window, was about to close the window, suddenly heard a series of birds of paradise outside the pleasant cries, the golden light like a chip, silk countless sprinkles, almost a blink of an eye, a gold and blue brilliant carriage parked outside the window, light gold ancient characters in the car like water waves rippling ups and downs, calm and elegant aroma filled the nose- - This is the fox clan's air, the fox clan's air, the fox clan's air is the fox clan's air, the fox clan's air is the fox clan's air.-This is the style of the Fox Clan, and this is the first time she has seen it.

The cart curtain was uncovered by a hand with a black silk glove, revealing the face of a passerby with a clear soup, the big monk obviously changed his face again, this person really has a thousand faces and a thousand images.

Tanyin sighed slightly, "Get out of the way."

The big monk drilled back into the cart, and the next moment she floated in like a butterfly. The cart is very spacious, in addition to the soft cushions and futons for people to rest, there is even a sandalwood table, on which there is a glazed jar full of grapes, both green and purple, and the big monk picks the biggest and roundest grapes with great relish and throws them into his mouth to eat.

Eating grapes early in the morning? Tan Yin suddenly remembered the legend that foxes love to eat grapes, and couldn't help but smile in her heart, and her disgust for him also faded a bit.

The big monk saw her eyes always glancing towards the grapes, he was very petty, and hastily declared: "This is the breakfast of His Highness the big monk.

Tan Yin did not comment, she sat elegantly on the soft cushion, opened a corner of the cart curtain quietly watching the changing scenery outside. Suddenly, her sleeve was gently tugged by someone, and when she turned back, she saw two golden yellow sesame balls wrapped in greaseproof paper being brought in front of her nose.

The big monk looked at her with the hot sesame balls in his hand, "This one is yours.

Tanyin took it nonchalantly and suddenly smiled slightly at him, "Thank you."

The monk was so amused by her smile that his heart and liver trembled twice, and he smiled and whispered, "Sister Xiao Ji, girls should always smile, you look good when you smile."

Tan Yin still didn't comment on it, she gently bit into the mace ball and said lightly, "No one has ever seen your face, does it mean that no one knows your name either?"

He was obviously surprised for a moment, "You want to know my name?"

Tan Yin shook her head, then nodded after a while, "I'm just a little curious."

Curious as to why he hid himself so tightly, not knowing his face, not knowing his name, although he didn't quite understand how mysterious the identity of the great monk of the Fox Clan was, but looking at him, it was obvious that he wasn't the kind of person who needed to hide everything, so why did he have to make it so mysterious?

The great monk pinched a grape to play with, his fingers were born very long, knuckles are clear, but the fingertips are extremely clever, green grapes in the fingertips of the drip spinning, just do not fall down.

His smile was full, his eyes were bright, but his voice was uncharacteristically low and soft: "Sister Xiao Ji, it is said that when a woman is curious about a man, that is when she develops a good feeling for him, you quite like me, right?

Tan Yin looked up at him as she bit into a ball of marijuana, he was obviously smug, his face was covered in peach blossoms, and the grapes were flipped from his right hand to his left hand, and then flew back to his right hand from his left hand, and he was having a great time.

"What do you think?"She asked coldly.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch," the big monk covered his face, very shy, "I'm so happy, so surprised, so shy ...".

To get along and communicate with this person, we must cultivate the spirit of calmness that is as if we are not seeing anything, and we must pretend not to see all of his abnormal behavior, otherwise we will lose our mind and do terrible things just like Tong Hua.

"But even if sister Xiao Ji likes me, I can't tell you my name."The big monk sighed and winked at her, "My name is also priceless."

Tanyin took a deep breath, and his chin nodded towards the grapes in the glazed jar, ''If you are restless again, don't even think about eating one of the grapes there.''

He circled the glazed jar in his arm, and really shut up, shut up no more, until the car landed and did not say anything again.

He circled the glazed cylinder in his arm, and really shut up, shut up no more, until the car landed and did not speak again.

The bird pulling the cart was several times faster than the ordinary beasts, and before noon it had already reached a thousand miles away. Tan Yin see outside gradually have people, no longer miles of mountains and forests, can not help but stare at the outside to see out of focus.

She only lived seventeen years, from birth to death, a lifetime have not left the Ji family ancestral home within a radius of 100 miles of the place, and then ... later is not involved in the mortal world half a step, outside of everything is still fresh to her.

Look at the cart window outside the scenery dark change, first there are only a few small farmhouse village, cooking smoke straight up, like white smoke made of dragons, and then there is a small village and town, selling colorful small windmills of the old man in the hands of so many windmills, like a flower as colorful, and then passed by. Finally came to a huge prosperous city, the bird of paradise flying slower and slower, lower and lower, street corner jugglers, several children under the age of ten, one after another to flip over the head, the sound of gongs and drums ping pong bang loud; street casino surrounded by a lot of people, making a lot of noise, probably a gambler lost all the money to be beaten out of the house; across the street there is a sale of fried bean curd, the green smoke with smoke and fire by the wind to blow away.

Tan Yin couldn't take her eyes off the road, this was a town she had never been to before, the style of the houses, the colors, and even the way the people dressed were all very different from what she had known before, and she found it interesting and new.

The cart stopped, all the people around avoided in awe, although it is said that nowadays people, demons and fairies mixed, but the use of birds of bliss to pull the car is so grand really rare, maybe it is a great immortal of the mountain, can not be offended.

The big monk looked at Tan Yin, she is still staring at the outside, across the street is just the most ordinary store selling pottery jars, she can look at it with great interest for such a long time, is it that new? He usually go out to do his business, rarely so big occasion, outside the dragon and snake mixed, out of the limelight is to find trouble for themselves, he saw Tan Yin look happy today, will deliberately drive the cart into the town, she actually did not find half of the wrong, he could not help but ponder.

He can't help but ponder, "Let's find an inn to stay in."He finally opened his mouth to speak, and once he did, he was quite unorthodox, "I have been looking forward to the opportunity to live in an inn with a beautiful sister, Xiao Ji sister, do we want to have a candlelight night talk tonight?"