
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


I don't know why, but he's suspicious of Tan Yin


The big monk was laughing in the pond, splashing water everywhere, not feeling ashamed at all. But the maids on the shore panicked and tried to pull him up, but he was having fun, splashing water on whoever came near, and splashing everyone like a chicken in soup.

A few new small maids have never seen this battle, scared to lose color, and suddenly remembered that the big monks have a maid still aside, rushed to find Tan Yin, one of them is almost horrified to cry, tugging Tan Yin's sleeve choking: "sister look ... you see how to do this? If the other immortals see this, will we be kicked out?"

Tan Yin patted the back of her hand and softly said, "No, don't worry."

She walked to the shore and bowed in a gentle manner, saying, "Your Highness, please come to the shore to undress."

Before she could finish her sentence, he poured a handful of water over her head and half of her body got wet. The big monk smiling in the water crooked head to look at her, eyes full of urge narrow: "small Ji, day so hot, come down to the water to play."

... Chick? What kind of name is this? This big monk His Highness is not too immortal! The maids were indignant.

Tan Yin didn't even move her eyebrows, the water droplets fell down her chin on her clothes, she didn't wipe it, still said softly in a gentle manner, "Your Highness, please go ashore to loosen your clothes."

The great monk sighed: "In this case, you come down, I will go up."

Tanyin didn't move and only looked at him quietly.

The big monk made a funny face at her and laughed, "Come down quickly! Do you want me to play a face changing game for you?"

He wiped his hand on his face and instantly changed his face, which was still featureless, but very different from the previous one, and then he wiped it again, and it was a different face again. He changed more than ten faces in one breath, but actually there is no duplicate, each and every passerby, not only the maids on the shore, even Tan Yin looked a bit dumbfounded - how many masks he wore on his face in the end?

"Ji, do you want to see my real face?"The big monk himself is playing with great interest, in the pond pouncing all over the place, look up to her smile, plain eyebrows, but there is no reason to give birth to a charming color.

He said, "Come down and I will show you.

Tan Yin did not react, but the other maids were secretly excited, no one has seen the real face of the great monk, every newcomer to Fangwai Mountain, will be cheated by his various masks. Some people have asked other immortals what the big monk looks like, and even asked Tong Hua, but even Tong Hua shook his head and didn't know, no one has seen his real face in the big Fangwai Mountain, and he protects himself really tightly.

Seeing that Tan Yin did not move, he could only sigh again: "Well, I'm going to take off my mask, I don't believe that you are still so stubborn after seeing my face.

The maids held their breath as they watched him raise his hand and slowly lift a very thin layer of mask from his chin. He made a gimmick out of it, deliberately removing it so slowly that it took him half a day to reveal his chin, which was as clean as jade and beautifully shaped. Slowly, it was the lips, the bridge of the nose, all of them were beautiful, while the mood of the maids stirred, but at the same time, they vaguely felt that there was something familiar.

The big monk raised his hand, the whole mask was removed, the sunlight fell straight onto his face, and the beautiful scenery in the garden was dimmed, the maids kept their mouths shut in shock, and no one spoke for a long, long time.

The monk stroked his chin and smiled, "How is it? Do I look good on this face?"

The small maid who was dumbfounded at the side weakly pulled the sleeve of the person next to her and asked softly, "Is ... that the face of Lord Tang Hua?"

The big monk's ears were sharp and he heard her words and hummed: "I'll tell you a secret, that face of Tang Hua is a copy of mine."

Seeing his flippant speech and mischievous behavior, the little maids were not afraid of him anymore, and one of them dared to say, "I'll be damned if I believe you!"

The monk laughed, rubbed his fingers on his face, and in the blink of an eye changed his face to that of a passerby. He winked at the little maids: "The face of His Highness, the Great Monk, is a priceless treasure that the little girls cannot afford to see.

The maids saw that although he was frivolous, but his behavior was not disgusting, not to mention that the face of the passerby is a fake face, can not be seen to have more room for imagination, they all can not help but feel close to him, and for a while they could not leave, a person in the water, a group of people on the shore, laughing and joking is quite lively.

Tan Yin saw this trend, it is estimated that without an hour is not going to move, she simply hand satchels on the shore side of the green stone, sat down gracefully, one side to watch the scenery and wait for this big monk nonsense on the shore.

The big monk inclined his head to joke with the little maids, but out of the corner of his eye, he looked at Tan Yin, half of her body was still wet, a few strands of her long hair were sticking to her cheeks, her whole body was hidden in the shadow of the trees, a quiet and lonely look.

Yesterday, when Tanyin arrived at the Hexagonal Palace, a brief summary of her life story reached him at the same time. The fox clan has been in existence for nearly ten thousand years, and if they were not a bit vigilant, they would have been wiped out a long time ago. I don't know why, but he was suspicious of Tan Yin, her attitude was too open, her behavior was too quiet, seventeen years old is not a big age, although it can't be considered small, it shouldn't be her like this.

But her life really can not find the slightest doubt, born in Yuan City, parents died early, was raised by her uncle and parents, early this year, her uncle and parents also passed away due to illness, so she came to Fangwai Mountain. About her parents, including uncle parents, and even ancestors have been checked, there is no doubt, she is really the most ordinary family of the most ordinary girl.

The first thing I want to say is that I don't know what to do, but I do know what to do.

Sunlight gradually slanting west, the pond side of the maids gradually dispersed, after all, they came to Fangwai Mountain is to do things, not to commit nymphomania, occasionally steal time to look at the beauty of the Immortals is normal, all day to steal a look is really stupid.

The noisy Pinewood Pavilion quieted down, only the sound of water gurgling.

The big monk put his wet hair behind his ear and waved at Tan Yin in the water, "Xiao Ji, I have been soaking in the water for more than an hour, can you bear it?

Tan Yin got up, patted the dust, and continued to salute, not even changing a single word of what she said: "Your Highness, please come ashore to loosen your clothes."

There really are such boring people in the world!

The monk huffed and puffed as he swam to the shore and glared at her, "Is that all you can say?"

Tan Yin thought for a moment and changed her words to, "Please come ashore to loosen your clothes, Your Highness, the Great Monk."

He didn't know whether it was better to jump ashore in anger or to roll in the water with his belly in his hands and laugh. After holding his breath for half a day, he let out a long sigh, looked up at her with his chin propped up, and solemnly admonished, "Ji, let me tell you, if a girl is too boring, men won't like her, especially if she's like you. Forget it, help me to the shore."

He held out his hand and made a gesture to come up.

Tan Yin held his arm respectfully, but unexpectedly he suddenly grabbed her wrist with his backhand and pulled her down, Tan Yin was unsteady and could not let out a cry of surprise before she was pulled down into the pond with a plop, splashing water in all directions.

The big monk laughed and clapped his hands, saying, "The water tastes good, doesn't it?

Tan Yin floundered in the water like a panicked cat, she didn't know how to swim! She can't swim! The pond is so deep! In her panic, she grabbed both hands randomly, the shore is not far, but for her, a dry duck, flopping randomly does not allow her to reach the shore, but instead runs further and further away, but this pond does not know how deep, she will float up, and then sink down to eat water, her feet can not reach the bottom at all.

The big monk didn't seem to want to help at all, he smiled as he watched Tanyin struggling hard in the water, and finally sank, leaving a long string of bubbles on the surface of the water.

Aigoo, aigoo, will people die? He leaned against the rocks on the shore, looking at the gradually calming water, she did not seem to float up again, is it really sinking? At least she is a beauty, after drinking a bellyful of water and drowning to death, I'm afraid it won't be very pretty, but it's a pity, a pity.

He dived down silently, and saw that Tan Yin was still struggling weakly in the water, and did not know how much water she had drunk. He swam over and grabbed her back collar, her wandering hands can finally touch something, and immediately grabbed on to it, the big monk lifted her up to the surface quickly, his clothes were almost torn by her, the drowning manpower is particularly strong, she was strangling his clothes, strangling him also almost out of breath.

「Let go of ...」The big monk's face turned blue, 「I'm going to be strangled to death by you.」.

I don't know if she can hear, he lifted her to jump on the shore, Tan Yin hands and feet feel is solidly on the ground, suddenly all the body soft paralyzed, open mouth vomit, spit out a lot of water, gasping almost died.

In my ears, I could faintly hear the monk saying, "Why are you so strong? Would it kill you to scream for help?"

The culprit had no right to say that! Tan Yin coughed so much that her eyes turned red and she stared at him.

The big monk looked at her and said lightly, "Girls, it's better to be weak sometimes, no matter what you give a little reaction, who are you going to show your dead face to?

It seemed like someone had said this to her before.

Tan Yin coughed viciously, finally calmed down, she slowly sat up, slightly arranged her wet hair, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Your Highness, please go back to the Hexagonal Palace to relax your clothes."

The monk glanced at her and did not move, his demeanor was cold, ever since I met him, he only smiled or laughed, or he was just fooling around, this kind of cold expression had never appeared before.

Tan Yin hesitantly raised his eyes to look at him, his soap clothes soaked through, hair messy paste on the face body, but also dripping down the water, think she herself is not better.

Thinking of him pulling himself into the water, letting himself struggle and flounder but doing nothing, her anger gradually rose, it has been many years since anyone dared to tease her like this. But she couldn't be angry. She had to be patient. His black silk gloved left hand was soaked through, and he didn't seem to have any intention of taking it off to wring it out.

Tanya looked at his left hand and slowly her gaze softened.

She'd gone through a lot of trouble to get here, and nothing was going to move her anymore.

"If you're not going, I'm going."She stood up and turned around, "I don't care if you sleep in the water for a year."

She did not walk a few steps, but there was a sound of footsteps behind her, and the big monk really came after her with a smile on his face, tugging at her sleeve and gently shaking it: "Sister Xiao Ji, I was wrong, I was just joking with you, don't be angry. Come on, smile."

Tan Yin looked at him with amusement, there really is this kind of rascal in the world who can change his face as easily as he can eat.

"Smile, smile!"He was still fooling around.

Tan Yin really smiled, her brows spreading like a white lotus blooming quietly.

"Stay away from me," she said, her voice soft and soft, her words unpleasant, but her tone not at all like a scolding, "Stay away, you rascal."

The monk fell to the ground in a state of shock, and she laughed even more, walking and laughing like she had never laughed before in her life, and even she didn't know how long she was going to laugh.