
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Yuan Zhong


Tan Yin's brow slowly furrowed as she felt a twinge of disgust at the goddess Han''s bland tone of disdain for human lives.

"If Tai He were awake, he wouldn't like this." Her voice was cold.

"If you don't care about Tai He, that means you don't object to me doing it either." Han held her hand with a smile, "I know you're more anxious than I am."

Tan yin slowly pulled her hand back, turned her head, and said coldly, "I object, I will not let you kill the Great Monk."

Han's expression changed subtly, and after a while, as if she came to a realization, she wondered, ''Could it be that you have a soft spot for the monk of the Fox Clan?Why are you so protective of him?"

Tan Yin's frown deepened, "I don't want to talk to you about this. Your body has become like this, so you can only seal it all into the divine crystal, so that you can last until Tai He wakes up, and then we can think of a solution together. You don't have to be in such a hurry."

As if she hadn't heard, Han laughed and said, "I always thought that you were infatuated with Tai He, but I never imagined that I would be wrong."

"That's enough! Tan Yin sank her face and looked at her angrily.

Han smiled in disbelief: "You hate me for stealing Tai He, I know, but you don't have to make it difficult for yourself to get involved with the lower realm immortals, for it would not be a loss of your status as Goddess Wushuang.....".

Tan Yin raised her hand and looked at her fixedly: "You can go on."

There is a small golden seal in her palm, and her divine power is bursting, not to mention that Han's body has already started to dissipate, even if it hasn't dissipated, this seal can also slap her to enjoy the pain of her soul being scattered.

Han's face does not change color, look at her hand seal, and then look at her cold as frost face, her eyes suddenly flashed a touch of strange fanaticism.

"... Well, it was my mistake." Han softly apologized, "push you this little fool anxious, but not good."

Tan yin put away the seal in silence, the Han woman's words made her feel uncomfortable, she didn't like the condescending tone in her voice, treating the great monk as if he was dust.

But in fact, she herself was not looking at the great monks as if they were dust at first. Han's words pierced the shadow in her heart, and she suddenly felt regret for her own frivolous arrogance.

Even though he knew that she came from a strange place and her purpose was unknown, the monk still allowed her to follow him. Although his temperament is even more eccentric than Tai He, sometimes happy and sometimes angry, so that people can not understand the brain, but at least he is open and honest, laughing and swearing in a natural and sincere, even if he knows that he will die, but also want to put the sharp edge in front of her, he is in fact, than her this malicious goddess much stronger.

「...Don't say something like that next time." Tan Yin took a deep breath, "Alright, I'll go find the divine crystal to seal your body for you."

The Divine Crystal is the most precious treasure in the Divine Realm, it is very rare in quantity, Tan Yin utilized the privileges of the craftsmen to hoard a lot of it, but after sealing Han's body for her this time, the remaining amount was only enough for one person. She took the box full of divine crystals and glanced back at Han. After some thought, she decided to take all the remaining divine crystals with her, so that Han wouldn't take them and do something strange with them.

"... Tai He will be sad."

Han watched her sealing her own body, and coldly came out with a sentence without thinking.

Tan Yin did not speak, as if she did not hear.

Han looked at her back, and after a long time, she softly said, "I will also be sad."

The movement of Tan Yin's hands stopped for a moment, but soon continued to seal fluently.

"You confirmed that Taihe's left hand was in the Fox Clan three aeons ago. Why didn't you go there for so long?"

Han didn't mind her silence and asked in a low voice.

Tan yin said faintly: "It's because I've been quiet in the lower realms. Is that why you've been visiting me in the mortal world for the past three seasons?"

If the immortals and demons in the mortal world knew that the so-called opening and closing of the sky was just a goddess releasing her divine form to look for someone, I wonder what they would think.

Han smiled narrowly, "I know everything about you, just think that I don't worry about you, I know you won't believe it. I know you won't believe me. Now answer my question."

Tan yin shook her head, she didn't want to talk about it.

The days before Tai He fell asleep, due to the failure of God's power, almost do not go out of the house, Tan Yin did not go to look for him, perhaps she acted a little more generous and cheerful, everything will be different.If she wanted to make Taihe smile, she should have gone to him as before, and the three of them should have talked and laughed as before. What's more, she should have expressed her heartfelt blessing to Tai he and Han for being together, as the God Realm is vast and cold, and it's very blessed to have a companion.

But she just didn't want to go, and even when she saw Tai he's figure from afar, she would silently avoid it. She pondered for a long time in her messy shrine, picking up the most familiar wooden whip to rivet, but she didn't know what to do at all, obviously there were so many things she wanted to do before, but now her mind was just blank.

When she had been staring blankly at her small wooden rivet for several days, Tai He suddenly arrived.

He came without a sound, and Tan Yin looked back to find him, standing behind her for who knows how long, looking calm.

Almost subconsciously, she ran behind the pillar, revealing only a pair of eyes, staring at him in shock and bewilderment. She didn't want to see him, she wanted to leave, but there was no place to go, she was just like a rivet in the way, nailed behind the pillar.

Tai He suddenly laughed, and in her stunned gaze, as he laughed, he sighed again.

"Tan Yin, I'm sorry." He apologized in a low voice, "Don't take what I said last time to heart."

He called her Tan Yin, her name when she was a human being. Before that, he had always called her that, and then at some point he started calling her Wushuang, just like the Han woman. But now he's calling her Tan Yin again.

Tan Yin slowly moved half of her body out from behind the pillar, and still didn't say anything, only looked at him.

Tai He quietly gazed at her, she could not understand his eyes, as if very sad, but also with determination, he never used this kind of eyes to see her.

"He had never looked at her like that before. ... I hated you. But the Ji Tanyin who can still make things is the Ji Tanyin." he whispered.

He said in a low voice, and then suddenly turned around and left, "Farewell, Tan yin."

Tan yin carefully pondered his words, but only a blank. When she left the temple again, Taihe had already fallen into a deep sleep due to the exhaustion of his divine power, and it was she who sealed his body into the divine crystal.

The words he said before he left made her think for many years, many years, the tree of longevity on the bank of the Heavenly River blossomed and bore fruit five times, as if she had realized what was going on, she suddenly awakened to the feeling of powerlessness and loss in his words.

She had been a human being for seventeen years, her soul had wandered around the mortal world for hundreds of years, and she had become a heavenly god for more than 5,000 years, and she had always been proud of her incomparable craftsmanship, yet once she was denied by Tai He, she could no longer make anything.However, Tai He's words before he left made the ashes in her heart flare up again.

She vaguely understands his words, and has been living in seclusion near the Ji family's ancestral home for three aeons, just wanting to get back to the Ji Tanyin who loved to make things. The God of Heaven once told her that a sincere observer becomes a god, and a paranoid observer becomes a devil, and she became a god with her sincere obsession, so she can't give up.

She didn't want to tell Han that she was no longer close to her, and she even rejected her.

"It's done." Tan Yin took off the dragon skin gloves, wiped them clean and threw them into the dry kun bag, and looked back at Han, who was also looking at her quietly, with a deep gaze that could not be read.

"I'm leaving, you'd better not make another move against the Great Monk." Tan Yin thought for a moment and then added, "Next time I won't be so polite."

Han smiled faintly, "I know that you are doing all this for me for the sake of Tai He. But I want to know, if I don't do as I am told, what are you going to do to me?"

Tan Yin frowned, then slowly loosened her frown and said coldly, "Break the divine crystal and let you live and die on your own."

Han laughed: "How terrible, you have actually gained a temper after all these years in the lower realms."

Ignoring her, Tan Yin turned around and walked away, Han said behind her, "Wushuang, do you hate me?"

Her steps stopped for a moment and she continued on.

"Wushuang, I will always be watching over you." Han's gentle voice was thrown far behind her, and without looking back, she left the cold divine realm.


When I returned to the mortal world, the sky was still bright, and the great monk was sleeping on the bed of the inn, not yet awake.

Tan Yin sat by the bedside and looked at his sleeping face, this trip back to the divine realm, it seems like many years have passed, but in any case, the great monk did not have anything happen again, great.

Tan Yin looked at his face, looking, looking, looking, looking, suddenly could not help but reach out and gently touch it, in the edge of his chin and touched a thin layer of skin, she gently uncovered - underneath is still a fake face skin.

She continued to uncover, one layer, another layer, another layer, and then she uncovered more than 30 layers, and looked down, feeling that there are still a lot of samples.

His face skin can also be regarded as one of the magic weapons, Tan Yin emotionally looked at the hand of those exquisite fake face skin, the next person can never unveil his bottom of the fake face, but only he himself, once the mortgage can reveal the real face, this hand she really has not seen.

Tan Yin full of research enthusiasm to look down to continue to look at his fake face skin, with a hand gently dial, feel feel up several layers, is going to unveil, wrist was suddenly held by someone.

"... Hairy hands and feet, what are you doing?" The monk opened his eyes and looked at her with a smile.

Tan yin waved her hand and said, "How much fake face skin do you have on your face?"

How thick would that face skin be if it was all on?

The monk moved his body and felt that the wound on his chest did not have any feeling, as if he had not been injured at all. He rolled his eyes, then looked at Tan Yin's eager eyes, and suddenly smiled.

"You want me to take off my mask?" he said. His voice was tight.

"I'd like to know what you're doing to keep so many cheeks on your face, but you can't tell." Tan Yin said honestly.

"It's nothing more than an unimpressive little immortal spell."

The monk did not take it seriously and suddenly raised his hand and removed the fake face, revealing a slightly pale face.

Different from Tang Hua's compelling style, he has clear eyebrows, lips pursed, appearing cold, at first glance some not too close to, but his eyes were born too good, clear as God, hidden inside the unknown smile, and his eyes on, it will be difficult to leave again.

"How is it, handsome?" The monk cupped his chin and asked her proudly.

Tan yin smiled faintly, "Your Highness, how do you feel? Are you feeling better?

The great monk did not answer, but inclined his head to look at her.

She ... seems to have changed a little bit, what is the reason? Should not be his illusion, always feel that her eyebrows and eyes and the feeling around her body is less and less like the beginning of the Ji Tan Yin, he can not say what specific difference, but all his perception tells him that she is different from before.

He touched the spot on his chest where the wounds should have been strewn across, but now not only did it not hurt at all, it seemed that even the scars were gone.

He remembered the day when the war ghost had almost shattered Ji Tan Yin's body, but she appeared in front of him at night without a scratch, and from then on, her spirit was very different from before, and today, this feeling is even more obvious.

"... You healed my wounds?"He suddenly asked.

Tan Yin hesitated for a moment and nodded silently.

The big monk reached out, brought over the thick mass of fake skin in her hand, and said softly, "Yuan Zhong.

Tan Yin did not understand, "What?

"Yuan Zhong." He coughed and looked at her with a serious look, a smirk appeared in his charming eyes, "My name, I don't like to be called His Highness, the Great Monk."