
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Calm and peaceful


Tan yin has always felt that she doesn't understand Han Nu, nor does she understand Tai he. She has been studying craftsmanship for hours and hours. She could make things that were skillfully crafted, but her understanding of the human heart was vague.

Han Nu, who became a god two hundred years after her, had a good hand at embroidery. Her embroidery work was so good that the flowers, birds, fish and insects she produced could often be transformed into magic, but for this reason, she was condemned by Heaven and died at an early age.

These divine monarchs and goddesses endowed with godly qualities are very different from the heavenly deities of the origin. Most of them had a hard life when they were human beings, and even after they became gods, they still retained a little bit of eccentricity, and even Tan yin herself didn't really care about people, and what she did most often was to study those craftsmen's skills.

But Han Nu is different, when she was a human being, she was weak and sickly, she was vilified, she was regarded as a witch and almost burned to death. After she became a goddess, her temperament was very good, and she smiled at everyone, was gentle and considerate, and could not be seen to be a little bit eccentric.

Tan Yin was once very fond of Han Nu, she is like a good sister, and she could talk to her about anything. During that period of time, Taihe was always cold and hot with her, and she had a temper. Thanks to Han Nu's persuasion in the middle.

Later, the war between the gods and the demons began, and she, as the world's unrivaled craftsman, naturally could not stand idly by, and had to stop making those interesting gadgets, and turned to researching the killing power of the gods.

Taihe's hand was the first divine artifact she made. She spent a long, long time, knife by knife, carving the divine words and the ice-cold essence from the Heavenly River into Tai He's left hand. It was the first time she had ever made a knife in a human, and her divine power was unstable. Tai he was often revolted by the ice-cold essence and looked like he was dying. She was so anxious that she tested the wooden hand day and night, praying that the pain of Tai He could be minimized.

That day, she finally succeeded in sealing the cold essence into a wooden hand, she was so excited that she immediately went to find Tai He to finish sealing his left hand, but on the way, she met Goddess Han who was looking sad.

"Tai He fainted, go and take a look," said Han.

Tan yin was shocked and ran to Tai he's temple, sure enough, Tai he had been devoured by the cold essence, half of his body was frozen in ice, his eyes were closed tightly, no matter how much she screamed, he couldn't open his eyes.

Han Nu sighed with tears in her eyes: "The first time I carved a seal on his hand, it was inevitable, so you don't have to blame yourself. But now that the war is in full swing, do you want to find another Divine Sovereign to try it on?"

These words reminded Tan yin, and she found another Divine Lord to seal the Sun Sands in his right hand, and this time the sword went down very smoothly, with no more signs of backlash.

However, when she went to see Tai he again, he never smiled again. No matter how much he was affected by the backlash of the Ice Cold Essence, no matter how much pain he was in, he always smiled.

Tan Yin finished carving all the remaining seals and looked up at him, wanting to say something, but Tai He only lowered his sleeve to cover his dark red left hand and faintly said, "Thank you."

He never smiled at her again.

Han Nu comforted her, "Tai he may be worried about the war, don't think too much about it. Nowadays, those demonic creatures are advocating madness, and many God Rulers have fallen under their claws, why don't you focus your mind on researching divine artifacts, you are the world's unrivaled artisan."

Yes, she is a peerless craftsman in the world, but before she only likes to make some messy little things that can't be put to much use, and she doesn't know how to make the powerful artifacts, and it was not easy for her to make a seal for Tai he's left hand once, and it caused him to suffer so much.

If she had been more useful, maybe Tai He would have been able to smile more.

It took fifty years for Tan Yin to make the Soul Lamp. This terrifyingly deadly and insane artifact, when it was first released, attracted dark clouds, thunderous roars in the sky, and silence from all the gods.

The divine dragon of Yinshan Mountain ignited the souls of four mortals on it. The war between the gods and the demons was over without a doubt.

Tan Yin proudly went to see Tai He, he closed the door, three days later, he finally opened the door, goddess Han followed him, a smile of gentle and charming. The first time she saw Tai he, she was shocked. His left hand was empty. The left hand that she had spent all her effort to seal the essence of God's words and ice cold for him was cut off by some devil, and the God's power was like gold dust floating in his broken arm.

"You shouldn't bother us."

Tai He looked indifferent, and said something strange.

"I don't know what to do."

Tan yin's eyes stared blankly at the hand he held with goddess Han. Then she stared blankly at his mutilated left arm. She couldn't find her voice.

"Is something wrong?" Tai He asked.

Tan yin felt her chest tighten.

After a long time, she could barely make a sound: "Your, your left arm ...".

Tai he's expression was calm, and his tone was even more calm: "It was cut off by a demon, I'm sorry, the artifact you made with so much effort, I couldn't take care of it."

Her whole brain is misty, it feels like she is dreaming, and the words she said are like floating on the clouds, "Then, then you and goddess Han are in, in, in ..."

"We're together."

He interrupted her stuttering words, slightly impatient.

Tan yin snapped her mouth shut, almost biting her tongue, and the sharp pain quickly brought her back to reality. She hung her head, and after a long moment, whispered, "Congratulations."

Tai He nodded and brushed past her on the arm of Han Nu who passed by her and raised her hand to touch her head, her voice gentle:

Her voice was gentle: "Wushuang, your hair is in disarray, and you still don't know how to take care of yourself."

Tan Yin instinctively took a step back, unwilling to let her touch her, Han Nu's hand awkwardly stopped in mid-air, half a long time before she withdrew as if nothing had happened, and smiled gently at her again.

"The soul lantern you made is really great," Han admired, "the war is finally over, thanks to you."

Tai He said coldly: "The Soul Lantern is too vicious, it is not worthy of your reputation of being unrivaled." Han Nu Han slapped him angrily. Tan Yin stood still and watched the two of them slowly leaving her. She thought of the past fifty years, studying the Soul Lantern every day and every night, and every time she felt she couldn't do it anymore, she thought of Tai He. She wanted to see him smile at her, and wanted the old Tai He back. Such thoughts supported her, and she overcame any difficulties. But suddenly she felt that she could no longer make anything, anything at all.

She never seemed to know Han Nu, much less Tai He, the godly gentleman who sat on the green stones by the Heavenly River and blew a little windmill, where did he go?


Tan Yin landed on the Tianya terrace and looked around. This place is surrounded by clouds and mist, and there is no one here, which is no different from the time she left. She couldn't help but laugh bitterly. Now that the Origin Gods had dissipated, there were only a handful of God Rulers in the Divine Realm who hadn't fallen, so naturally, Tianya Terrace wouldn't be able to enjoy the prosperity it had enjoyed back then. Now, it was time for her to go and find goddess Han.

Is it an accusation? Or is it a stern word? Tan Yin does not know what expression to use to treat Han Nu, she no longer relies on Han's gentle and considerate, and even from the bottom of her heart, hidden rejection.

Tianya Terrace is not far from the Heavenly River, the bright and colorful Heavenly River will never change, whether Taihe is sitting by the river or not, the source of life after the dissipation of the Heavenly Gods, the divine realm for the last remnants of their divine power to protect, all the stars and rivers, the sun rises and the moon sets, no longer need to intervene in the Divine Monarchs, perhaps this is also one of the reasons why the Divine Monarchs have fallen down, one after another.

The Hall of Tai He was built not far from the Heavenly River, and when Tan Yin slowly stepped into it, the first thing she saw was the huge crystal of Divine Crystal in the hall.

This is the purest and finest divine crystal, transparent and without a single flaw. Tai He is wrapped in it, sleeping with his eyes closed, his black hair softly draped over his shoulders, wearing a simple green robe, his demeanor peaceful, as if he will wake up at any time.

Tan Yin couldn't help but hold her breath as she gently approached and slowly pressed her hands against the cold divine crystal.

Tai he.

He hasn't changed, just as he did when he was sealed into the Divine Crystal 5,000 years ago. 5,000 years have passed, but he's only dreaming a long, long dream, and in that dream, will there be her?

"You are here."

The gentle female voice behind her abruptly interrupted Tan Yin's contemplation, she turned around, and saw Han Nu Han standing in the distance with a smile on her face, her long hair winding, her eyebrows like a painting, and with just a cursory glance, she was going to melt for the gentleness of the water that was underneath her body.

Tan Yin froze for a moment, and then frowned at her undamaged body, wondering: "How ... do you?

Han Nu smiled and shook her head: "I just released my divine consciousness, but my body is still sealed in the divine crystal and can't be moved."

Tan Yin was slightly shocked: "You can release your divine consciousness?"

She thought she could not release her consciousness after being sealed into the crystal.

After Tae-ho fell into a deep sleep, Han-nyeo had to seal half of her body into the divine crystal because her arms and legs started to dissipate.

Naturally, this is very painful, she is awake, but because half of her body is sealed in the divine crystal and can not move, so down to the world to look for Tai he's left hand is only Tanyin to do, she understands Han's anxious feelings.

But since the body sealed into the divine crystal can release the divine consciousness, then why is Tai he ...

As if she knew what she was thinking, Han sighed, raised her hand to outline Tai he's silhouette, whispering:

"Perhaps he doesn't want to wake up? There are people here that he doesn't want to face?

Tan Yin can't help but be silent, the remaining god rulers in the god world can be counted on ten fingers, usually in their respective duties, not interfering with each other, can't talk about friendship, and only she and Han and Tai He are familiar with.

Han is his beloved, he naturally will not not want to see, so the so-called do not want to face people, must be only her.

"Let's not talk about it, Wushuang, you came back to me, do you want to blame me?" Han looked at her and smiled gently.

Tan Yin was taken by surprise when she took the lead in the conversation, and for a moment she did not know what to say.

She was not very eloquent, and she was even more rusty in her interactions with others, so she hemmed and hawed for a long time before saying:

"... War Ghost clan, is it your order?"

Han laughed: "Their two clans already have a long-standing grudge, why do I have to command?"

"The War Ghosts will not know about the Divine Crystal, and they will not want to cut off Taihe's left hand."

"So you are suspicious of me, right?"

Tan yin was silent. She did not say anything, which was tantamount to a tacit acknowledgement.

Han walked slowly for a few steps and suddenly admitted, "It's me."

The anger in Tan Yin's heart slowly welled up and she said in a deep voice:

"You know that even if your left hand is chopped off, you can't get it back! Taihe will only dissipate faster!"

"But you are with that fox monk, aren't you?" Han smiled, "You'll protect him."

"That's not true." Tan Yin frowned.

Han stared at her, "Wushuang, I don't have much time left, less than a thousand years."

How could that be? She'd obviously sealed her dissipating body into the Divine Crystal. Tan yin stared at her suspiciously.

"You come with me."

Han turned and drifted toward the east of the temple. It was Han who had begged her to seal her body near Tai He so that she could see him every day, so Han's body had been placed in the east corner of the main hall, where she had the best view, facing Tai He.

Tan Yin immediately saw the half of Han's body that was sealed in the divine crystal. Unlike Tai He, her right hand and two feet looked translucent, which was a sign that she would start to dissipate soon, so she sealed her hands and feet for her. But now when she looked at them again, the left half of her body had turned translucent. Tan Yin looked at her body in horror, and then looked at Han's divine consciousness, and muttered: "How can this be ...".

Han gazed at her and whispered, ''Wushuang, I don't have much time left, so I'm in a hurry. I can't cut off the hand, then I have to kill that person, the person is dead, the hand has lost its destiny, naturally there is no need to be afraid of what."

She suddenly laughed again, "I know, you are as anxious as I am to let Tai He wake up. Wushuang, do you still blame me now?"