
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Don't go. You're not allowed to.


  Tan Yin felt that she didn't dislike the smile in his eyes at all. The once great monk was so frivolous and cautious, even if he smiled so much that his face blossomed, his eyes were always cold, but now it was as if the ice had melted away, even if he frowned, his eyes were still smiling.

  Seeing that she did not say anything, but just stared at herself and laughed, Yuan Zhong was a bit blushed by her, and reached out and flicked his finger on her head, and said with a stern face: "What are you laughing at, silly, say something."

  Tan Yin was puzzled, "Say what?"

  Yuan Zhong hated her, "I have told you my name! You impolite girl!"

  Tan Yin stared at him blankly, seeing his face turn white, then red, then white, and finally green, gritting her teeth, she suddenly realized.

  "Yuan Zhong." She smiled faintly.

His green face instantly returned to normal, and he grunted disdainfully through his nostrils, flustered and smug:

"I have to get up, you go away for a while."

  As he watched Tan Yin push the door open, Yuan Zhong let out a long breath and looked down at his left hand, which was sealed by the strange crystals.

  He still doesn't understand what this crystal is. Since birth, he inherited this left hand, and it was almost invincible in battle, invincible in attack. Now it is actually sealed, the power can no longer be utilized, this change is no less than a sea change, perhaps he should also begin to consider, give up this powerful left hand, he should use a kind of mentality to go on.

He is not alone now, he has a Ji Tan Yin beside him, he has to protect her well, what happened last night can not happen again.

  He changed into a clean soap clothes, because he saw the changed clothes and mattress blood stains, recalling last night, only feel shocked.

  The door of the room was suddenly knocked twice, and Tan Yin's voice rang out, "The great monk ... Yuan Zhong, I can come in?

  He rushed to the bronze mirror to take a look, okay, hair is not messy, clothing is also relatively neat. He rubbed the bloodstained and messy clothes and mattress into a ball and threw it in the corner, walked over to open the door, but saw Tan Yin hand carrying a wooden box, on top of the hammer and copper drill and other things, he suddenly associated with some very terrible things, his face immediately changed.

  "What are you doing?" he stammered. he asked in a stuttering voice.

  Tan Yin put a piece of white cloth on his chest and took out another white cloth from her qiankun pouch, walked over and gently hung it on his chest, saying, "Take down the divine crystal on your left hand for you."

  Yuan Zhong looked at her skeptically, "Can you do that?"

  What kind of hammer and drill is that? I always feel like I'm going to break my hand.

  Tan Yin patted his shoulder reassuringly and pushed him to sit on a chair, the left hand wrapped in divine crystal was held in her hand and she looked down to take a closer look.

  "Don't worry, the skin won't be scratched at all."

  If she didn't have this point of confidence, then what kind of craftsman would she be?

  She put on the dragon skin gloves, took out various bottles and jars from the Qiankun bag, poured a little bit of odd-colored water on it, roasted it with fire, and sprinkled some black powder on it, and was busy for a little more than half an hour before picking up the copper drill and fixing it on the thickest place where the divine crystals coalesced in his palm, and lifted up the hammer and gently tapped it - a crunching sound. -With a crunching sound, the black and gray inferior divine crystal gently cracked open a gap.

  Luckily, this is not a superior divine crystal, otherwise it would be a lot of work.

  Yuan Zhong did not say anything, looking down quietly at her work, her white porcelain chin, the tip of her pretty nose, on which a small bead of sweat had condensed. Her forehead hair thick, pulled the bun is slightly rustic, ear side hanging two long hair, the sunlight penetrates it, pure black in a light transparent red color. Her eyelashes are very long, fluttering, full of spirit, hidden underneath the beautiful eyes, is now looking at his left hand with full attention.

  He knew that this was not her body, the real Ji Tan Yin did not look like this, but a very different person. He tried to see through her skin, but he couldn't see anything.

  Yuan Zhong lowered his head a little and tried to look at her eyes. The eyes would not lie, no matter how much she changed her face, her eyes would not change.

  She has a pair of black gem-like eyes, eyes focused, neither charming, nor demonic, and even appear to be cold and withdrawn, but when she focuses on doing something, but there is a passionate almost like burning soul-like heat.

  He suddenly remembered the night he was seriously injured, drowsy, the time of his death, he saw the pair of eyes that made his soul haunting.

  His hand shook violently, and Tan Yin thought it had hurt him, so she hurriedly held it gently and whispered, "Don't move.

  He did not say a word, eyelashes slowly dropping, followed by a reluctant as if, raised his eyes, staring at her eyes, the heart in the chest as if to crack chest out, can not be suppressed, he could not help but hand trembling slightly.

  Tan Yin stopped moving and looked at him in shock: "Did I hurt you?"

  Yuan Zhong shook his head slowly, using his right hand to support his forehead. His wide sleeves covered his face, and his voice was deep, with a hint of hoarseness: 

"... No, you continue."

  The divine crystal on his left hand was soon peeled off.

She carefully organized those fragments, put them together in the wooden box, scooped up a bowl of water, gently blew a breath into the water, and then poured it into the box, those black and gray fragments quickly expanded, and finally became a group of sticky black and gray things, like a paste.

  She carefully closed and sealed the wooden box before putting it back into the Qiankun bag.

  "Okay, you can try if this hand works as well as before." After completing everything, Tan yin's face lit up, and the proud sense of accomplishment of a craftsman returned to his eyes.

  Yuan Zhong put his dark red left hand in front of his eyes, held it tightly, then loosened it, and only after a long time did he whisper, "...? Well, it's the same as before."

  Tan Yin shook her head, "You can try to summon the cold ice."

  He put his hand to his forehead and laughed softly, "That can only be used on humans." She pointed at herself, "It's a good idea for me.

  She pointed at herself, "Use it on me, try it."

  He raised his eyes to look at her, and with a smile, he raised his left hand and slowly pressed it to the top of her head, but there was no red light emanating from his palm. He gently stroked her hair with his left hand and slid it down the long soft hair, finally stopping at the back of her head.

  He came up to her as if to encircle her, stopping when his lips were three inches from her ear.

"But all of a sudden, ..." I can't stand to part with her.

  He looked at the soft black hair that hung at the back of her neck, and felt the urge to kneel down and beg her, to kiss her shoes in reverence, and to hold her so tightly that he could rub away her false skin and see the real face she hid beneath.

  Is it her? Wasn't it? He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe it. Everything about her was so confusing.

Suddenly, like a clogged hourglass opening in an instant, he felt his stagnant time begin to move. Three Jiazi ago, in the Decuan table stopped passing time, suddenly began to move intricate and intricate, the young man all the mental orifices were opened, eating do not know what to eat, sleepless sleep so many years, are going to be over.

  Is this liberation? Or ecstasy? But he is still not sure, maybe all this is just his illusion?

  Tan Yin looked at him blankly as he withdrew his hand, watched as he stood up, put the black silk gloves back on, stretched, and then turned back to her, smiling: "You just said that thing was a divine crystal, do you know it?"

  He had "I have something to say" written all over his face, but in the blink of an eye he had changed, are men always so strange?

  "Yes, I know it, it's a very rare material," she answered honestly. She honestly replied, "But this is the lowest grade, if they had used the highest grade Divine Crystal, it would have taken me two or three days of work to clean it.

  Yuan Zhong rolled his eyes and asked with a smile, "Divine Crystals, are they ... the stuff of heavenly gods?"

  Tan Yin opened her mouth and was about to answer, but suddenly alerted to something, and hastily shook her head: "No, the barren mountains in the extreme west will come out."

  ... Her family's adults must have never taught her how to lie.

  Yuan Zhong did not bother to expose her, pushed open the window and looked at the bustling crowd outside. Because of last night's appearance of the God of Heaven, Yandu was crowded with immortals and demons, and even many mortals from neighboring counties came over to join in the fun, all of them talking about the God of Heaven and who the God of Heaven called out "Wushuang" to be. 

Even more, many immortals began to take on disciples in the streets, saying that they would try to get in touch with the God of Heaven as long as they had someone named Wushuang who was born in Yandu.

  He looked at them for a while, then turned back and said, "You can leave Yandu now."

  Tan Yin was about to pull out her materials to continue making the good luck mirror, but she froze, "Uh ... but, but I haven't sold all the good luck mirrors yet, I, I haven't made much money yet ..."

  Yuan Zhong smiled as she pulled out a small, bulging bag from her pocket, opened it, and inside were all the good luck mirrors she had made.

  "Why haven't you made much money?" he winked. He winked, "I've got it all, 100 taels a piece, no cheating."

  He took out a good luck mirror and shone it at her. Through the mirror, Tan yin's face was as big as a pumpkin, and her eyes were blinking stupidly.

  But there is something different.

 Suddenly, Yuan Zhong realized that her brain was no longer blank. When he shone the light on an immortal, the word "immortal" appeared on his brain; when he shone the light on a mortal, the word "human" appeared on his brain; and when he shone the light on a demon, the word "demon" appeared on his brain.

He couldn't read the words on Tan Yin's head, as if they were covered by blurry clouds.

  "Where will you go when you leave Yandu?" She didn't notice anything strange.

  Yuan Zhong silently put down his lucky mirror and smiled, "Back home, I still owe the Immortal of Meishan two cups of drunkenness and dreaming to die, so I'd like to pay off this debt."

  Tan Yin was a little surprised. He seemed to have said that he would not return to Fang Wai Mountain. Has he decided to go back?

Seeing what she was thinking, Yuan Zhong shook his head, "Not Fangwai Mountain, I have my own cave near Bianlan Mountain.

  He stared at her black gem-like eyes, held back for a long time, in the end, but still can not help, slowly walked over, hands together, want to greet, but not quite dare to believe, finally just made a strange gesture, sighed: "You ... will always follow me, right?"

  Tan yin nodded and answered without hesitation, "Yes."

  "And you will follow me the whole time?"


  "Really, always, always, always, always?"

  Tan Yin heard his tone is a little strange, can not help but be careful to look up at him, Yuan Zhong leaned against the window holding his arms, but also concentrated, but also a little nervous, two eyes staring at her, afraid to miss the most subtle expression of her.

  "... Yes." She murmured, "Do you agree?"

  He wasn't going to run away again, was he?

 Yuan Zhong touched his nose and hung his head for a long time before he whispered, "Then stay with me, don't go, you're not allowed to go."