
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Look at me


The war ghost behind him let out a pitiful howl. The short sword was stained with a blood-like color. The clumsy machine man was sliced to pieces in an instant. The desperation of the Ghost was so fast that it was almost impossible to see. A few times, it rose and dropped. He landed at Tanyin's side in a flash. Raising the short sword in his hand - with this slash. I'm afraid her entire body will be shattered.

Tan Yin only felt that her whole body was being pulled by a strong force. She was already in a state of confusion. She didn't realize that she fell to the ground hard. There was a cruel wind noise behind her ears. Her long hair hanging on her shoulder was cut off by the sharp wind.

Her back was wet with boiling hot liquid. The rich fragrance spread out in a flash. Tan yin jumped up like he was struck by lightning. There was blood! The great monk had been struck by a war ghost!

She turned around sharply. However, she saw a shallow layer of golden light swirling around her - the boundary of the fox clan? The monk stood in front of her, his hands folded. Eyes closed tightly. His lips are open and closed. I don't know what he is chanting.

The War Ghost's shortsword slashed at the Boundary like a storm, and with each slash, the golden light faded a bit. The barrier could block his short sword. But it couldn't block the raging winds from the sword. The monk's chest was cut with many bloody slits, and blood dripped onto the ground. The scent is very strong.

He's going to die at this rate.

Tan Yin reached into her qiankun pouch and she found the last piece of gold nanmu. She was about to take it out. The monk suddenly stepped on the back of her foot. Her hand slipped in pain and the wood fell back into her bag.

"Oh, you're a burden!" He sighed loudly in mock disdain. "What's a woman doing in a man's fight! Behave yourself and stay behind!"

His closed hands suddenly opened up slowly. A dense golden light hovered in the center of his palms and rolling and flowing, like a tiny golden heart.


There's a loud bang. The boundary was finally shattered by the war ghost. The golden light in the monk's palm lightly flew out. It blew up in an instant.

The golden shards enveloped the War Ghost like he had eyes. However, he was not afraid. The short sword in his hand danced like a butterfly. However, the wind of the sword could not split the dense gold shards. They gradually shrink and close, wrapping him into a golden silhouette.

"Go! What are you doing?"

The monk yanked Tanyin by the back of her collar with one hand and threw her onto the back of the bird. He put his hands together and chanted: "Long!"

The golden debris encircling the ghost suddenly transformed into thousands of long, thin spikes and pierced through the ghost.

The great monk chanted again: " Burst!"

The golden spikes exploded violently, and the ghost was shattered into pieces without even having time to cry out in pain.

The great monk let out a long breath. Covered in blood, he looked back at Tan yin and suddenly smiled. He suddenly laughed with a humorous tone: "I'm still quite good, right?"

Before he could finish his sentence, he couldn't hold himself up any longer, and his legs gave out, and he fell.

Tan Yin hurriedly scooped him up and whistled. The bird was so agitated by the rich scent of the blood that it spun around several times before flapping its wings and flying high.

"You ... You're such a burden ...

The great monk was still complaining. The head leaned on her shoulder. Suddenly, he raised his hand and ruffled her hair. The voice was low: "Silly girl, are you in love with me?"

Tan Yin didn't say anything. Nor did he hear her reply. His wounds were too severe. He collapsed soon after.

Celestial God's figure in the sky is still calling out: "Wushuang, Wushuang ..."

Tan yin clutched the corner of her skirt tightly. She left behind the shouts of the Goddess Han.


The crystal that encapsulates the monk's left hand is the Divine Crystal, one of the most precious treasures of the Divine Realm. It can seal the power of the gods. However, the one used by the War Ghost is not the purest of the divine crystals. That's why it's black and gray in color.

Tanyin held the left hand of the great monk and she touched it gently.

The Divine Crystal is normally a viscous, crystallized liquid. Once it comes into contact with divine power. It will automatically close and encapsulate itself. It turns into the hardest crystal. No matter what kind of sharp weapon, it cannot be broken. In the past, during the war between the gods and demons. She used the divine crystal to make armor for Tai He. That armor of divine crystal accompanied him in countless battles.

But the most important thing right now is not this divine crystal that came from nowhere. It's the wound on the great monk's chest. Although the Fox clan's barrier had protected him from any fatal wounds, his chest was still crisscrossed with deep and long bloody cuts from the wind of the blade.

Immortals do not die so easily. But being wounded by a War Ghost was another matter. The wounds made by the blade are slow to heal. The wounds caused by the ghosts were like poison. Eating away at his flesh and blood. It made him bleed.

Tan Yin wrung out a clean handkerchief and wiped the blood from his body. But the wound wouldn't heal. The handkerchief quickly became soaked with blood. The blood was soaking through the cloth, and the more it was wiped, the more he bled. The scent of the blood was dizzying.

This is not good. He's likely to die tonight.

Tan Yin stacked up her sleeves. Her eyes are clear and bright. It's now time for her to use her divine power to repair his body. She must use divine power to repair his body.

But ... the bottom of the heart suddenly sounded an indifferent voice: You come to the mortal world, find this person, is not to wait for him to die?

Tan Yin raised her hand and slowly put it down. She lowered her head and quietly looked at the pale face of the big monk sleeping.

Tai He's left hand is on him. That left hand, severed by the demon, has fallen to the mortal world. After several cycles of reincarnation, it has become a sacred relic of the Fox Clans. It is embedded in the bloodline. It has its own fate. And this person in front of me, he is just a lucky inheritance. As a heavenly goddess, she waited for him to die of natural causes, then she took Tai He's left hand.

Yes, Tai He is still waiting. He's lost his left hand. He's lost all his power. He's sealed in the Crystal of the Gods. If she didn't hurry, he would fall like the other gods, and that was the last thing she wanted to happen.

In the end, No matter what she did, Tai He could not get used to it and did not like it. Now that he is sleeping, she can finally do something for him. She has waited for this moment for 5,000 years all by herself.

Tan Yin closed her eyes, not to look at terrible wounds on the great monk's body. Regardless of whether or not the goddess Han was involved, the ultimate goal had been achieved. She would wait for this man to die slowly, and then remove his left hand.

The voice from the bottom of her heart sounded faintly again: You shouldn't have protected him, you didn't kill him anyway, you don't need to worry about the fall of your Godhead, just wait quietly for his left hand, isn't that good?

But she protected him anyway. It was a purely subconscious, intuitive act. When the blade came down on him, she didn't even think twice about protecting him.

No, I think she just didn't want to see that left hand cut off. The same thing happened to a god once, when a hand fell to earth and his own power failed. That god ruler went down to the world to look for it and eventually found the new owner of the hand and took it off and put it back on him, but instead of regaining his divine power, he was transformed into a golden light and dissipated even faster the moment the hand was put back on him, which was the result of him messing up his destiny.

She couldn't let the same thing happen to Tai He. She went down to the realm to find the new owner of the left hand in order to wait for him to die a natural death and then return the hand to Tai He in a way that best complied with the heavenly fortune.

So now that the great monk is dying, this is what she was waiting for, she should be happy. Tan Yin stood up in a state of confusion. She felt something was wrong, but she didn't want to think about it. She couldn't stay here, the scent of the blood was giving her a headache, she had to go out and wait, go out and not have to see him die in front of her.

Suddenly, her sleeve was gently tugged by someone, Tan Yin was like a scared bird, her whole body was tensed, and she looked down in horror, the big monk woke up at some point and was looking at her with two dark eyes.

"Where are you going?" His voice is very weak, as if he is about to die at any time.

Tan Yin is really not good at lying, stuttering and sweating before holding out a reason: "You, you are seriously injured, I go, go to find a doctor ...".

He smiled, slowly loosened his hand, his voice was as light as a gust of wind: "... come back earlier, don't run around, it's very dangerous outside."

He fainted heavily again, the blood has soaked the mattress, as long as an hour ... no, half an hour, he will die completely, the immortal is no exception.

Tan Yin felt a burst of pain in her throat, as if someone was pulling hard underneath. The indifferent voice at the bottom of her heart was urging her to go out, but the voice was getting softer and softer, gradually fading into inaudibility.

Goddess Han is calling her, Tai He must have had an accident, Tai He is still waiting for her, if she doesn't take his left hand back, he will completely disappear. Tan Yin felt her body shivering and her eyes were blurred. By the time she reacted, she had already released her divine power to repair his body.

She cried and mended her body at the same time, crying like a bewildered child, not knowing whether it was for Tai He or for the dying monk on the bed, she couldn't stop the tears that she hadn't shed in five thousand years, and she felt horrified.

The pain of repairing his body caused the monk to wake up many times, his dim black eyes finally met her eyes accurately, and then, he suddenly grabbed her with great force, gripping her so tightly that his knuckles made a toothsome sound.

"... am I dreaming?"

He was groggy and delirious, and those dark gem-like eyes in front of him, were they a dream?Was it a dream? Was it not a dream?

He had been searching and praying for so many years, and now they were in front of him.

He couldn't forget these eyes, cold, yet harboring something as hot as a burning soul, eyes that shouldn't be the eyes of a god.

"Look at me, look at me ...," he begged.

The eyes darted and dodged, but finally they met his gaze in silence.

As if he had realized something again, he muttered, "Where is Ji Tan Yin? Where did she go?"

No one answered him, and his eyes went black and he soon fell into a deep, dark, sweet sleep.


The body of an immortal takes a lot of effort to repair, and by the time the monk's wounds were completely healed, it was already dawn.

Tan Yin touched the monk's forehead, he was already fine, about five or six hours of sleep to wake up. She let out a long breath and felt a sense of relief.

Outside, all the immortals and demons, including the mortals, were discussing last night's appearance of the God of Heaven with great enthusiasm.

Tanya closed the window in annoyance, and a wisp of light from her fingertips flicked gently between the monk's eyebrows - the next mark. She will know if there is any abnormality in him.

After thinking about it, she took out the last piece of golden wood from her Qiankun bag. The clear light cut out a machine man, protecting him by his bedside.

Now, she can go, she is going to find goddess Han to talk about what happened yesterday.