
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


She feels like she's seeing her own child


The auspicious omen of the opening of the sky is not too big and not too small, but it is rare that both the immortal and demon families can mobilize so many people at the same time. In one day, all kinds of inns in Yandu were crowded, but there were still many immortals and demons who could not find a place to stay.

There is an unwritten rule in the Chen Shang Kingdom that no matter if it is an immortal or a demon, they are not allowed to use the means of opening small caves within a hundred miles of Yandu, so as not to disturb the delicate balance of Yandu.

These pampered Immortals and Demons had to rent houses or even sleep out in the countryside, just waiting for the moment when the sky opens up.

There are even many demons who have not yet passed the heavenly thunder tribulation hiding in the deep mountains and old forests, praying for the heavenly light to cover them, and for the auspiciousness to bless them to pass the tribulation and become immortal.

On the way back to the inn, Tan Yin really saw that the land was full of animals and birds, all kinds of gorgeous carriages and wagons were lined up for several miles, and all the big and small inns were full of people, which made the proprietors smile like wrinkled flowers.

But trouble always comes with joy. At this time in Yandu, there are so many different kinds of demons and immortals, and so many famous and unknown people.

Inevitably, there will be villains like the one yesterday who used the blindfold to turn into silver to deceive mortals. Therefore, along the way, Tan Yin was surrounded by many shopkeepers, begging to buy counterfeit mirrors, and her pocketbook that had just gone down instantly swelled up again, so the speed of this kind of money-gathering is beyond the monk's expectation.

"Three hundred taels." Tan Yin weighed the money bag in her hand, although she had already converted all kinds of broken silver into large silver ingots, it was still so inflated that it was about to crack, "I have never made so much money in one day."

The monk snatched it and put it in his arms, "It's mine."

Tan Yin was about to say something, but suddenly saw the crowd of people in front of the inn suddenly split into two sides, in which a white-robed man shook his fan and walked out, followed by two stunning maids of honor, and as soon as he came out, the chaotic street seemed to have quieted down for a moment.

"Oh, my God! Where is this immortal gentleman from?"

A young girl on the side of the road was about to faint, "A single strand of his hair is more beautiful than all those Immortals together!"

That elegant and noble immortal gentleman is obviously very used to being surrounded and praised. He didn't even flutter his eyelids, looked up to see the color of the sun, and shook his fan to open his mouth in a very elegant manner: "Wanqiu, Lanxuan, I've heard that there is a hot springs hotel in the nearby Camel Hill, let's go with me".

He turned around, the steps have not yet stepped out, suddenly saw the crowd, the monk and Tan Yin, eyes immediately stared old round, open mouth, fan tip pointing at the two of them a vigorously trembling, like a fool.

"You you you you ..." He couldn't even finish a complete sentence.

The monk looked at him with a smile:

"Tong Hua, the tongue was taken away by the war ghost?"

"How dare you show up!" Tong Hua finally managed to finish his sentence, and looked around, it was really not a place to talk.

He tugged the monk's sleeve with anger and whispered: "Come here!"

He pulled the monk to the corner, and only then he opened his mouth hatefully:"Elder Ding Xu is in a great rage! Why don't you just leave and go to a place where no one is around? You've come to watch the sky open like this. Are you trying to kill him?"

The monk laughed like a rascal: "I've left, but you're still here, aren't you?"

Instead of getting angry, Tong Hua spread his hands and laughed bitterly: "Me? What use am I? Not to mention the six War Ghosts, even if I were to face only one of them, I wouldn't be able to defeat them. Who else in the clan can handle them except you? If you kill six War Ghosts, no matter how meticulous you are in destroying the bodies, the War Ghost clan will still find out, and if they come to seek revenge, do you want us to wait for them to kill us?"

The monk still laughed and rubbed his nose: "Why should Tong Hua be so presumptuous? You yourself know best how strong you are."

Tong Hua was silent for a moment, and smiled lowly: "It looks like you have also spied a lot on me secretly, did Elder Ding Xu order you to do so?"

"I am annoyed." The monk patted him on the shoulder, his voice was indifferent, "I'm tired of this kind of rivalry between clansmen. In short, I won't go back."

"Is that true?"


"Then you are no longer a great monk of my clan?"

The monk could not help but be silent. He chose to become a monk because his original desire was that monks were the ones who presided over the celebrations and sacrifices. He couldn't forget those eyes on the platform. When he was a teenager, he dreamed about them night after night and was obsessed with them. But after three decades, those eyes have never appeared again. He even hated those beautiful eyes. He couldn't tell why, but throughout his teenage years, his most innocent and fervent everything to those eyes, like an irrational madman. But even after leaving Fangwai Mountain, the identity of the monk he still used, reluctant to throw away, he felt that if he threw away, he could no longer see them.He was selfish and mean, and Tong Hua's question left him speechless.

"... Perhaps in a little while," the monk said sadly.

He whispered sadly. "After a while, I'll give up my status as a great monk."

Tong Hua himself also felt that this question is too heavy, he coughed twice, so he changed the topic: "Where do you plan to go next?"

"Let's travel around ..." The big monk smiled, "By the way, what you just said about the hot springs seems to be very interesting ..."

Tong Hua didn't wait for him to finish his sentence, he already changed his color, are you kidding me? He didn't want to hang out with such a stupid ancestor.

He made an immediate decision, directly interrupted his words and ordered loudly: "Wanqiu Lanxuan, this inn has dirty things, we'd better change another one."

The monk hooked his neck, blew into his ear and whispered with a smile, "Little Tong Hua is so afraid of me?" Tong Hua had goosebumps all over the ground, he struggled to break away and said angrily, "If you keep on doing that, I will not be polite to you anymore!"

"Silly, I am not interested in men at all." The monk blew air on his face again and turned away with a smile.

Tong Hua saw him walking towards a young girl in green. It was his chosen maid, Ji Tan Yin. He never thought that she could still follow this suspicious and eccentric monk. His heart was moved and he suddenly said in a loud voice, "Take care of yourself! Elder Ding Xu is very angry with you, so I am afraid that he will send someone to arrest you."

The monk did not even turn his head back, but only waved his hand. When Tan Yin heard the words "send someone to arrest", she couldn't help but turn back to look at Tong Hua, whose eyes stared at her with a flash of caution. This Immortal was hostile to her.

Tan Yin hung her head, and without a word, accelerated her pace to catch up with the monk. The monk was salivating over the hot springs in front of her and said, "Little Ji, do you want to go to the hot springs with me? We can do something fun together ...".

Before his words left his mouth, he heard a stirring in the inn. A skinny man ran out noisily from inside with a very bad look on his face. "I'm just a day late, and I can't find a guest room anywhere! What kind of information did you get?"

On his shoulder flew a tiny black and delicate little crow, which was croaking in great dissatisfaction, as if it were arguing about something.

The monk raised an eyebrow--Meishan Jun. This Immortal who loves to collect all kinds of private gossip has indeed come.

"Meishan Jun." He greeted him politely. Meishan Jun's eyes lit up at the sight of him. He ran over to him with a smile on his face and rubbed his hands together: "Your Highness, I never thought I'd see you here. By the way, you last time said two drunkenness, I still haven't received, that ..."

The monk suddenly realized, "I forgot."

Forgot ... Meishan Jun turned his back and wiped a handful of tears, well, who told him to be a great monk of the fox clan? He endured!

The monk smiled and said, "You can't find the guest room?" The monk smiled, his face full of sincerity, "I can give you a room here, if you want it, I'll give it to you. I don't have time to go home these days, so I'll cancel out the two drunken feasts, won't I?"

This is really a head that can be broken. I can't live without my wine. Meishan Jun was full of righteousness, and opened his mouth to reject this fox's shameful behavior, but it so happened that there was another person behind him calling him: "Meishan."

The voice was mellow and steady, very nice to listen to. All of them turned back and saw a man in white standing by the side of the road, with long eyebrows and sideburns. Skin color like bronze, long can be described as heroic. But under the corner of the eye, there is a sad tear mole. Eyebrows seem to be smiling, warm and stylish, there is a hint of melancholy.

"Fu Jiuyun!"

Mei Shan Jun was surprised and happy, "You thing! Where have you been all these years?"

Fu Jiuyun came over with a smile and bowed to the great monk, "I never thought that I would meet His Highness the great monk here, I am very honored."

The monk had only met him once before and was not very familiar with him, but Fu Jiuyun came from a very special background, being a ghost born from the spirit lamp of the artifact, and the fox clan serves the God of Heaven, so it was inevitable that they would also have a close relationship with him. Before the monk could say anything, he saw Fu Jiun turn his face towards Tan Yin and smiled even deeper, his gaze was like melting spring water, intoxicating people.

"I wonder who this girl is?" When he sees a woman, he has to seduce her. The monk instantly became unhappy, and he was even more unhappy when he saw that Tan Yin was also staring straight at Fu Jiuyun's slutty face.

His eyes were about to fall off! He turned his head away, his expression indifferent.

Tan Yin dead stared at Fu Jiuyun, the more she looked, the more puzzled she became, and in the middle of the day, she suddenly "eeked":

"You ... are ..."

He is definitely not a human being, but neither is he an immortal. The aura on his body is very familiar to her. It is the Soul Lamp's, no mistake, it is the lost artifact Soul Lamp's breath.

"My name is Fu Jiuyun." Fu Jiuyun pretended not to notice the cold expression of the monk and smiled faintly at Tan Yin.

"... You are very strange." Tan Yin hesitantly opened her mouth. Fu Jiuyun was puzzled: "What's so strange?"

Tan Yin shook her head silently and said no more. Meishan Jun dragged Fu Jiuzun to talk all over the place. He just asked him where he had been all these years. He was upset that he was missing a drinking buddy.

Fu Jiuyun laughed and said, "I have been traveling in all directions lately, and I have a feeling that I want to compose a piece of music, and I would like to ask you to taste it."

"Haha, it's a small matter! Are you also here to watch the light of the sky open?"

Whenever he saw him, he was addicted to alcohol and refused to let go of him, so he found a tavern and dragged him into it by force.

Seeing that Tan Yin was still staring at Fu Jiuyun, the monk could not help himself, and quietly and with a bit of force, he gave her a pop on the head.

"You're a girl staring at a man like that, aren't you ashamed?" he said. His voice was low, but his tone was not kind. Tan Yin covered the place where she was flicked, but her eyes refused to leave Fu Jiuyun's body. It took her half a day. She only said: "He ... is not human."

"You can see it again." The monks were sarcastic.

Tan Yin shook his head, this kind of thing only happened in the legend. Those vessels and tools that have gathered the sincerity of the craftsmen's efforts will give birth to their own essence after a long period of time. I can't imagine that in reality, the soul lamp actually gave birth to a ghost.

Fu Jiuyun came out of the tavern in a white dress, a face of a rascal, to be more flirtatious. More flirtatious, the road women nine out of ten are looking at him. The one who didn't look at him was blind. "Your Highness, this girl, why don't you come and have a drink?" he said to the monk.

He spoke to the monk, but his eyes were on Tan Yin. Tan Yin had a feeling of affection and pride for him. The soul lantern she made with her own hands was criticized by Tai He as being too poisonous, so she could no longer make a powerful artifact that could surpass the soul lantern.

However, her soul lantern gave birth to a spirit that had its own consciousness, and she had the feeling of seeing her own biological child.


She didn't wait for the monk to open his mouth and directly agreed. The mood of the monk was instantly bad, as if he had never been this bad before.