
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


It's impossible for him not to be proud


The monk did not sleep well all night. He pinched the dancing and singing wooden figure again and again, pouring some tea into it from time to time, watching it dance and sing in a funny manner. He was so happy that he had to laugh. When he saw Ji Tan Yin the next day, he didn't know why he found her so much more pleasant to look at. He remembered that Tong Hua was always proud of having two beautiful maids around him, so what, he himself had a skillful craftsman around him.

Inexplicably, the monk was in a good mood. Expecting her to make something interesting again, he saw her in the guest room early in the morning, burying her head in hard work to dig and grind. He was full of curiosity to come over to see - she was polishing a glazed mirror, and there were already more than a dozen finished mirrors in her hand.

"... You're still doing this nasty stuff." He hated the counterfeit mirror with a passion. He wanted to smash them all to pieces.

"It's not a counterfeit mirror." Tan Yin's face glowed with the accomplishment and pride of a fine craftsman's work. She handed the small mirror to the monk, gesturing for him to put it in front of his eyes, and admonished, "Come, look at me." The monk looked over. Through the glazed mirror, she looked very funny, with a big, round head and two eyes blinking stupidly.

"Nothing?" He's tossing the mirror around. "What is it?"

"It's called a good luck mirror." Tan Yin named it with a straight face. "Look at the people on the street."

Looking through the mirror at the people on the street, he noticed that some had a small red cloud on top of their heads, while others had a small black cloud on top of their heads, in different shades of color. He had personally seen a man with a cloud as black as ink have his money bag taken by a thief, and he had not noticed it at all, but had rushed into a gambling house - he would soon be beaten to a rag, he reckoned.

"This is interesting!" The monk watched in fascination, then turned the lens on Tan Yin, who had nothing on top of her head. "What's the deal with nothing?" he wondered.

"It means that there is neither good luck nor bad luck in one or two hours, but the good luck mirror can only see the luck of mortals, not of immortals or demons."

The monk was playing with the lucky mirror for half a day when he suddenly saw several cranes falling in the mid-air, and on the back of the cranes rode a few immortals, and when he looked at them through the lucky mirror, he saw that they were actually emitting a bright golden light around their bodies, and the word "Immortal" was printed on their heads, which was very laughable.

It's ridiculous that they can actually recognize immortals and demons! The monk looked at himself in the mirror, and sure enough, there was a big word "immortal" on his own head, which looked very stupid.

He originally wanted to suggest that Tan Yin change this stupid character, but she came over to him with glowing eyes and asked: "Your Highness, do you think the Good Luck Mirror can be sold for a good price?"

Once he met her expectant eyes, he lost his nerve and had to make up something: "A hundred taels of silver for one."

Tan Yin, who was responsible for supporting the monks, didn't even take a sip of water when she heard that the mirror of good luck was so valuable.

... Could it be that she was thinking about the beautiful people he talked about yesterday?

This child is really sincere.

The monk, with a rare twinge of guilt, pushed the window open and dropped down. Just landed in front of Tan Yin, who had just left the inn door.

"Xiao Ji ah ..."

He cleared his throat and said in a rare gentle voice: "A hundred taels of silver, sell me good."

He was almost moved by his own kindness and goodwill. Is he really a good person like Ji Tan Yin said?

Tan Yin's dark eyes looked at him skeptically and suddenly said: "Do you have any money? I don't do credit."

His good mood and pretense of being a nice guy shattered into pieces, and he put on a mean face and rebuked: "Hurry up and sell them! If you don't finish it, you won't be allowed to eat today!"

This vicious and mean face caused passersby to shake their heads and feel sorry for the weak girl next to them. Even Immortals are forced to be prostitutes nowadays, people's hearts are not in the right place! The monk was furious, looking at Tan Yin slowly walking away. Suddenly she turned around and ran back, halting in front of him for a long time, before whispering: "You ... will wait for me, right?".

Her head was slightly drooping, and her long eyelashes fluttered open and closed, with a look of worrying that he would trick her into sneaking away alone again. The monk's stomach of gas suddenly do not know where to go. In his heart, there is an unrivaled triumph. There is also an indescribable soft cloud of emotions.

No one had ever treated him like this before, especially a woman. This kind of stalking and weakness of hers really fulfilled any man's dream, and it was impossible for him not to be pleased.

But he also clearly understood that Ji Tan Yin's approach to him must have a purpose, although he did not know what that purpose was, nor did he know her true identity.

His feelings towards her were complicated, disgust, curiosity, admiration, fear, and even a vague disappointment.

But at this moment, he really do not want to see this kind of expression on her face, not yet reacted, he has opened his mouth:

"... Let's go, I'll go with you."

Ji Tan Yin is not the kind of passionate and cheerful girl. Although the appearance is gentle, but in fact and gentle and intelligent can not be related to, not to mention smart and capable.

Her method of selling things was also very primitive and clumsy, holding the good luck mirror and asking from store to store. Originally, when the bosses saw that it was Ms. Ji, who made the counterfeit mirror, they were all very courteous, but when they heard that the good luck mirror cost one hundred taels a piece, their faces all turned black.

She ran under the sun all morning, her face was red from the sun, her nose was sweaty, but she didn't sell a single good luck mirror.

The monk followed her far away with his bird, watching her seriously introduce the good luck mirror to the bosses, pointing and gesturing in a silly way. She actually believed his nonsense, good luck mirror a hundred taels a piece, I am afraid to sell until the next life can not be sold.

It was noon, and the sun was so hot that the birds wilted and refused to come out of the shadows.

The monk sighed and was about to stop Ji Tan Yin's foolish behavior when he suddenly saw her walking towards him, her snow-white face covered in sweat, but she was laughing - she had laughed a lot in the past two days.

"Sold one." Her sweat dripped down her cheeks and onto her neck, her rows of white teeth shining brightly, "You can have a good meal, would you like to eat?"

The monk narrowed his eyes for a moment and suddenly waved his hand towards her, "Come, come here."

Tan Yin was stunned and walked over to him, but he snatched the bag of good luck mirrors in her arms and threw it into his own sleeve without a second thought.

"Sell me a hundred taels a piece." He smiled, "I don't want to do that. He smiled, "I won't bargain."

Tan Yin sighed: "This ... I don't do credit ...

He said, "I don't think I'll be able to credit you," he said before finishing his sentence: "I don't think it's credit. Your money always goes to me anyway. You can think about it yourself if it's not the case."

Tan Yin stared at him. He has this bland face, frowning in impatience. The corners of his mouth were turned away, as if he were a small-time gangster, but there was a deep smile hidden in his eyes, which were as clear as God's. He probably wasn't used to being treated like this. And probably not accustomed to being stared at like this, he unnaturally frowned deeper, coughed twice.

"... Let's eat, my treat."

She threw down a sentence, turned around and walked away.

The monk hurriedly led the bird to catch up, and asked repeatedly: "What are you going to eat? I don't eat wonton. I want to eat a good wine."

"Beef noodles."

"I don't eat beef."

"Then chicken noodles."

"I don't eat chicken."

"Lamb noodles."

"I don't eat lamb."

"Fox meat noodles."

"... evil woman."

Finally, I don't know what kind of meat noodle the boss served, Tan Yin just had a mouthful of noodle soup, then heard a burst of clamor on the street outside, followed by a row of gorgeous long car whistling past, pulling the car's spirit animal is actually a unicorn.

The customers in the noodle store sighed with admiration: "What a grandeur! Only the Lord of Mount Katori could have such splendor!"

Katori Mountain? A familiar name. Tan Yin ate her noodles while thinking hard.

Within a few bites, another line of water-avoiding beasts flew by outside, and the guests continued to exclaim, "These are the water-avoiding beasts from the family of the Dragon King of the White River in the west! Even the Dragon King wanted to join in the fun of the opening of the sky?"

The sky is full of light? Tan Yin could not help but stop eating the noodles.

In the course of one meal, countless immortals and demons had passed by one after another, and Tan Yin had never seen so many immortals and demons gathered in one place, so what was the "opening of the sky to light" that they were talking about? Even she had never heard of it.

"Eat your noodles." The monk gently pushed her head. Tan Yin was so surprised by his push that her chopsticks fell to the ground, but she didn't care to pick them up and asked: "What is the opening of the sky?"

The monk instructed the staff to send over a pair of clean chopsticks before saying: "It is an auspicious omen. It is said that those who see the light of the sky can have good luck and achieve what they want. This time the opening of the sky was calculated by Immortal Yu Qing of Mount Sha Luo to be in the capital of the Chen Shang Kingdom, so all the immortals and demons came here."

Good omen? "Auspicious omen"? How come she has never heard of it before?

But no wonder this eccentric monk stayed in Yandu, he must have wanted to see the sky open up.

"Do you have any wishes?"

Tan Yin asked seriously, and was prepared for him to babble a lot. However, the monk only smiled and said nothing.