
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


She's a master craftsman


The tavern was shabby and old, with few customers.

The mountain gentleman is drinking to the excitement, his voice is the loudest.

"Fu Jiuyun, you old bastard!

If there is something wrong, you ask me to help you look at it, but if there is nothing wrong, you just hide away and enjoy yourself ...

For many years, that fox, Zhen Hongsheng, has been closed all day long.

I'm the only one who drink, it's so boring ...

Fu Jiulun doesn't pay attention to his abandoned wife-like nagging.

His attention is on Tan Yin at the moment.

There are not thousands of women who have shown eager eyes at the first sight of him, but there are not many who are as ... eager as Tan Yin.

He lowered his head to pour the wine, and felt that the beautiful girl on the other side of the dead staring at himself, from the tips of his hair to the tips of his fingers, hating to see him through that kind of look.

He was slightly surprised in his heart, but on his face he did not show it at all.

He handed a glass of wine to Tan Yin and smiled, "I don't know the name of the girl.

"Ji Tan Yin."

Tan Yin did not drink, and clutched the cup in her hand and rubbed it.

She looked at Fu Jiuyun.

There is no difference between him and an ordinary person, and counting his age, he is almost three thousand years old, longer than many immortals in the world.

But no matter if you are an immortal or a demon, the price for living a long time is to cross the thunderbolt.

The spirit lamp in this spirit does not have the destiny to cross the tribulation, so it can only be reincarnated - he does not have the smell of forgetfulness, is it with the memory of repeated reincarnation?

Tan Yin looked at him with a somewhat sympathetic look in her eyes.

This look makes Fu Jiulun's inner heart faintly hairy.

"Ms. Ji ...

Fu Jiuyun wanted to say something, but stopped.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the monk, who was having a silent drink with Meishan.

Sit far away from Ji Tan Yin, did not even look at her.

"We ... have met before?"

Fu Jiuyun probed and asked.

Tan Yin thought for a moment: "Sort of." Fu Jiuyun couldn't help but ponder.

Fu Jiuyun can not help but ponder, his memory has never been bad. Ji Tan Yin is also a pretty good-looking girl, he is confident that as long as he has seen it once, he will not forget it.

However, he had searched his mind and thought about it, but why did he have no impression at all?

The monk on the other side had already dunked Meishan jun, who was rambling on endlessly, and turned back to Fu Jiuyun with a thoughtful smile, saying in a low voice, "Are you done?

Fu Jiuyun smiled and poured him a full glass of wine with a calm demeanor: "Your Highness, I will drink to you to thank you for the five cups of Drunkenness and Dreams you gave me last time."

The great monk pinched the wine cup, looking at him with a smile but not a laugh, but did not speak or drink, after a long time and a half, then slowly said: "I haven't seen you for many years, you are still suave and elegant.

Fu Jiuyun was as if he hadn't heard it, and said lightly with his cup: "I've traveled all over the world these years, and I have a feeling that I want to compose a piece of music, and Your Highness, the great monk, has always been elegant, so why don't you help me think of a name for my piece of music?

At that time, most of the compositions made by the folk music workshops used the names of existing compositions, which were too vulgar to be tolerated.

The tune he wanted to compose was one that had no antecedents in the past, no successors in the future, and had no equal in the world. He had thought of many names for the tune, but he was not satisfied with them.

The great monk laughed:

"How can I be modest when you are so interested in music? Let me hear it before I speak.

Fu Jiun took down the flute on his waist and played a short piece of music. The song was not finished, it was only a small part of the first movement of his aura.

Even though the sound of the flute is melodious, it is inevitably thin, but the tune is entwined and melodious, like the breeze, like flowing water, Tan Yin can't help but feel relaxed and happy, after tens of millions of years, there is actually such a good song in the mortal world.

The monk's fingers lightly knocked. The song ends with a beat. A short song ends. The song ends, and after a long time, he says: "This song is very melodious, and has the meaning of spring color and splendor.... How about the Peach Blossom Song of the East Wind?"

Meishan Jun is now very drunk, clapping his hands and saying, "No, it's not good! I'm not sure if it's a good idea! I'm so drowsy that my head is spinning! Let's call it a lullaby!"

Fu Jiuyun didn't seem to hear his drunken words, but only recited the words "Peach Blossom in the East Wind", as if he was extremely happy.

The monk saw that Tan Yin's gaze was so close to Fu Jiuyun's face that he was afraid that nothing good would come from letting this silly girl look at him any longer. He got up and said, "I am not strong enough to drink, so I will leave now. I'll have a drink with you all again in the future."

After that, he dragged Tan Yin away without any explanation. "Have you seen enough?"

As he walked away, he smiled and looked down to ask Tan Yin, his attitude was as kind as it could be.

Tanya was staggered by his tugging, and only managed to stabilize her body easily.

Unawares, he dropped another sentence:

"If you haven't seen enough, do you want to go back and look again?"

Tan Yin raised her head and stared at him for a while, the big monk smiled very gently, especially sincere, as if he was really asking such a question from the bottom of his heart.

"Well, I'll go back and take another look."She was worried about something.

The monk slammed her hand away, as if it had thorns on it, and without a word, he whisked away.

Is he ... angry?

Tan Yin touched the wrist that was thrown a bit painful, even if he is a fox, but also like Taihe is a man.

The heart of a man, she can never understand.

Taihe also had such a cold, hot and angry phase, it is really helpless.

She pushed open the hidden door of the tavern, Fu Jiuyun was still sitting in the same place, but it was Mei Shanjun who had drunk too much and fell asleep on the table, his breath was overwhelming.


Tan Yin gently called out in a tentative manner, he was called by this name, right?

Fu Jiun looked at her with some surprise.

This girl has actually come back, isn't she afraid that the monk will kill her if he gets angry?

"Is there something wrong, Ms. Ji?"

He cooled his demeanor a bit. The girl's eyes were too eager.

But she seemed to have some connection with the great monk of the fox clan, he didn't want to get into trouble somehow.

Tan Yin looked around, the customers in the tavern are only three or two, but after all, Fu Jiuyun's appearance is outstanding, including the shopkeeper and the staff will occasionally raise their eyes toward this side to look at.

The light in her eyes flickered, and she suddenly waved her hand, all the voices around her stopped, and the drunken dreaming of Mei Shan Jun also stopped abruptly, and the waiter was pouring wine for the neighboring man, and the wine stopped in mid-air.

All the activities of the tavern were suddenly suspended, as if they were plunged into another strange realm.

Fu Jiuyun was slightly startled - who was she? What kind of person is she?

"You are the spirit that was born from the soul lamp I created." Tan Yin slowly walked towards him step by step, the clear light in her eyes gradually grew, and her snow-white skin seemed to be permeated with that kind of dazzling cold light, making it difficult for people to move an inch.

Fu Jiun was so shocked that he couldn't say a word. He wanted to move, but realized that he couldn't move his body at all. The cold light on her body was becoming more and more attractive to the eyes, and he was slowly feeling the urge to fall asleep.

"The Soul Lamp has been lost in the mortal world, and I have no intention of retrieving it," she said. She walked to Fu Jiuyun, stretched out a finger and slowly touched his eyebrows, the tip of her finger was rich and soft, with a reassuring warmth.

"But if the soul lamp is lit in the future, you will have to fly away from your soul. Even if you are lucky enough to be resurrected, you will still have to suffer the endless suffering of reincarnation." Tan Yin condensed light on her fingertips and sent it between his eyebrows, her voice was low and soft, "I don't know what your fate will be in the future, but today I will give you some good luck and save you from the pain of reincarnation."

The cold light swallowed up Fu Jiun's eyebrows.

Tan Yin withdrew her fingers and looked down at him carefully.

Fu Jiuyun's existence, is the supreme achievement of her artisan craftsmanship, her heart is really very proud, when she was suffering from an incurable disease, vomiting blood and died, her soul wandered in the mortal world for many years, but also could not wear down the flame of the artisan in her heart, and the war between the gods and the devil, she created a soul lamp, but for the Taihe denied, said it was too vicious, so that the flame in her heart is about to be extinguished.

But today, her flame is rekindled, and he is her achievement. She is the unrivaled craftsman of the world.

Fu Jiuyun as if suddenly awakened from a dream, look down, the cup of wine is still there, Mei Shan is still drunk and talking drunkenly, the tavern guests in three or two, the man just for the neighboring man poured full of wine, because of the leakage of some of the words, but also be scolded a few words.

Outside the tavern, the sun shines brightly.

Did something just happen? He smiled to himself and seemed to be lost in thought.

The big monk has dragged Ji Tan Yin away, leaving two empty wine glasses on the table ... Wait, Ji Tan Yin? I'm not sure who she is. He frowned and stared, but how can not recall her appearance, as if there is an irresistible force in the body to prevent him from thinking about this person, and the thought of a move, he instantly forget these things, see Mei Shan sleeping soundly, he also did not care about him, and pondered over his East Wind Peach Blossom Song.


The great monk was in a bad mood. The hateful thing is. He felt very unhappy about his bad mood. So it's even more unpleasant.

The silver in his arms was heavy, he casually threw it on the bed and counted it, these days he snatched more than 400 taels of silver from Ji Tan Yin's hands in bits and pieces.

More than four hundred taels of silver, for a mortal to live, he could live a long time without worrying about food and clothing, or even rich and enjoyable, but he was an Immortal, and this amount of money probably could not even support his horse for a few months.

Why did he take her money? He was also tired of his own unreasonable behavior.

She was the one who insisted on following him for the rest of her life, chasing him in the dark and in the open, so much so that he had no place to run to. She satisfied his manly arrogance and complacency, and he was almost bewildered.

She's like an all-powerful guardian angel. When he wants money, she gives it to him; when he's angry, she makes him happy. Why would she do that? Is she really in love with him?

The monk himself laughed bitterly at this ridiculous idea. He had been in contact with a lot of women, but he didn't know anything about them, and he didn't want to get to know them. He loved the skin of beauties, but never wanted to understand their hearts. Therefore, he didn't understand what Ji Tan Yin's heart was like.

She did all sorts of hateful, disgusting, and cute things to him, and then turned her head and stared at other men, are women such horrible animals? No wonder many old people say that it's hard to bear the grace of a beautiful woman, and he's having a hard time right now.

The monk slowly tore off his fake face. I can't recognize my own face.

He has to look in the mirror.

His face is reflected in the mirror, pale and slightly thin - where is it not as good as Fu Jiuyun's?

After half a day of photographing.

Suddenly, he felt that this behavior is so stupid, he threw away the mirror and wanted to go out. Suddenly there were two knocks on the door, but he was in a bad mood and didn't bother to pay attention to it. It seemed that the person outside the door stood there for a while and then left.

The monk was in an even worse mood. He's been in a bad mood too many times lately. He should take some pills to clear his mind or something to make up for it.

He doesn't know how long it took. Suddenly, there was a sound of "music sound" in the guest room, as if there were many people walking. The monk suddenly opened his eyes, and it was already twilight. He realized that he had actually fallen asleep while leaning on the bedside.

As he rubbed his fingers together to light the candle, the sound of "chuffing" came closer and closer.

He looked down and saw that the door of the guest room was half-covered, and several wooden figures, even smaller than the previous one, dressed in various colors, were walking clumsily towards the bed.

The big monk was dumbfounded as the little wooden men walked up to his feet, lined up in three neat rows, put their hands together in salute, and then began to dance and sing, singing the same song, "Jianxi," but with a much louder voice than the one that night, with their shaking shirts and shrill voices, and with a very cute look of seriousness.

However, this is not all, behind the door flew into a number of small machine birds, the body exquisite, clear call, except for the lack of brightly colored feathers, other than the same as the real birds.

These little birds held flowers in their mouths and flew around the wooden man, scattering flower petals like rain.

At the end of the song, the monk's jaw is not yet closed, only to see behind the door and rustling into a slightly larger body magpie, holding a small paper strip in its mouth, resting on his arm up and down, left and right, shaking his head, very soulful.

The monk slowly pulled out the note, on which there were only three words: Do you want to eat?

He looked up, and behind the door of the guest room, Tanyin was staring at him with only one pair of stupid eyes.

He was so angry, he wanted to laugh, and all the bad feelings he had during the day had disappeared.

How stupid was he? How stupid?

Why was he laughing? Why did he feel so refreshed all of a sudden?

The monk deliberately threw down the note, waved away the magpie, rolled over on the bed, and didn't say a word.

Not long after the twittering bird cries rained densely, a weight on the arm, actually parked seven or eight birds, magpies, crows and a small eagle alive and well.

Each of these birds has a note in its beak with the same three words written on it.

The big monk by the bird chirping noise of the brain numb, can only sigh and get up, turn back to look at the guest room door, Tan Yin is still hiding in the old posture behind the door, full of anticipation to look at him.

"Alas ..."

He let out a long sigh and was about to say something, when he suddenly felt a flash of white light outside the window, like lightning, instantly illuminating the surrounding area as bright as daylight, followed by many people whispering and exclaiming:

"The sky is opening up!

The light of heaven is opening up.

It was actually eight hours earlier than what Immortal Yu Qing had projected.