
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


You're a good man


A small white cloud of wontons was soaked in the snow-white beef bone soup, topped with a layer of green onions, the aroma of which was tantalizing.

The boss, still in a state of anger and not in a good mood towards the monk, placed the wonton on the table and turned to Tan Yin and said in a pleasant manner, "An immortal that you know? A good girl like Ms. Ji, don't let this kind of bastard immortal bring you down!"

The monk pretended to be deaf and mute. He was so desperate that he grabbed a bowl and put it in front of himself, and while scooping up the wonton, he asked in a low voice, "The boss here seems to know you well?"

Just now, we followed her all the way to the wonton store, and along the way, many food vendors greeted Tan Yin with smiles, so he didn't know that this strange woman was so well-liked.

Tan Yin shook her head: "I don't know them very well, but I made some counterfeit mirrors and sold them. They seem to like them."

The counterfeit mirrors ...

The monk suddenly felt bitter in his mouth, and he couldn't swallow the fragrant wonton. It turns ... out that the little mirror was made by her! He should have guessed that such a vicious tool must come from the hand of a vicious and strange woman.

"Sooner or later you have to be put in a sack and beaten ... by a group of people," the big monk muttered angrily, recognizing his blindfold at a glance, which is too vicious. The face of the Fox Clan was lost to him today.

"They are small businesses," Tan Yin saw him devouring a bowl of wonton and looking at the wonton of the gore birds with glowing eyes, she hurriedly pushed the untouched bowl over to him, "how can they earn money to support their families when they are being tricked every now and then and taking fake silver?"

"You're the one who's kind."

The monk swallowed the wonton in one gulp, and got up to leave. Tan Yin hurriedly followed him, but within two steps, he suddenly stopped and stared back at her fiercely, "Why are you following me?

She stopped speaking again. A difficult look appeared on her pretty face, her eyes were rolling around, but she couldn't come up with any pleasant excuses. The monk was disgusted and helpless with her behavior.

Idiot, idiot, can't even say a nice excuse, others don't understand the situation. Look at them. They thought he had done something heartless and ungrateful.

"Is your name really Ji Tan Yin? Are you a craftsman?" He remembered how Mei Shan Jun had searched through the Heavenly Book for ten days without finding any results.

"Yes."Tan Yin nodded quickly.

"You've taken someone else's body, haven't you?"

The monk turned around and continued to walk, although the tone of his words was light and breezy, but the content made her slightly surprised: "... How did you know?"

The monk laughed sarcastically, "Because I'm not an idiot. You borrowed someone else's body, aren't you afraid of being condemned by heaven?"

Tan Yin shook her head in silence.

Well, it doesn't matter who she is. Whether she's an enemy or something else, it doesn't matter. It would be strange for such a stupid and naive woman to accomplish anything.

"You'll have to follow me. I'm a good eater." The monk, with his hands behind his back. "I can't live without clothes, food and beauty. If you can't support me, I'll run away."

Tan Yin hurriedly opened her purse, she sold "counterfeit mirror" in the past few days. It was quite popular and made a lot of money. Although she didn't quite know what he was talking about "a beautiful woman in clothes and food". I'm not quite sure how much money he's talking about, but the Ji family is a family of craftsmen. As long as they have a pair of hands, they will not starve to death.

"I have fifty taels." She told the truth about her family's wealth. The monk snatched it up, weighed it, and stuffed it into his pocket. Then he laughed scornfully, "This is not enough to feed my horse."

"This ... I can keep making things to sell, they sell well." She was still quite confident in her craftsmanship.

The monk laughed at her fussiness: "Let's go then." He accelerated his pace, as if the wind was blowing under his feet.

Tan Yin ran all the way behind him, surprised and happy. She cannot believe that he actually obeyed and stopped running. She carefully tugged on his sleeve, carefully asked: "So ... then I can follow you?"

The monk made a "hmmmm" sound: "Now, aren't you following me?"

"Can I follow you all the time?"

"That depends on your performance."

The girl behind him suddenly fell silent and did not speak for half a day. The monk looked back and saw that her face was full of gratitude, and there were even tears glittering in her eyes.

He was shocked by this expression. He had seen all kinds of beauties with all kinds of expressions, light anger, boredom and laughter, but he had never seen a beautiful person being so grateful to him.

"Thank you. " Tan Yin thanked him with great sincerity.

The big monk was suddenly a bit embarrassed, his face heated up, and he whispered, "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go to the inn."

Now that he had money, he wanted to use it to smash that snobbish innkeeper to death. Apparently, the story of the monk who had cheated the owner of the kwonton store with fake silver had spread around the area. The innkeeper took the counterfeiting mirror and looked at the silver he gave him left and right, up and down, upside down, and finally looked at Tan Yin in a rather uneasy manner and asked, "Ms. Ji, this counterfeiting mirror won't break, will it?"

The monk's face turned green. He hated to strangle this nosy girl. "Don't do this kind of harmful things in the future!"

When he went upstairs to the guest room, he snatched Tan Yin's qiankun pouch without any reasoning, "I'll keep the pouch, tell me if you need any materials."

In fact, he wanted to see what was in this Qiankun bag. Ask Ji Tan Yin, she would not say anything, but would only show that kind of stupid expression, which is disgusting to look at. He couldn't find out her identity, so he simply grabbed the bag to satisfy his curiosity.

On the surface, the Qiankun bag looks like a very ordinary and worn out cowhide bag. It is used by ordinary people to put some broken silver and miscellaneous things.

When you open up the rope that binds the mouth of the pouch. Inside is very different. It was as if there was another world hidden inside. It is hard to imagine that this kind of skill is made by a mere mortal.

One by one, the monk pulled out things from the inside, first a few small machine birds with big holes in their chests, I think he smashed them that night, she had not yet had time to repair them. Then there were a few packages, containing a change of clothes and various sundries. As well as a few packages of bandages and medicine bottles. All of which were used in daily life, with no peculiarities at all.

The rest of the packages were made of various materials, and he even pulled out a piece of gold nanmu wood. Finally, he pulled out a small colorful windmill and a half-used silk bag from the innermost part of the bag.

The monk picked up the windmill and blew gently on it, and it babbled and spun. It was similar to the ones sold by the vendors outside, but a little smaller, and the handle and the connecting ribbons were not made of bamboo silk, but of very soft silver, which had been rubbed over a long period of time, and the silver silk had a dark color, so it should be very old.

After blowing on the windmill for a while, he couldn't figure out what was going on, so he picked up the silk bag and looked at it again.

The silk bag was half old. But it was washed and cleaned, soft to the touch. The color was like the light green of the dawn, but it was empty, containing nothing.

He still couldn't figure out why. Ji Tan Yin actually didn't put anything that would reveal her identity in the Qiankun Pouch. She didn't seem like such a prudent person.

His curiosity about Ji Tan Yin has swelled to an uncontrollable level. He wanted to lock her up and torture her. But when she held his sleeve like that and said thank you with tears of gratitude on her face, his stomach of intrigue felt like it was hitting a brick wall, and no matter how thick his skin was, he couldn't do anything evil.

The door of the guest room was gently knocked twice, and Tan Yin's light voice sounded outside the door: "Your Highness, may I come in?"

"Come in."

He quickly put the things back into his Qiankun bag and sat up straight.

"I need three pieces of ebony. Two pieces of poplar. One piece of bronze. And forty rivets. ..."

Tan Yin was so familiar with the materials in the Qiankun bag that she could talk about them all in one breath without taking a breath.

The big monk was in a hurry to rummage around in the Qiankun bag, how could he recognize what ebony and poplar look like? After half a day of rummaging, he simply returned the Qiankun bag to her: "Take it back.

Tan Yin took out the materials in a swift manner. The materials were thrown all over the place, but she didn't seem to want to leave, picking up what she needed on the spot.

This is the first time in his life that he has personally seen a craftsman making something. At first, he saw her sawing a piece of wood with a knife and carving and chiseling it, which was quite boring, but her hands were like a magic trick, and within a few moments, she produced a small wooden man with a nose and eyes, and a ridiculous hat on his head, which was very lifelike, and he couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sight of it.

She also used poplar wood to make five viscera and six bowels for the little man, a palm-sized wooden man, how small must the five viscera and six bowels be?

The monk felt that her hands were simply incredible, not even a tremor, steady and fast, a small heart gradually appeared in her palm.

As the sky grew dark, the monk lit a candle and saw Tam Yum putting on a tiny white robe in a very old-fashioned style to fit the tiny wooden figure she had made - was she making a puppet for fun?

No one answered his question. Tanyin took a teapot from the table and gently removed the hat on top of the little wooden figure's head - the hat was actually a lid. The hat was a lid, with a hole no bigger than a needle point hidden in the top of the head.

She took an even smaller funnel and inserted the mouth of the funnel into the hole. Then she poured in half a kettle of tea.

The little wooden man suddenly moved, at first only moving his arms and legs, the movement was very clumsy and ridiculous, followed by a sudden hands up, began to dance, the dance is very ancient. The monk watched in amazement as the five senses on the wooden man's face moved, his eyes blinked, his lips opened and closed, and then it suddenly opened its mouth, and what sounded like a ridiculously shrill song came out of its mouth.

"It's simple, simple, simple. The party will be ten thousand dances. The sun is in the middle of the square, in front of the upper place."

The wooden man is singing and dancing at the same time, his white robe is fluttering around with a dashing look.

"Minamata Shukata is dancing in the public court. He is as powerful as a tiger, and his hand is as strong as a group. His left hand holds a flute and his right hand holds a Zhai. He looks like ochre, and he says, "You are a king."

This is supposed to be a poem to praise the dancers for their heroic performance, but this tiny wooden man dances in a very funny way. The hat on his head is tilted over and over, as if it might fall off at any moment.

Suddenly, it holds its heart again and makes the symptom of longing and admiration: "There are hazelnuts in the mountains, and there are ling in the sermons. Whose thoughts are in the clouds? The beauty of the West. The beauty in the West is a person from the West."

As the song swirled and became faintly audible, the little wooden man turned in a circle, bowed respectfully to the big monk, and then stopped moving.

The monk felt that his jaw seemed to be about to drop, he scooped up the small wooden man, peeled off the clothes and hat, looked over and over, but how can not see how it can sing and dance in the end.

"You ..." He stared at Tan Yin and couldn't say anything. What is the meaning of "divine skill", he did not really understand until this moment.

Tan Yin looked up at him, the candlelight reflecting brightly in her eyes. "Do you like it?" She asked with genuine anticipation.

He should like it, right? The first time she made a singing and dancing wooden man for Tai He to see, his eyes were almost glazed over. Tai He's eyes almost fell out, and the monk's expression was exactly the same as Tai He's. But she waited for a long time. However, she waited for a long time, but the monk didn't say anything, he just looked at her with a blank stare, as if he knew her for the first time.

"Do you like it?" Tan Yin was a bit worried. The little wooden man could make Tai He laugh. How come this fox didn't react at all?

The monk remained silent. He just stared at her, and kept staring. Her snow-white face and dark eyes, her black jewel-like eyes filled with pure expectation, he could not help but think of those eyes on the platform.

It was as if tens of thousands of butterflies had flown into his ears. He hung his head in an awkward manner. At this moment, in this situation, he had no way to say he didn't like it with a clear conscience.

"... hmmm."

He gave an inaudible affirmation, squeezing the little wooden figure and not letting it go. His thumbs were tipping his hat back and forth, flustered and distracted.

"Then I'll give it to you."

For the first time, a happy smile appeared on Tan Yin's face. "Thank you, you're a good man."