
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
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22 Chs


What a downcast!


Ji Tan Yin, female, 1,000 years up and down.

There are five hundred and thirty-three thousand five hundred and twenty-four women of this name under heaven. Between the ages of fifteen and twenty, most of them have been eliminated. For the people around Yuan City, another eight or nine tenths of them have been eliminated, and the remaining number of people is still very considerable.

Meishan Jun's hands and feet were sore from organizing. The scary thing was that, after rummaging and rummaging, he couldn't actually find the woman who fully met the conditions of the Great Monk. What's even more frightening is that the Yuan City girl who was found in accordance with the conditions of the great monk was not named Ji Tan Yin, nor was she from a craftsman's family, and the heavenly book even clearly stated: this girl died at the age of 18.

Wiping his sweaty head, Meishan Jun handed the heavenly book to the monk and asked cautiously, "Look, are you remembering the name wrong? Is it her?"

The monk looked and looked until he saw the portrait in the upper left corner and couldn't help but "eek". No mistake, the portrait is exactly the Ji Tan Yin, Yuan City, he knew, but she is not called Ji Tan Yin, nor is she an artisan, and she died at the age of eighteen of an acute illness.

In that case, there is only the possibility of returning the body to the soul, no wonder Zi Fei could not find any flaws. The Ji Tan Yin he knew was an artisan, and seemed to be quite skilled, with a Qian Kun bag. His left hand can not kill her ... The monk suddenly opened his mouth: "Here is the register of the next thousand years, can there be a more ancient one?"

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that. Meishan Jun sighed, "It's only 5,000 years old at the most."

"Can you find out who made the Qiankun Bag?"

Meishan Jun shook his head: "It was made by craftsmen in the ancient times. After the War of the Gods and Demons, all the information was destroyed, and there is no record of it in the Book of Heaven, so no one in the world can find out what happened in the past."

The great monk couldn't help but ponder. After a long time, he suddenly smiled and said in a low voice: "That's fine, let's stop here."

Meishan Jun is about to cry. He spent ten whole days without eating, drinking or sleeping to find out something for him. But in the end, he found nothing. Are this ten days not a waste of work? It's not a big deal that his reputation will be tarnished. The two drunken dreams and deaths wine will be wasted!

" I'll send someone to bring them to you in a few days." The great monk saw through his small mind and couldn't help but smile even more joyfully, "There are still some clues, thank you."

Meishan Jun's face immediately cleared up like the sky after a rainy day, and Meishan Residence, which had been raining for many days, finally began to clear up, a rainbow appeared on the lotus pond, and the little ghosts were chattering and pointing to each other, celebrating each other's good fortune.

The great monk led the Aurora bird out of the gate of Meishan Residence, and the overflowing river in front of the gate disappeared, revealing a small wooden bridge hidden underneath, and the banks of the bridge were full of fresh flowers, fragrant with fragrance.

He looked around and smiled at Meishanjun, "I don't know why you are sad, but in the future, don't be so startled, or you will not be able to live up to the beauty of this beautiful scenery."

Meishan Jun couldn't help but blush. In fact, he was just looking for Little Mei to confess his love to her and that war ghost general happened to bump into him. Fu Jiun once said that if you like someone, you have to let her know. He summoned up all his courage to confess to Little Mei. Although the result was quite unsatisfactory, Little Mei was happy, and even though he was dry heaving and howling, in the bottom of his heart he was still happy for her.

"At least ..." The monk sighed softly.

"At least she really exists, living in a place you can see and touch. ... Well, I'm off, take care, Meishan."

The last two words of the monk have a deep meaning. Meishan Jun sent him away, closed the door and thought for a long time but did not understand what it means. The fox clan is always so secretive.


Now, where to go?

The great monk rode on the back of the Aurora bird, looking far into the distance. The sky was high and the clouds were light. The warm summer wind blew his face and clothes. The world was so big that he didn't know where to go. The excitement he had felt before, to get rid of Ji Tan Yin, had long since disappeared.

He couldn't find out what happened to Ji Tan Yin. He felt exhausted.

Since he was a young boy, he had followed Elder Ding Xu because he had an indestructible left hand, and Elder Ding Xu wanted to train him to become the sharpest blade of the Fox Clan. He learned and did many things that were not honorable, causing monk Xin Mao to shake his head and sigh when he saw him.

He must be suspicious. There were too many people who harbored ill will towards the Fox Clan, and even more who coveted his left hand, and the slightest hint of laxity would spell disaster for the Fox Clan. They would give anything to see the God of Heaven again - all of which Elder Ding Xu had taught him.

But he was getting tired. The dark gem-like eyes in his dream were getting farther and farther away from him, so far away that it seemed like it could really only be a dream, and he even suspected that the high platform was a fantasy of his own.

Over the years, many of the clansmen around him have died, many of them very young, including Zi Fei. They all died unworthy deaths. Elder Dingxu did not show it but he slowly became unable to accept it. The eyes of the monk Xin Mao looking at him before he died became clearer and clearer in his mind.

Later, Elder Ding Xu gave the order to kill Chuan Zhaoyang and Xin Mai. He knew very well who Chuan Zhaoyang was, but Xin Mai was just a mortal who married Chuan Zhaoyang's son, so Elder Ding Xu asked him to kill her in order to provoke the War Ghost Clan, so as to maximize the struggle.

He doesn't want to fulfill this order, he is tired of it. It's better to just leave. Wherever he goes. Without his left hand Elder Ding Xu does not dare to be too reckless.

As for Ji Tan Yin ... The monk looked around again, the green mountains, the sunshine, and the sunshine. She probably chased him to the end, right?

What exactly is she? The heavenly book can't find out, the ice can't freeze her. He's been investigating her from the beginning of his suspicion. He's slowly turned to curiosity. Is she an old ghost like Fu Jiun?

The monk was flying aimlessly on his Aurora bird, and he felt a little bit of regret in the back of his mind. If Ji Tan Yin was here, the two of them would be chasing each other and running away. This idea together, he quickly threw out of his mind, no longer want to think about it.


It's already a beautiful autumn day in August in Yandu, the capital city of the northern country of Chen Shang. Although not as grand as the Gaodu of Tianyuan,it is the place where humans, demons and immortals mix the most.

Chen Shang country is a steep terrain, surrounded by endless mountains. How many immortals have opened up caves in the mountains to realize the blessed land of immortals. There are countless rare herbs and precious birds and beasts in the mountains. Even the most famous Xin Xie Zhuang that keeps birds and beasts has a branch in Yandu. Therefore, when the monk rode the gorgeous and noble Aurora bird and landed in front of one of the inns in Yandu, the man didn't even raise his eyes for a moment, he was very calm.

"This Immortal, our inn is having an event right now. If you stay in one of the top class rooms, the room charge for a single day is one tael of silver. If you stay for three days, you can pay two taels of silver a day. If you stay for ten days and half a month, the discounts are even more numerous. And so on. We also offer discounts for first-class rooms and second-class rooms, so please feel free to make your own choice."

The man calmly handed the monk a beautifully crafted pamphlet.

On the top of the booklet, there are various kinds of guest rooms ranging from fairy-sized to demonic-sized, which are very confusing to the eyes.

The monk subconsciously touched his wallet - it was empty! He remembered with pain that he had thrown all the silver on his body out to smash Ji Tan Yin's machine bird in order to avoid her that night.

He felt in his arms for a long, long time. He touched his sleeve, then his hair, then took off his shoes and looked at them, but he couldn't find anything that could be sold for money. Finally, he calmly straightened out his sleeves and walked away with the bird of joy in his hand in front of the contemptuous eyes of the men.

This is how a monk is defeated by a penny. He had never lived without money before, was he going to be like those little fairies and demons, using leaves and roots to turn into silver to deceive mortals? The more he thought about it, the more he realized that this method was feasible.

At that time, it was almost lunch time, and the aroma of all kinds of food was wafting over the streets. His hunger was all triggered, and he felt hungry for rolls of intestines, and it so happened that there was a small store selling wonton soup across the street, and the soup made of beef bones smelled so good that it was impossible to believe it. The great monk took off the feathers of the Aurora bird and turned the two feathers into silver, in front of the eyes of the bird which were dissatisfied with the soup, mixed with contempt.

"Boss, two bowls of wonton." The big monk calmly handed the silver to the old, dim-looking boss. The boss laughed, took out a purple copper inlaid glazed mirror from his pocket, looked at the silver for a few moments, and then threw it back with a furious face, saying, "This shameless immortal! He threw the silver back and said angrily, "This shameless immortal!

The monk was dumbfounded. Are mortals so powerful now? How did he know it was fake silver? That little mirror is some kind of artifact that he doesn't know about?

"He looks so young, but he's doing such a bad thing. ..." The passerby chirped.

"I wonder what kind of immortal is leading such a beautiful bird. Why are you doing this?" passerby B twittered.

"Last time, there was a monkey demon who turned monkey hair into silver to cheat people. The world has changed, and people's hearts aren't what they used to be." Passerby C was very emotional.

The monk, with no expression on his face. He slowly walked away again with the bird of bliss in his hand. The world is so big, but he doesn't even have the money to eat a bowl of wonton. How desolate and downcast he was!

When he came to the corner, he silently wiped his tears for the starving bird. Suddenly, the hem of his shirt was tugged twice by something. The monk looked back and saw a big yellow dog staring at him eagerly, and on its paw was a small cloth bag with something bulging inside.

The monk looked at the dog, then at the bag, then at the dog again, and suddenly realized that there was something wrong with the dog. He held the yellow dog's paw in his hand, and it wasn't the sensation of warm animal fur in his hand - was this a machine dog? Actually made so exquisite!

Then this cloth bag is not ...

The monk hurriedly turned over the bag, and sure enough, there are five spikes of silver in it, which is exactly what he threw out that night to smash the machine bird. He raised his head sharply and looked around. He saw that in a distant alley. Ji Tan Yin's green colored clothes flashed by. She hid behind a tree at the entrance of the alley, revealing only two eyes, one time to look at him, the other time to look at the silver in his hand. In the end, he did not avoid her. Was she hiding in the shadows all along?

The monk squeezed the silver in his hand, and for some reason he wanted to laugh, and he did. He slowly walked up to Tan Yin, sighed with a smile on one side, and opened his mouth, "... Well, do you want to eat the wonton?"