
Unparalleled Under the Heaven (Tian Xia Wu Shuang)

About story of the goddess Wushuang/Ji Tan Yin descending to the mortal realm to assassinate Yuan Zhong, the high priest of the Youhu (Fox) clan, in order to retrieve a treasure from the divine realm. However, Wushuang discovers another hidden truth behind the matter. In the process of investigating, the two fall in love and work together to save the world. Whether I love you or not, only I know. Whether you love me or not, only you know. For the melancholy soul, only separation remains. ~ 天下無雙 by Shi Si Lang 十四郎 ~ Disclamer : This story is not mine. I am not a translator. Please support the author. I translate using a machine translation and I am doing this for fun because of it's Liu Xue Yi's upcoming drama ☺ Some informations I take from novelupdates

AmeSanSan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


In fact, she's still being manipulated by that cunning fox


Taihe is the god in charge of hundreds of millions of stars in the Heavenly River. At first glance, he sounds very powerful and dignified, but the first time she met him, he was sitting on a rock by the side of the Heavenly River, playing with a small windmill.

She stood looking at him from a distance, unsure of his identity. She wasn't quite sure what a god ruler should look like, but it wouldn't be a casual green silk robe with loose hair half lying on a rock. At his feet were hundreds of millions of stars, wrapped in the shallow clouds of the heavenly river, glittering as if sprinkled with gold shavings on silk.

He spotted her at once and looked at her curiously, his gaze clear and gentle. "Come here, come here." Tai He waved at her, as if greeting a strange little wild cat.

She hid farther and farther away, shrinking behind the Eternal Life Tree, revealing only two fierce glittering eyes.

Taihe smiled and ignored her, blowing a colorful windmill in his hand. The light and thin clouds in the heavenly river tumbled up and down with the rhythm of his blowing, and the sea of stars was dizzying as the stars moved around and around. Suddenly a huge fish, as red as blood, sprang out of the river; it made a beautiful roll in the air, and gave a rude flick of its tail, as if complaining that he had disturbed it by his blowing. With a wail, its tail fell in a huge shower of fine, golden sand that rained down like rain.

Her eyes lit up again, not with a guarded fierceness, but with that glow of a craftsman who had seen a rare and exotic material. Star sand from the River of Heaven, a material found only in myths and legends, and she inevitably began to fantasize about the amazing things that could be made from it. Tai He used a silk bag to collect the sand, and then, after some thought, placed the bag on the green stone and jumped down, blowing the windmill away. She had been on guard for a long time, her eyes were all glazed over, and she was sure that there was no one around. Only then did she quietly sneak past, snatch the silk bag and run away. Unexpectedly, there was a sudden "snort" of laughter from behind her back, and she turned back in panic, only to see Tai He, who had obviously left just now, half lying on the green stone, looking at her with a smile on his face.

"Be careful," he said in a gentle voice, "don't fall in the river, I can't get you out."


Tan Yin opened her eyes and saw a dark cloudy sky, it was already dawn. This body should be dead, but she still has dreams, why?

Why? I'm afraid no one can answer that question.

Tan yin got up and patted the dust, she didn't think she would be sleeping in the mountains, she actually forgot to put a Linglong house out, how did she sleep yesterday?

She flew far behind the monk, and when he stopped to rest and eat, she also stopped to rest and eat, and when he got up and continued to fly, she also got up and continued to fly, anyway, she didn't let him see her. They flew like this for four days and four nights without sleeping.

The great monk was obviously staggering on the bird, as if he would fall off at any time. Last night, he finally reached the end of his rope. He found a flat ground and built a fire, as if he was going to sleep out and look for something to eat.

Tan Yin was hiding in the shadows, and when she saw him aiming at a rabbit, she immediately came to help. The Qiankun Pouch is filled with various instruments and tools that she has made. She took out a small crossbow and loaded it with a copper needle, and noiselessly anesthetized all the rabbits she could find on the hillside, so that it would be easy for him to catch them.

However, it seems that he is not very happy about this situation, after encountering the tenth anesthetized rabbit, the big monk gave up, picked some wild fruits and ate them raw, and after eating, he fell down and went to sleep, without even glancing towards her.

Tan Yin had no choice but to find a piece of flat ground not too far away from him and sit on the ground to stare. The men she has met in her life are really few and far between. When she was a human being, the Ji family was a small family. By the time she was a little old enough to understand, she and her father were the only ones left to die. Later ... met Tai He and a few other god rulers. Tai He's character is easy-going, and the other gods who don't have a lot of contact with him are also easy-going, and none of them are as cunning as the great monk. None of them are as cunning and difficult as the great monk, suspicious and wary, running away when they meet someone they can't solve, and completely unapproachable.

At night, the cool breeze in the mountain forest was mixed with the sound of various unknown insects. Tanyin looked down and counted the ants on the ground, these fragile little creatures were busy moving, it must be raining tomorrow. Well, tomorrow, where is this fox, the great monk, going to wander around tomorrow?

As she thought about it, she actually felt sleepy, not sure if it was because the mountain wind was blowing so comfortably, or because the scent from the wind smelled so good.

The scent ...?

Tan Yin turned back, she saw that the monk who was supposed to be sleeping had risen again. He was holding a small bronze incense burner in his hand and was adding incense to it, the spices were made of something unknown. The smoke from the incense was extremely sweet and mild, and the mountain wind sent the fragrance to her, although it became much lighter, but it was far away and even more soul-crushing.

I heard that the fox clan is good at making spices, although she only worked as a maid for the great monks for a few days, but she was well aware of the fact that they usually carry incense burners and spices on their bodies.

He had been traveling for four days and four nights and was very dusty, so it was only natural for him to smell incense at this time.

Tan Yin yawned, completely unable to resist the scent of the surroundings, sleepy eyes can not open, even a trace of vigilance did not come up, and sank into sleep.

... So. In fact, she still is being set up that cunning fox.

The fox clan is an immortal, how could an immortal be hungry and tired? Even if they did, they shouldn't be able to hold out after just four days. She was inexperienced and he got away again.

Tan Yin walked to the flat area where the monk had slept last night. The fire he had built had long since gone out, he must have run away last night when she was just sleeping.

Tan Yin shook her head in disbelief. There were some extremely small black powder particles scattered on the ground, she bent down to pick them up and put them in front of her nose to sniff them - it was the smell of the spice from yesterday. At this time, the weather is not good, it must be raining soon, while the smell is still strong, she must find the big monk's whereabouts as soon as possible.

Tan Yin took out a palm-sized box from her qiankun pouch, and when she opened the lid, inside was an extremely delicate little cage, in which there was actually an emerald green bird smaller than her thumb. She slowly fed it the fine spice particles one by one, and the bird immediately became excited, letting out a clear caw, wings fluttering, head turned to the south, and its long, sharp beak pointed ridiculously in that direction.

Is it heading south? Tan Yin mounted her bird. She followed in the same direction.


Freedom! Freedom!

The great monk rode happily on the back of the Aurora bird. The cloudy sky couldn't dampen his mood, and he finally got rid of that strange woman!

What does it mean to be refreshed? What does it mean to be refreshed? What does it mean to be free?

He felt that he now fully understood the meaning of the monk Xin Chou's phrase "free"!

Where to go next? He didn't want to think about it, but he could go anywhere! As long as there was no Ji Tan Yin, it was a good place.

He flew randomly through the boundless forest for more than half a month, going south, west, and east, until he was sure that there was no one behind him, and then he instructed the Aurora bird to fly slowly toward the west.

Ji Tan Yin's case can't be forgotten. Zi Fei couldn't find out, so he decided to find out himself.

It was four hours later when he arrived at the White Head Mountain. Before the big monk flew to the top of the mountain, he felt rain falling down, and the rain was quite heavy.

He looked up and saw that half of the mountain was covered in smoke and clouds, a sight he had never seen before. Whitehead Mountain is the place where Meishan Jun passed the Heavenly Thunderbolt and became an immortal, and every blade of grass, every tree, and every change in the weather here is intricately linked to Meishan Jun, and the rain is so sparse. Could it be that Meishan Jun has been in a bad mood lately?Apparently, the Aurora bird did not like the feeling of being drenched by the rain, and with a long cry, it flapped its wings and ran up to the top of the mountain like lightning.

The situation at the top of the mountain seems to be worse ... The monk jumped down and looked around. He remembered that there used to be a small wooden bridge over there. How ... why is the wooden bridge gone and turned into a river? The flowers planted in front of the door were beaten by the rain and drooped, ready to fall at any time.

The monk was full of questions, raised his stick and knocked on the small drum next to the door, and waited for a long time. It was only after a long time that two spirit ghosts opened the door with umbrellas and crying faces, and when they saw a strange man standing at the door, spirit ghost A said without any courtesy, "The master said he doesn't want to see guests these days, so please go back."

The monk laughed and said, "Not even me?"

The two Spirit Ghosts stared at him for half a day, until they realized that he was holding a huge and magnificent bird of paradise behind him, and then Spirit Ghost B exclaimed: "Are you, are you not the great monk of the Fox Clan? Have you changed your face again? I almost didn't recognize you!"

The great monk looked at the torrential rain that was pouring down overhead and wondered, "Why is it raining here? What's going on in Meishan?" The little ghosts muttered, "It's all because of that little Mei ...."

Little-Mei? Who is that? Seems like a familiar name? The monk followed the ghosts into the courtyard and saw that the paths had been flooded, and the flowers that used to bloom all over the courtyard had all withered. The good Meishan Residence was dead, and it seemed that the flooding in the backyard was even more serious.

The ghosts were busy sweeping up the water with their umbrellas. Every now and then, there are cries of terror from time to time, thinking that they must have been turned into white paper by the water.

"His Highness the Great Monk ..." Leading the people to the backyard, the little ghosts looked at him carefully and whispered, "Don't mention the name Little Mei in front of him, or the Meishan Residence will really be flooded."

The great monk rolled his eyes and agreed. When he pushed open the door, he saw wine bottles and glasses all over the floor, and the room was filled with the smell of wine. Meishan Jun was leaning against the low table half-drunk and half-awake, with a bottle of wine in his hand, which was about to fall to the floor. The great monk walked over and sat down opposite him with a smile, and the first thing he said was: "So you really like that little mortal girl, Little Mei? When Meishan Jun heard the word "Little Mei" in a hazy moment, his chest hurt, and he opened his mouth and bawled his eyes out.

The great monk laughed loudly, "So it's true?" Holding his chin, he thought back to his encounters with Little Mei. The girl is not bad looking, but with that temperament, I'm afraid no one would dare to eat her.

"You you you you ..." Meishan Jun cried while looking up at this person who smiled in an extremely unpleasant way, and once he saw that it was the great monk, his cries immediately weakened. He did not socialize much with the great monk, unlike Fu Jiuyun Zhen Hongsheng, who was so unbridled. Not to mention that the identity of this person is a fox clan of the great monks, noble bloodline. Mei Shanjun dare not be rude, immediately stopped crying, hands together, with a nasal salute: "How can His Highness have the time to come here today?"

The great monk said with a smile, "I came to see you when I had time, but I didn't realize that you were drinking alone because of your love, why don't you let me drink with you?"

Meishan Jun laughed bitterly, "You ... you also want to come to laugh at me ..."

"No, no, no." The great monk shook his hand and laughed lightly, "It is common for people to miss each other, so why should I laugh at you? It's just that it's not a good idea to drink and cry alone. If you keep on crying, the White Head Mountain will flood."

Meishan Jun let out a long sigh and remained silent for a long time. The spirits changed the wine neatly, and the great monk raised his glass and looked at him, saying: "I heard that in order to do business with you. I have to beat you at drinking." The few dimly-lit drinks of Mei Shan Jun immediately woke up, and he said in dismay: "You want to work with me?"

"Well ..." The great monk pondered for a moment, then said, "There are many fine wines in the clan, but I didn't bring a few altars with me in my haste to come out, and the brewing manual is not at hand, so I can only accompany you to drink a few cups."

The wine of the Fox Clan was once offered to the Gods of Heaven! Remembering that Fu Jiuyun had brought him a few cups of "Drunken Life, Dreaming of Death", Mei Shan Jun's eyes immediately glistened, and the wine in his hand instantly turned into disdainful dregs.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" He could only shake the monk's hand, "I'll just make up for it with two cups of Drunkenness and Dreaming next time! What do you want to find out? Just tell me!"

The monk laughed and laughed, dipped his finger in the turquoise wine and slowly wrote three words on the table: Ji Tan Yin.

"Check this woman."

Mei Shanjun opened his mouth wide and looked at him in a difficult way: "How many people have the same name in the world, this ... this ..."

"Can't find out?" The great monk rose with a smile on his face, "Then I'll take my leave."

"I'll check it out right away! I'll check it right away!"

Mei Shanjun really couldn't bear to part with those wine, so he immediately called out the little crow and asked it to go to the Golden Snake Clan and borrow their heavenly book to check.