
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

mobisa · Urban
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45 Chs

Store... Second World

At Jiang Hao's request, Rinrin displayed a list of the most expensive items that were readily available for purchase.

[Item: Cosmic Fractal Bubble

Description: An innate bubble that folds into itself infinitely. The closer you look, the more you discover. The more you discover, the more it grows and develops. This bubble can hold spaces and universes forming a reality.

Details: A grain of sand, a piece of earth, a planet, a star system, a galaxy, a star field, a region, a universe, a bubble, a river of bubbles, a starry sky, the dark sea, the endless void. The Cosmic Fractal Bubble holds them all. Time and space notwithstanding.

Price: 999 Trillion Universal Cores


Jiang Hao stared at the first item and after a while of pondering, he decided to ignore it.

Ask questions. Who? Where?

He was dealing with mere yuan not long ago, and now a new currency was rearing its head. Would he be able to deal with it?

Plus, he did not need a cosmic fractal bubble yet. There was no need to think too much about something that could house an infinite number of universes at this moment.

He should focus on the planet first.

[Item: Omni Dimensional Nexus Hub

Description: A convergence point of all spaces, dimensions, and realities.

Details: Map space-time on all fronts. Connect to all special points in the universe and manage them from a central hub.

Price: 998 Trillion Universal Cores


"Hey, these are not things that I can mess with yet. Rinrin, show me a list of things at my level."


Things like an Omni dimensional nexus hub are good to fanaticize about, but it is unrealistic to think about them now.

Even if he could afford them, did he have a use for them?

[Item: Starry Sky Galactic City Fortress

Description: A gigantic moving city the size of a galaxy. It is equipped with Saint-level offense and defense systems. It can hold a population of a million life planets.

Details: A magitek engineering wonder that is too expensive and complicated to build. But once built, it is an unbreakable fortress at a cosmic level.

Price: 999 Trillion Dragon Coins


Jiang Hao looked at the long list and he could not help but feel like his vision was too shallow.

Just the level of technology that was necessary to make these things made him sweat drop.

The concept of using magic and technology together had not even occurred to him before this.

His take was to invent things with science and technology, then enhance them later to acquire magic and supernatural abilities.

[Item: Euler's Quantum Computer

Description: The pinnacle of quantum computers with omni-dimensional complex data handling capabilities and dimension reduction networking abilities.

Details: An all-round computer with infinite computing power. Using Infinite + 1, the computer will get more powerful the more data it computes.

Price: 999 Trillion Yuan


Jiang Hao looked at a myriad other technologies and props and he did indeed like most of these things.

The only trouble is that he did not need half of what he could afford.

Mia was already equipped enough to ignore a quantum computer.

Her own processing power is enough to deal with all the information in the universe with a 10000 times amplification.

And the thing is, her capabilities will increase with the number of high tech surrounding her.

If Jiang Hao really bought some of these things, they would only remain redundant and boost Mia's power more.

The other half of the things on the list were things he could not use, or things that he could create just by transmitting the ideas to Mia.

But the main thing is that Jiang Hao did not have so much money.

He could not just create a monetary system and generate cash out of thin air. Even the Eagle Country has to monitor the global economy closely before they print their dollars.

Otherwise, their net worth would be measured in pages per second.

In the end, he decided to buy these things on a need basis.

Something like the Quantum Computer was a must-buy. Strengthening Mia was a must.

The things that he had seen in the store were too fantastical.

Using pure science was all well and good, but what would happen when he met with magic?

Or, would Mia always be responsible for Second World? That was impossible.

It is like using heavy-duty server farms to run GTA. Or an AI for basic arithmetic.

After looking around for a while, Jiang Hao exited the store.

There were too many things and they made him disoriented and overwhelmed.

It was not long ago that he was struggling with making ends meet. But here he was exposed to things that were greater than the universe.

 These were things that he was not qualified to even imagine. Just having an opinion on how the government runs things was him being daring not long ago.

After settling his thoughts, Jiang Hao handed over the 'Second World' and explained a few things to Mia.

This tool was too precious for him to be hands-off. And it was also a tool that could strengthen the whole planet if used right.

He had to use it to strengthen his position.

But the problem was that he did not have enough time to do things step by step.

The good thing is that Ouroboros was never known for doing things the normal way.

Jiang Hao had Mia print billions of lesser printers and have Jindou travel around and build some distribution stores.

Each store would have a printer responsible for outputting a constant supply of VR cabins and other necessary resources.

Then he had all websites and platforms taken over for a minute to advertise the cabin, the distribution stores, and the VR world 'Second World'.

Just this operation was enough to draw enormous attention from all people and entities.

As for blocking and whatnot, Jiang Hao did not think about it.

First, it was impossible to block the curiosity of human beings. Even if the governments came forward and spoke against 'second world', it was impossible for the people to abide.

There was also all the hype that AIs were causing online.

Combine that with the credibility Ouroboros had built from a while ago, there was no way to stop it.

Plus, everything was free.

Jiang Hao did not see any need to make money on this front. Anyway, there were a million ways to harvest leeks once the game went online.