
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

mobisa · Urban
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46 Chs

Unlimited Infinite Store

"System, open the store."

Jiang Hao gave the command expecting a panel or something, but he did not expect that his consciousness would be extracted directly and taken to another space.

The experience was thrilling but also frightening.

You have to know that his body was almost invulnerable. He had gotten used to the safety and security it offered him, he never imagined that he could leave it behind.

I mean, who'd think of such a thing?

In normal circumstances, leaving the body meant death. Jiang Hao had honestly gotten over such things.

This caught him off guard and he panicked a little.

When he stabilized, he found himself in a vast space with giant shelves that seemed to go on forever.

There was no end to its breath or width, making him feel suffocated.

"Welcome to the Unlimited Infinite Store. I am the store manager and you can ask me if you need any help."

Suddenly, a voice sounded from all directions, scaring him.

This voice seemed to come from within and without. Very creepy.

"Store manager? Why don't you come out? I am more comfortable if we talked face to face."

Jiang Hao was just trying his luck but he did not expect that the manager would really come out.

It was just that the entity that came out was a ball of light that seemed ethereal. Having a presence but no form.

It made him feel like things were out of balance. His head ached just looking at it.

"This form is no good. It makes me feel worse."

The ball of light seemed to acquiesce and it changed its form to a humanoid form but with zero features.

Jiang Hao was left speechless.

One form confused him the next disturbed him. Was the system so unprofessional?

The… thing seemed to read his thoughts and it changed again to resemble Jiang Hao. This made his skin crawl.

"Ok. Okay, you can look like this. This form is better than whatever you come up with."

Jiang Hao directly sent a mental image of a character he liked.

He had some experience from communicating with Mia and it was not hard to do, especially in his current form.

It was the only image that he could remember clearly. It had nothing to do with the short skirt, silky thighs, and the overbearing curves.

Trust me. {I'll leave the Image to you guys.}

After having enough of the visual feast, Jiang Hao looked at the taciturn manager in front of him and wondered if he was dealing with a soulless doll.

But that was also good. He did not need a sentient entity in his head.

"What can I get from the store, manager?"

"The store has everything. That which exists and that which doesn't. That which you can imagine and that which you cannot. The only restriction is whether you can afford it or not."

"Oh, my Rinrin has quite a temper. So can you show me what I can afford?"

"Rinrin? Is that my bestowed name?"

"Yes. It'd be tiring calling you manager all the time."

Jiang Hao left Rinrin by the side with whatever dazed her and looked at the list that popped up in front of him.

Jiang Hao had to say that this function was really conscientious. I don't know how much effort it would take to go from shelve to shelve in this place.


[Items], [Weapons], [Skills], [Abilities], [Tools], [Machinery], [Technology], [Occupation],…

Wealth: 22 Trillion Yuan


Jiang Hao looked at the information carefully and tried out all the options one by one.

The list of Items were things that could not be broadly classified but still held worth in comparison to his wealth.

The list of items comprised things that were not even found on the planet like a Moon Stone.

This Moon Stone was no normal stone from the moon but it held some Moon Qi or something that Jiang Hao did not think was useful at the moment.

This was especially true given that it cost 5 trillion yuan for one.

You have to know that this money has been collected from all over the world from trading it for Dragon Coins.

And most of the time, it was Mia who converted assets to yuan through various methods.

There was no way Jiang Hao when he did not even know what its use was.

[Moon Stone

Description: A stone nurtured on the dark side of the moon. It holds vast energy.

Details: (Locked)

Price: 5 Trillion Yuan]

"Hey, Rinrin, why is this thing locked?"

"Your current level is too low. This thing is not useful to you."

"Level is too low? How do I level up?"

"Find a way to connect to the Universal Matrix and find out. But you can afford it with your current wealth."

"Oh, I can buy it? What is it?"

[Second World

Description: A digitized access point to the Universal Matrix disguised as a virtual reality game. Higher civilizations often use the 'Second World' to cultivate lower civilizations and train the younger generation.

Details: Comes with accompanying technomancy used in VR gear and cabins. The host is advised to leave the management of "Second World" to the highly intelligent Mia.

Price: 21.5 Trillion Yuan.]

"Oh, shit!"

Too much information.

Jiang Hao had expected some sort of development, but this was not the direction he had been gunning for.

Where was his qi revival? Where was his apocalypse and calamity?

But thinking about it again, this might be the best approach to preserving the general strength of the race.

It was still fine to be alone when dealing with humans, but the recent development hinted heavily toward having some neighbors.

Jiang Hao would rather not meet them without prior preparation. And this is exactly what he would do for the month period he gave the government.

Thinking up here, Jiang Hao bought it decisively.

Money could still be printed if needed. It was staying in the bank collecting dust anyway, it was better to put it to use.

After finishing these steps of operation, a huge chunk of the list disappeared. He was poor again.

But Jiang Hao did not feel anything much. If anything, Second World was a money machine worth milking.

His current abilities were enough to make it back plus more.

"Rinrin, show me the expensive ones now. I want to broaden my horizons."

 {I need suggestions for the system store.}