
Unlimited Infinite System

Unlimited Infinite System; Start with Infinite Enhancements [The Unlimited Infinite System can do everything. It has infinite functions and unlimited capabilities. The host can unlock these functions when the conditions are met.] *Ding* [The host received an overall enhancement +9. Overall performance +1000, condition +1000, composition +1000, lifespan +1000. Congratulations on gaining the ability, Sun Moon Physique. Your body can absorb solar and lunar rays and all kinds of universal energies to strengthen itself. All functions of the body have increased by 1000 times. Accompanying abilities; Essence Nurturing, Energy Absorption, Sun’s Pride Moon’s Mystery.]

mobisa · Urban
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46 Chs

Worldwide Effect

Despite having eyes constantly fixed on Ouroboros and all its moves, the world never expected that the company would come up with this kind of technology.

Fully immersive virtual reality is one of the enigmas of technology and it was easier to develop quantum computers than it is to come up with this kind of tech.

Leave aside things like VR headsets going around at this time.

Those are just optics and optical illusions and it still required the use of eyes to perceive what was going on.

There were people who were closer than others like Mr. Musk, but it was still too far from a practical technology.

His company was still stuck at using neuro gear to move a cursor across the screen. God knows how long it would take to use it to operate a computer hands-free. Let alone play a game with it.

But Ouroboros just announced on through all available channels that it was giving away real VR gear and cabins to everyone worldwide.

Assuming that everyone in the world took a VR headset and a cabin, how many devices was that? 20 billion.

And that was assuming that no one took any other accompanying devices.

There were other accompanying devices like phones, AR glasses, smart watches, fitness trackers, AI clips, intelligent rings, intelligent hand bands… the list is endless.

And all of them were free.

Just go over and select randomly and it will be yours.

Promotion videos and shorts all over the net stated that the phone had enough computational power to power a whole state and still have enough to spare for the next one over.

An average state has a population of 50 million. A single phone could handle the computational needs of two such states.

Just this feature was enough to attract a massive number of curious netizens. It was unimaginable for a phone to have such power.

The governments however were not so excited.

In this era, such an absurd device is a weapon.

A country like the Dragon Country has a population of 1.5 billion. If everybody had such a device and they started attacking the digital infrastructure of a country… it'd be good if all they did was collapse the economy.

Just a DoS attack on key platforms and services is enough for them to beg for mercy.

This left many of them not knowing what to do.

As for shutting down the distribution points, don't think about it.

First, was that it was already too late.

By the time the announcements were made, there were distribution points all over. They were all strategically placed so that each distro point serves 10000 people.

This ensured that the more populated an area was, the more distro points there were.

Even in cities where there was no land, just build something small on reserve land by the side of the road. As for demolition, you still have to have a machine that could bring the point down.

You have to know that these shops and stores were modified roots of the Infinite Dragon Building. Jindou's work is to terraport them there and maybe terraform some places for building.

After all, these were Ouroboros distribution points. They had to be presentable.

There were so many, how many could even be closed down before citizens got their hands on it?

Just one device was enough to threaten the cyber security of a country.

Second, was it worth it to offend Ouroboros for something like this?

The phone seemed to be a lesser evil compared to what Ouroboros could do.

And who knows? They might be conscientious enough to have put measures in place to deal with it.

Third, was it really a bad thing?

A single individual was only eligible to take one of each device. The government and any other recognized organization could take a couple.

Dragon Country for instance could pick 10 million of each copy.

This thing was even more deterrent than a nuclear weapon.

That is 1.5 billion in the hands of the public and 10 million in reserve. If they used the synchronization feature on these devices, that is some insane power right there.

Instead of trying to fight Ouroboros, the government was busy thinking of ways to grow the population.

It was clear that Jiang Hao favored Dragon Country and more than that, Ouroboros favored numbers.

There was another thing that was more important. And that was Second World.

Second World was a VR world with a 99.999% similarity with the real world.

Well, that was in terms of its realistic aesthetics and laws of physics. But then again, there were other laws that were beyond common understanding.

These laws were divided into four major laws under which there were thousands of subdivisions.

The tetralogical laws were science, philosophy, religion, and magic.

The current world has seen all four, but the modern world only focuses on Science and Philosophy.

Science pioneers our scientific and technological developments while philosophy is the cornerstone on which bureaucratic organizations (governments) are built.

The great thinkers of old came up with most of the core principles of governance.

As for religion, while it was there and it was strong, it could not compare to the previous two.

They had a great following, yes, but that was only enough to ensure their survival. If it really came down to it, no government would tolerate a fairly powerful religious organization within its borders.

As for magic, that was for the West.

Ancient Martial Arts within the eastern continents could also fall into this category, but it was too much to group it like this.

Instead of magic, calling all of them mysticism was more appealing.

It was highly respected, but only the big shots really had contact with it.

This is a very dangerous category since it is difficult to understand and control. It was the most feared of all.

But Ouroboros promised to give the common man access to all the four universal aspects.

This is what the government feared the most.

Any of the four was a path to knowledge and power. There was no way to take this lightly anymore.

What was even more disturbing is that they had no control over how this power was distributed and how much an individual could get.

Everything was up to luck and skill.

This led to a scramble all over the world.

Jiang Hao did not even have to do anything to promote "Second World".

World leaders all over went live and addressed their domains mobilizing the populace to grab as many devices as they could from distro points.

The emphasis is on early log-ins and long game time.

Exchange systems and support systems were set up at light speed.

Currency conversion to Dragon Coins happened on a global level.

Just owning an Account for the game came with 10,000 DC sponsored by governments worldwide.

Hehehe, Ouroboros was not having it any other way.

Either the world sponsors everybody, or everybody uses their own ability to support their Krypton consumption.

Jiang Hao was harvesting leeks on all fronts. His account was 729 Trillion Yuan in a few hours.

That Quantum Computer was not too far away.

The excitement in the air was palpable. Jiang Hao could no longer find anything else to watch online.

Every streamer was talking about Second World. Even those that can only be watched in the dark.

He could only entertain himself by starting a live stream on Future News on the user data and which country was more excited than the other.

Inexplicably, it became a competition for resources and luck in Second World.

The country with the highest turnover would receive the most resources and privileges.

This made many countries distressed.

Countries that were used to controversy like Eagle Country were having a headache convincing the populace of the importance of acquiring an account and getting the necessary gear. The more difficult thing was making them hurry up within the slotted timeframe.

Who knew when Jiang Hao would be bored and rescind his offer?

Countries like the Bear Country were more at ease. They were used to following orders from above and it was easy to make people register.

Soldiers were deployed and their usual tough style softened and helped the citizens register and escorted them in vehicles to pick up their VR gear.

The only thing they could lament was that most of their young were involved in wars. It was difficult for the elderly to keep up with all this tech.

The Dragon Country was the most excited. Just on the population front, they had crushed other countries by millions.

The social, economic, and political structure was ideal enough for a speedy response.

The government just announced some benefits here and there in a couple of hours, even nursing homes had replaced their beds with VR cabins.

Not to mention these cabins had hygiene and health functions making their work easier.

It was phenomenal how the world moved like a machine.

For the first time, there was a total halt in non-essential activities and no country was pointing fingers to another.

Nobody knew that this was the start of a power shift that would forever change the global power system.

{Power Stones, Powerstones, Comments, Likes, Recommendations. 🙏🙏🏼🙏🏿

*Sigh* Is asking useful?😭 Or, should I stop littering the book with this pleas?😂}