

The night, so quiet yet so calm. The stars adorned the sky and the moon lighten your path as you walk through the deep forest. You were in your way to a certain little town as your heard rumors that he was seen around the small town. His reason? Maybe something selfish. You continued your walk silently, hearing the sound of the forest, the cries of the insects, the wind. It was no use to sleep for you, as you have overcome "sleep" and no suffer from 'insomnia'.

As you walk your way into town you hear a scream. A scream that is far away from town, a scream that doesn't belong to one person, it belongs to more. In seconds you are In front of the source of the agony that you heard a while back. The culprit hasn't sensed you yet as he is cursing under his breath at his failed 'experiment'.

"So, they die from an infection with this much blood... I cannot easily make a demon... Who can conquer the sun?"

He doesn't have a chance to talk again as he now finds himself without an arm and two of his hearts destroyed in a split of seconds. He doesn't even have the chance to gasp as he now has lost his other arm and brain. He doesn't need to guess the culprit, nor he needs to guess from who that murderous arura is coming from. It's you. The second person who can make him tremble like a little kid, the second person that can make him feel fear.


Ah that voice, that cold murderous voice was enough to make him run for life, as he is now missing another of his heart and brains. His hearts are beating at a crazy speed, how come did you found him? The word 'pest' has become a trigger word for him, as his legs will shake with terror since they remind him of you. If he were to die by your hands, will you let him see your face and hear you say anything else more than pest to him? He must be losing his mind, as he can't think straight by the loss of brains he now finds himself with. Even though the only thought of you scares him, nonetheless he can't deny that he wouldn't mind you having you by his side without you trying to kill him.

Only God knows how long Muzan been running from your grasp, even though you are no longer going after him as something or someone stopped you, he didn't stop running though, the fear of you changing your mind and going after him scares the shit out of him. Muzan will now have to rest the new physically and psychologically wounds you left him tonight.

He won't deny though, even if his brains tell him it's crazy the only thought of him wouldn't minding you having you by his side. He is sure, that if things were different, you and him would be together. Sometimes he wishes to be human again, to be able to breath the same air around you without having to run for life, but he is too scared of death to be able to have a life with you.

Maybe when you die of old age he will search for your reincarnation, and bring you to his side without your thirst of killing him every second.

He remembers the first time he saw you, you were young yet your face was already being covered by that mask you always carry with yourself. You didn't even give him the chance to speak and when he comes back to reality, many of his organs were slayed.

You are so mysterious, yet so dangerous. He fears you, yet he wants you so badly. He wishes to see your face and call him by his name, but he knows he will receive nothing less than a taste of death.








You decided to not go after him as you saw that one of his victims were still alive, a young girl. She gasps for air and you kneel in front of her. She is either going to die or become a demon. You take off your mask and put her head on your lap, she only watches as you gave her a taste of water but soon enough she coughs blood.

''O-oni-chan...'' She extends her arm to your now uncovered face. "angel..." she whispers as her eyes falls shut.

You clean her tears and put her head down gently. One more reason for Muzan to die. Many may ask, why didn't you go after him? Well, would you leave a child in their last moments to die alone without anyone besides them to hold their hand, to at least give them the feeling that they are not alone...? You know that Muzan will go into hiding since you left him many new wounds, and your wounds takes many time to heal completely, also he knows you are following so he won't do anything right now that may call your attention.

How many children has to die by his selfishness? Why is he so afraid of dying?

"Coward." You whisper into the air full of death and despair, the once white snow is now red. You went into the deceased family's house, with respect, you grab each of the family members and put them in a row. This is at least one of the things you can do, as you feel it's your fault for not arriving sooner to save them. You clean their faces and change their clothes, so they seem presentable for the family member that is missing and is yet to arrive. How you know this? Maybe you guessed because of the girl's last words. You do not bury them, as it's not your job to do so. You feel like the missing older brother will like to do so.

They look peaceful, as if they are thanking you for cleaning them and for staying with them for some time before the older brother appears. You couldn't help but feel the guilt of not being able to protect them and for arriving to late.

You pray for them one last time and slowly you walk into the forest, in search for new trails of Muzan.

-michael jackson noises-

zeniiis_creators' thoughts