

Urokodaki's letter was a little vague to you, even though you never responded any of his letters, you still read them. You didn't know why he will write to you, maybe Oyakata-sama made him do it. It was night time; the stars illuminated the sky and the moon led your path. Nobody had sensed you yet, as you made your way to Urokodaki's house. Stopping in your tracks, you sensed a demon coming from inside the house… yet, this same 'demon' you felt didn't actually feel like the others. Also, that and Urokodaki's heart beat was normal, which meant he was alive and had the demon under control. But how?

You knock, three times, and you feel his heart beat spiking up. Somehow, he knew it's you. Maybe because of the rumors that you are the only who knocks three times to make a little tune. This rumor came from Oyakata-sama himself, so he of course had to believe it and now he himself knows that said rumors are truth.

"Y/N-sama… what brings you here?" he asks, trying to cover the nervousness on his voice. He knows he can't fool you, you already know about the demon sleeping in the room. He waits for you to answer, even though its foolish to even expect you will respond. Urokodaki could feel the air getting dense, even though you were not emitting any kind of aura, the only thought of you coming for Tanjiro's sister scared him. Will he even be able to protect her as he promised her brother?


That damned crow of yours… Your crow is famous for being dirty mouthed.


"Tammy, silence."

Urokodaki's body tensed up. In his life of knowing about you he never has heard anyone saying that they have heard you talk other than Oyakata-sama. His thoughts running wild at the thought of you coming for Nezuko's life and his for being a traitor. He ignored your rude crow's happy noises since you spoke to her. His mind was too busy trying to make up an excuse or a plan to get out of there with Nezuko, too busy to even noticed you had already let yourself in, or that you where making your way towards Nezuko.

"She is uncommon."

Urokodaki whole body tensed up, how, when did you come in. He couldn't think anymore; his whole body was screaming to run. He heard you talk two times, his life finally coming to an end? Was this it?

"What's wrong with her." you recognized her, the same girl that died in front of you is here now alive as demon, sleeping. You could feel she was different from other demons, she wasn't a treat. Was Muzan's foolish experiment successful? He under no circumstances can he know about this girl's existence. Should you dispose of her? You hesitate to wherever or not grab your sword.

Urokodaki, finally breaking off from his nervous daze runs and kneels in front you. He is sweating buckets and trembling slightly, he never heard you mutter a word, nor has he ever been this close to you. He only saw you once, and It was besides Oyakata-sama's side. He remembers you were slightly shorter, but even by then your face was covered. He remembers how powerful your aura was, and he knew by then that you were no normal child, and that if you wanted you could bring disaster in your path.

"Y-Y/N-SAMA! THIS CHILD! I KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE BUT THIS CHILD IS NO LIKE OTHER DEMONS! THIS CHILD MEANS NO HARM." Your silence made him more nervous, was this it? At least he will die trying to accomplish his promise to Tanjiro. "PLEASE TAKE MY LIFE INSTEAD OF HERS!"

He could feel your gaze on him, even with your mask on. Where you thinking wherever kill both Nezuko and him? He was still kneeling when he heard you unsheathing your sword. So silently, with grace, your sword was now out of his sheath. He won't deny that your sword style was peculiar and beautiful.

"She will need this, when she wakes up. This… will help her maintain stability. She will feel no need for hunger."

Urokodaki looks up and you were already gone, he was still sweating buckets. In your place was a little bottle with your blood. His thoughts made no sense, he stands up with jelly like legs and grabs the bottle. With a beautiful handwriting, the words 'Nezuko' were written on the bottle. Needles to say, Urokotaki couldn't sleep until Tanjiro came back from 'The final Selection'.

Till this day, Urokodaki can't comprehend your actions, and when Tanjiro came back alive and he saw Nezuko walking normally, he didn't know what to answer to him when Tanjiro asked how.

"Urokodaki-sama! How come Nezuko is awake!? S-she was in a coma!"

Crying, Tanjiro asked for answers. He felt happy that Nezuko was awake, he thought she will never come off from her coma. Needless to say, Urokodaki didn't also comprehend how Nezuko is able to walk normally. He followed your instructions, when Nezuko wake up she was in search for blood but when he made her drink the bottle with your blood she became normal? Was your blood special? Nezuko wouldn't let go of the bottle, was it the smell of your blood or your smell in general that worked as a tranquilizer?

Tanjiro's question where answered with the truth, as he saw Nezuko with the bottle around her neck, he remembers that same smell on his house. Where you the one who cleaned his family? Tanjiro couldn't help but cried, you saved him two times now, and he has no way to repay you or even say his thanks. Tanjiro cried hard, will he be able to meet you some day?

He remembers your smell, so fragrant. He couldn't make out your emotions at all, but he could smell the you where sorry for not being able to save them. How will he be able to repay you? How will he be able to say that there is no need for you to feel guilty for not saving his family. Tanjiro didn't know you, but he knew that if he ever met you he will follow you. Not even his future generations would be able to repay your kindness.

"Urokodaki-sama, if I may ask more… who is he?" sniffling Tanjiro wanted to know more about you. Silence fill the room at his question.

"He… He is the Tenth Pillar. Some may say that he is the first one but he never fully accepted the pillar position until some years ago."

"Tenth… Pillar?

Tanjiro's mind were filled with more questions about you than it already was, and no matter how much he asked about you, Urokodaki surprisingly wasn't able to answer his questions. With a defeated voice he will answer him with a 'I do not know more about him than I already told you, I am sorry.' You were so mysterious. He wishes to meet you some day, as he went on his journey he will ask fellow slayers about you but all of them will answer the same thing to him, over and over again.

There is no Tenth pillar, his existence is just an urban legend after all.

Some may ask why you went so far to save that girl? Was it out of guilt? Maybe. Maybe not, maybe you felt that she will play a huge role on defeating Muzan. You now walk aimlessly, killing demons and searching for the whereabouts of Muzan as you send a letter to Oyakata regarding the descendants of the Hinokami Kagura.

I hope you guys like it! please comment and like and consider checking out my other story!

zeniiis_creators' thoughts