
01- The birth of the Unknown

Your family, how much you loved your family. Even though you were lazy, but everyone knew that when you were needed the most, you were there.

Your family was small, you were 4 people counting yourself. Your mom, dad, and an older brother. Even though you would sometimes fight with each other, at the end of the day all the problems and words were forgotten and forgiven. You loved to draw and will sometimes sneak to the forest to look around and draw in the soil. You guys were poor, but you didn't mind. The love your family had for each other was enough to make you feel rich.

Your family was known for being strict, but you knew they were only like that for your good.

With good ethics, your life will be good, with respecting your elders, you will live your old age in peace. And so much more stuff that are supposed to be taught to kids, but adults nowadays are too afraid to punish their kids correctly.

Before you least knew it, many spoiled kids at your village were disappearing, adults were talking, some men were starting to make weapons out of used old broomsticks and wood. The housewives will be much more attentive to their kids and the elderly will always stay on alert to send away kids to their homes when the night was starting to fall.

Your mom no longer let you go to the forest to paint and look at birds. And your dad started to teach your brother how to makes weapons and to defend himself and the family.

You were still too young to learn that stuff, your father would say, let the adults do the work and you just gotta be careful.

As time went on, you started to draw with a knife on rocks, with charcoal and stuff you will find by at your house. You became so attentive of shadows, how it seems to be stuck to the person and how it run away from the light, but would always be there one way or another. You became more perceptive of sound, the weight of footsteps, breath, air, water... Your mother will look at you worried though, as with each passing day you will get stuck watching and concentrating at one small stuff, mostly out of boredom. You grew quieter and even your dad saw that.

In the end, your family decided to send you the neighbors' home so you can have a sleepover with their kids. Maybe like that, you would be a bit more social.

The neighbor's wife was a herbalist, a doctor some would say, or witch as the jealous people will call her. Instead of playing with her kids, you will go with her and learn about various herbs and stuff. Your parents were not so happy but they couldn't say that they were angry as you will talk with the neighbor's wife about herbs and stuff. At least you started to talk and be a bit more social, even tho it would be about weird stuff, like plants, and your drawings will be more about herbs and humans nerves. One day, as you were helping Hannah with her herbs shop, as her husband will take care of the kids most of the time, and you will go to her shop instead of playing with her kids. At the end of the day, a kid with a scar going down to his face came to her shop, searching for a plant to help with the curse that had been spreading on his face. He was about to lose one of his eyes due to that same curse. As Hannah went to the back of the shop to search for the said herb you stayed with the boy.

It was quiet but comfortable, even tho you will feel his gaze most of the time on you.

You have always been a pretty boy, people will often mistake you with a girl which made you cut your hair out of frustration. Even tho your hairstyle was weird, it did not stop you from looking gorgeous.

"My name is Kagaya Ubuyashiki, and yours?"

"My name is Y/N."

Kagaya, the moment he saw you he couldn't take his eyes off from you. From the way, your brows will furrow when reading those thick medicine books and herbs books, or the way your lips will pout when you couldn't understand a word and had to use the handmade dictionary made by Hannah that was thick enough to let someone out cold. He just couldn't take his eyes off you and wouldn't. He will burn the image of you on his mind to the end of his days and before his curse takes his eyes completely.

He knew you were a boy, and he knew that even if you were a girl he couldn't marry you as his partner was to be one of the saint girls from the church. The connection he felt with you, he knew he will never feel it with anyone else.

After the introduction , you guys continue talking about stuff. Mostly Kagaya will be the one speaking tho.

You never questioned his curse or asked his background and that made him like you more. After that Kagaya will continue coming to your village with the excuse that it was for the herbs Hannah had, but everyone knew that it was only for you.

It was your 10th birthday and Hannah sent you to look for some herbs, as time went by you became better than Hannah at herb collecting and your family was happy since you were more social now even if it was just to ask people what they needed.

You went deeper in the forest than you were supposed to, and before you knew it night started to fall. You climbed a tree and started to sprint in every tree branch that you will see as it was faster than running.

As time went by, you stopped dead on your tracks, the smell of blood and death was so strong that it made a shiver run down your spine, it was coming from your village. It was already dark and the night felt heavy.

You slowed your breath, and quietly walked towards the village. Then you saw it, two demons. One with some letters written on their eyes and the other seemed like a normal demon.

" As you will soon be a lower moon, we need to celebrate." said the demon with the number 1 written on one of his eyes.

"Aye, can't believe it this stupid humans thought they could do something to us with these wood tools."

Lower moons? The number 1. You couldn't understand what they were saying but oh. You could see what have they done. Oh, such cruelty. Oh, such an inhuman form of eating. Oh poor Hannah, her belly ripped open by the guy with the number 1 as he ate her unborn child.

Oh, the cruelty. Everyone was dead, Was your family gone too? You slowly went back to your home and there was just blood. Thorn pieces of clothing... was that a hand? Your mind couldn't process what was happening as you could just see everything with a cold gaze. Oh father, did those wood weapons were enough to stop these monsters?

You sat in the pool of blood as all you could do was try to process everything. 'Now I will never see mother again, or taste her cooking. I will never be able to teach Hannah's unborn child to read and write. Now I will never...'

" HEY BRO, there is a small human here!"

" Oh, so there was one left, How come we didn't feel him?

The normal demon was laughing as the Lower Moon demon was just seeing you as an appetizer.

Your breath became rigged and your eyes went dark. You slowly took one of your mom's blood-stained kitchen knife. You could hear them laugh at your attempt of protecting yourself with an old knife. As you stand up, everything went dark.













In and hour Kagaya was at village with many demon slayers, even tho he wouldn't show it, his heart was thumping like crazy at the thought of losing you. Hid thought were cut short at the sound of the inhuman screams that were coming from your house.

Even tho the demon slayers asked Kagaya to stay back, he ran towards that noise. Was it his beloved making those noises?

Oh, he was wrong, but indeed you were the cause of said noises.

The lower moon was the only one left as the other had already turned to ash, he was screaming like a madman as on top of him was that child with inhuman strength and deep black eyes stabbing him with no doubt on his mind. The once chipped kitchen knife was lost as it engulfed in a mist of shadows. With one hand, you ripped his eyeball with number one, and the demon turned to ash, mumbling in fear of the kid that had just killed him with a kitchen knife.

Kagaya couldn't believe his eyes, his Y/N killed a demon and a lower moon. When you were done killing the lower moon one, he ran to you and engulfed you in a hug. Cursing himself as he came too late, to save your family and to save you from the now darkness you had engulfed yourself with.

The two pillars that came with Kagaya were in shock, as the now promise they made with their leader to keep what you did as a secret.

After that, you went with Kagaya, and now you work for him. You didn't stay too long with him as one night you suddenly disappear from the bed the two of you shared and continued your now mission of killing any demon that came in your journey of redemption.

As time went by, the legend of you, the strongest unknown pillar of them all. The pillar that even Muzan himself fears after Yoriichi.

You became an urban legend, you became the newfound fear of Muzan as one time he fought you and lost two of his brains and 4 of his hearts, with many newfound scars that were difficult to cover. If he hadn't escaped from your Shadow Breathing style he would be gone by now.

You, the strongest pillar of them all.

i hope u guys like it!

pls also check my other stories!

zeniiis_creators' thoughts