
Invitation for Conveniency

A COUPLE of days have already passed since the last time that Hershey visited the company. Even if she want to visit, she couldn't. She was never been busy but these past few days she wasn't able to find any time to go out. It was needed to meet with Kian, have her weekly appointment with Matthew, or hang out with Mina and her other cousins.

Fortunately, she was able to go to the company now. Unlike before where she needed to disguise her true purpose of visiting the company with another reason, now she didn't have to.

The guard recognized her as she walks in. "Good Afternoon, ma'am. Are you gonna visit your father today?"

She gave a smile and shook her head, "No, I'm here for someone else"

"Oh? Is it one of your siblings?"

"No, neither of them" she said as she laugh on how the guard couldn't guess who it is. Of course, it would be surprising if the guard would know who she's gonna visit. They are not that close for her to visit him after all, but she's gonna do it anyway.

"May I ask who is it?" the guard asked in a friendly and polite manner.

"Someone from the marketing department, his name is Glyde."

The guard was quite surprised but he didn't try to pry into it more. While they were talking, Hershey and the guard caught a sight of a man who just walked out from the elevator. It was Glyde.

Hershey and Glyde's eyes easily met.

"Isn't that him?" the guard asked.

Hershey smiled as he kept looking at Glyde, "Yes, it's him"

When Glyde started walking, Hershey thought that he is coming towards her, but he just walked pass her.

The guard's jaw almost drop in surprise, but Hershey didn't mind. She didn't even notice that it was seen to be rude. After all, they were really not close. Hershey turned her head and watch him walk outside the building.

"He's really..." she whispered as she could not finish the sentence. What should she describe him?

The guard heard this and tried to continue it for her, "rude?"

Hershey shook her head as she find the situation funny, "No. Somehow, he looks quite attractive today?"

The guard coughed in surprise and didn't try to comment on it any longer. Hershey then turned to look at the guard, "Then, I got to go."

Hershey walked quickly to catch up with Glyde. She tapped his shoulder to get his attention. When he looked at her, she noticed that he doesn't seem to be that surprise.

"Hey," she greeted.

"What are you doing here?" he directly asked.

She smiled, "I came to see you."

"Really? Was that really all?"

"Yeah, why?" she nodded.

Glyde shook his head, "Then... are you busy tonight?"

"Tonight? No. I am rarely busy anyway. Why?"

Hershey didn't expect his next words. She couldn't believe that she'll get this opportunity that easily.

"Do you mind having dinner with me?"

Hershey clapped her hands in delight, "I don't mind. I'd actually love to! Where?"

It didn't escaped from Hershey's eyes how Glyde formed a smile for a bit as he tries to hold his laugh. "I still don't know. My friends are the one who's gonna pick the restaurant"

"Friends?" She thought that it will be just the two of them.

"Yeah. They said I could invite someone. Why? Are you not okay with it?"

She shook her head and told him honestly, "No, it's totally fine! I would also love to meet your friends."

This is actually a chance for her to get to know him more and be closer with him. It is an opportunity, so she couldn't complain.


Hershey doesn't know if she should look the other way or not. She was shocked on how much both of Glyde's friends show their affection to each other in public.

Apparently, the two friend of Glyde name Jaycee and Ryan are in a relationship. This dinner was supposed to be a double date as Jaycee got a free coupon from a restaurant. Jaycee invited Glyde for this dinner knowing that he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Hershey doesn't know why of all the ladies that Glyde could ask, she's the one that he invited to. But, she also realized that it must also because it was convenient for him since she was there at that time, so it was easy for him to ask her. Nevertheless, she doesn't really mind even if it's for conveniency or what. All that matters was that she was the one that Glyde invited to and she got to spend time with him.

And currently, Jaycee and Ryan are feeding each other which makes it awkward for Hershey to watch.

"Anyway, I really thought you were gonna come alone. Why don't you introduce her to us, Glyde?" Jaycee said after teasing her boyfriend, Ryan.

Glyde sighed, "I already did earlier, didn't I?"

"Yeah? But you just told us her name, not who she is or where you met her? Is she your girlfriend or what? What's up?" Jaycee replied back.

Hershey tried to hide her smile. Being his girlfriend kind of pleasant to hear on her ears.

Glyde shook his head as he ignored all of Jaycee's questions.

"You're really no fun, Glyde" Jaycee said pouting.

Hershey saw how Glyde stared at Jaycee for a bit before focusing on eating again. She knows that kind of stare. She already had a hunch earlier, but this probably also the reason why she was invited.

Glyde have a lingering feelings to Jaycee.

If Glyde ever went alone just like how Jaycee and Ryan anticipated him to be, he'll be seen as a thirdwheel between the couple. Hershey thought that he might not like the idea of being perceived as such.

"You don't like skin?" Glyde asked which made Hershey jump a little bit. She was not expecting him to talk to her.


Glyde pointed at the chicken skin that was left untouched at the side of her plate.

"Oh, I usually eat them last but there are some cases that I don't. Why? Do you want it? You could have it"

Glyde didn't asked anymore nor hesitate. He took the all the skin from her plate into his. She was surprised by his actions, but it made her laugh.

"It'll be a waste if it's not gonna be eaten" he reasoned out.

She just nods as he watch him eats them. She also continue eating her meal, but was mostly eating the side dishes.

Glyde pushes his side dishes to her, which made her to look at him.

"You could have it" he simply said.

She happily ate the salad that Glyde didn't finished.

"Are you gonna work at the company soon?" Glyde asked Hershey, not minding his two other friends.

Hershey glanced at Jaycee and Ryan, but it seems that they have their own separate world already.

"No, I don't think I would be able to" she answered.

"But do you want to?"

That made Hershey think for a bit. Does she want to work at her family's business?

She shrugged, "I don't know. I never really thought about it that much before"

Glyde looked at her after her response. He didn't say anything else, but it was like he waw analyzing her answer.

So she continued, "It has already been decided ever since that I won't be working there, so it never really got to me the idea of me entering the business world."

"I see," was the only thing he said.

She nodded as she drinks her iced tea.

When she puts her glass down, her eyes reflected a wishful thinking. "But if I were to have an ordinary life, I do wonder what I would aspire to be and what could I possibly become"

"You could be anyone you want," he said.

Hershey gave a meaningful smile and whispered at his ears, "Then, I could be your girlfriend?"

She noticed how he got stunned for a solid few seconds, but he was also able to compose himself again.

"I was lying about that. You can't be anyone you want. It's a lie that the anyone in the world wants to believe in. However, believing in it and trying to get what you want wouldn't be that painful rather than when you didn't even bother to," he calmly said ignoring her flirty intentions earlier.

She giggled on how Glyde tried to avoid her question earlier. She nodded and agreed to his word of wisdom instead.