
During Midnight

HERSHEY WOKE up at the middle period of the night. When she get her phone beside her bed to check the time, she stared at it for a couple of minutes. It stated that it was 12 o'clock. If it was 12 o'clock, why is then there is no sunlight coming out of her window? It was still dark. She was confused.

She did remember waking up at 5 AM earlier, but since it was still too early she decided to take an extra quick nap.

She turned her head at the window. She completely lost track of time. When she looked down on her phone again, that's when she realized that it's not 12 of the afternoon but 12 of the morning. She slept for a whole 19 hours!

Hershey covered her lips with her right hand as she was shocked at how much she overslept. She wasted a whole day sleeping!

She shook her head to get a hold of herself. She went downstairs to get something to drink and eat. Some of the lights were still open, probably because the people inside the house were still not asleep. Of course, they were used on getting only a few amount of sleep due to their work. Especially now that they have a lot of projects going on.

Hershey yawned while she was pouring some water on the glass. When she realized on what she did, she stopped.

"This is bad," she whispered to herself. She was still feeling sleepy.

That is why instead of drinking a water, she made a cup of coffee instead. She knows that it is still midnight, but she is scared to fall asleep again.

Hershey brought her coffee and a couple of snacks inside her room. She opened the lights and sat down on a chair. She scrolled down through her phone while eating, trying to distract and entertain herself from falling asleep.

But then, she couldn't find something to do with her phone. She felt bored. That's when she remembered that she now have Glyde's number.

It's already been a few days ever since that dinner. Both of them exchanged number that night as well. Hershey wouldn't deny that she was really excited when she got his number. But even if she got his number, she couldn't manage to text or call him. She wasn't able to visit him at the company either. She was worried that she might come of annoying if she bothered him that much. That's why, she was quite hesitant on how to approach him.

She understand that she have a lot of free time, but Glyde does not. Glyde have work while she don't.

She stared at her phone as she bit her lips. It's already midnight, would he still be awake?

A part of her inside asked herself why does she want to call Glyde now? When she didn't do so before? It's already late and she'll just bother him if she calls now.

Hershey is aware that she might be inconsiderate of the time if she calls him now. But she countered that with a reason of she needs to divert herself from going back to bed. Thus, she pressed the call button.

The phone rang for a couple of seconds. Every seconds that passed, Hershey gets more nervous. What if he is already asleep? What if he doesn't answer? But all of those thoughts halted when the call was answered from the other line.

"Hello?" A familiar voice answered the call.

Hershey smiled in excitement and said, "Hello!"

She heard him laugh at her excited voice, "You're wide awake, I see. What's up?"

She rolled her eyes. If he only know how sleepy she feels right now and how much she doesn't want to go back to bed.

"You're awake as well. I thought you'd be asleep by now"

"I had something I needed to finish. So, why did you call this late at night? Is there something wrong?"

Hershey pouted to stop herself from smiling too much. She could feel that her heart fluttered a bit when he asked that. She concluded that he somehow cares for her. Well, every time they are together he has always been careful with her. Although they have only spent together for like three times.

"No. I just wondering if you would accompany me as well just like what I did with you, when you suddenly asked me for a dinner. I wasn't expecting myself to become your fake date just to deceive your friends, you know?"


Hershey blinked twice at how fast Glyde answered. Did she perhaps misheard it?

"What?" she asked again to confirm.

"Let's have a date" he clarified which made her stunned. She was not expecting him to say that.

"That's what you're trying to say, right?" he asked when she didn't said a single thing.

"Uhh", Hershey cleared her throat and answered shyly, "Y-yes."

Hershey heard him chuckle, "Alright. When?"

She breathe out some air since she held her breathe earlier as she couldn't still believe everything. "W-wait. Are you serious though? I wasn't expecting you to readily agree just like that"

"I'm serious. That's why I'm asking if you have a specific date in mind already" he said in a calm voice.

"Oh. Uhm. I...am free anytime. How about you? When are you free? Let's set it based on your schedule instead"

"Okay. I'll message you tomorrow about it then"

"Hmm" she hummed. "Oh, I think you should sleep already? You still have work tomorrow, right? I might be bothering you already"

"It's fine. You're not bothering me at all. But yeah, I do need to sleep. I'll talk to you later" he said.

"Hmm. Good night. Rest well, Glyde"

"Yeah, you too"

Hershey was grinning from ear to ear after the call ended. She was still shocked that Glyde and her will be having an official date.

Few hours a later, Hershey decided to visit Glyde at the company with a coffee on her hand. The guard guided her where Glyde's department was. That is why the whole marketing department was in shock when Hershey visited Glyde.

The news and rumors immediately circulated all around the company. Hershey, the CEO's daughter, was dating someone from the marketing department named Glyde.

"What's this?" Glyde asked when Hershey gave him a small present and a coffee.

"I made you to stay up too late earlier, just accept it as my apologies" she said as she shrugged.

"You're doing something unnecessary. Look, people are already starting to gossip"

She smiled, "I don't mind. They could spread all the rumors they want, it wouldn't bother me. But would it bother you?"

If its rumors about them dating, that would actually make Hershey more happy. Hershey's father would have to temporarily stop Kian and her engagement and let her enjoy dating the person that she have chose. After all, her father is well aware of her time limit.

He sighed and shook his head. "We have a meeting in a few minutes. Do you plan on staying here or you have something to do?"

"No, I'm gonna leave. I just came to deliver those. Good luck with your job"

Hershey saw him smiled, "Thanks."