

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


After the first two classes which took up about 2 hours of our academic day I was becoming tired of everything but only one thing kept me going, as you all know Charlie complemented me this morning so I just can't help but to continue smiling like a fool even if I'm tired.

so on our way to the cafeteria to get our meal Vivian finally got to ask me what got me smiling and to show off the necklace her boyfriend got for her "hey Valerie what gat you smiling like a fool" she asked in an annoying manner then I lashed back at her "you are the one smiling like a fool and why are you touching your neck so frequently" I asked giving her a sly look them she smiled and removed her hand to expose the beautiful necklace "ohh Noel got me a necklace as a gift" she replied smiling with her eyes and I just couldn't help it put to start laughing "okay dear congratulations" I replied sarcastically and Vivian frowned then increase her pase to the cafeteria while I was laughing behind her "comm'on Vivian walk slowly so you don't fall down" then I tried to catch up to her.

while in the cafeteria enjoying my meal with Vivian I never knew something awesome was about to happen to me again, Charlie came into the cafeteria and asked to set with Vivian and I

like comm'on I know almost every girl in school wants him and his friends to seat with her so why wouldn't I be overly excited.

"hi Valerie and Vivian" Charlie greeted us and we replied to his greeting uniformly "hi Charlie" and I was the only one smiling at him like a fool once again while Vivian got busy with her food then Charlie asked "can I sea.." I did not even let him finish his statement before I replied "yes you can the seat is not occupied" then he started laughing and said " Valerie you are very cute" and then I realized what I just did and could not help but smile bashfully out of embarrassment and his friends were smiling and taking their seat while Charlie sat down right beside me and I just couldn't contain my happiness

after about 10 minutes of eating in silence Charlie started a conversation with me again and the whole cell in my body just can't stop screaming hallelujah "Valerie please I won't be present for the last class so I would like to borrow your note tommorow hope you don't mind?" oh sh*t I and Vivian planned on skipping this class and go shopping for the gift she would give Noel, I could not help but look at her then she shrugged her shoulders and I smiled thanking her with my eyes before I replied to Charlie's request "sure why not I don't mind at all" I replied smiling then Charlie smiled at me and thanked me then after we finish our meal we went back to class.