

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


"come back to us Valerie" Vivian spoke directly into my ear and I snapped back to reality "oh comm'on Vivian that's gross" I made a face and she laughed "what were you thinking about" Vivian asked in a sly manner "nothing you should know about darling" I replied sarcastically and smelled and Vivian laughed "I know you are thinking about seeing your crush tommorow, it is written all over your face"she stated "whatever that's your thoughts running wild in a minute please let's go downstairs for dinner I need to go to bed early" I and Vivian went downstairs to meet my mum and immediately my dad (Mr Sam Smith) came back from work "welcome daddy"I greeted him while setting the table with Vivian and my mom "welcome Mr Smith" Vivian greeted him to and lastly my mum went for a hug and kiss and I was grossed out "mum you can't do this in our presence please go and find a room with your husband" then everyone started laughing and I was glad seeing them smile like this because after the death of my unborn kid sis my parents hardly smile but I know for sure we would get through it

While eating my mum asked "so Vivian hope you have planned probably for tommorow with Valerie? because I know for sure this lazy bone does not know how to make plans for the day" she smiled lovingly at Vivian then I chipped in "oh mum you know you can't say that, how can you say I've not made preparation do you even bother to ask me" I replied before Vivian while pouting and my Dad laughed out loud "girls enough of this drama all I know is that Valerie and Vivian the both of you should be at your best behavior either outside or at home, hope you understand?" he asked and we answered uniformly with a smile "yes sir"

after doing the dishes with Vivian we both went to my room to hit our heads on the pillow and sleep off.

The alarm started ringing by 7:00 and I got up prayed and get ready for the day, after taking my bath and putting on my underwear I woke Vivian up so she can take her bath as well while I comb my hair thoroughly about 30 minutes later we were both done getting ready for school, so we went downstairs for fruits and head to school because we are still taking meals at school

we both entered the car excitedly and the chauffeur dropped us off at school.

while at school I and Vivian went to our class which is the senior class 3A where most of the smart and popular people in school are the occupants so I and Vivian was seating side by side not quite long her boyfriend Noel came in and started greeted us then continued speaking with Vivian, while I keep on wondering when Charlie would get to class the right in que Charlie came in looking all refined and more polished and guess what the foolish me can't tear my eyes from him and the next thing I heard was a greeting from Charlie "hi Valerie welcome to a new section" oh my gosh!!!!!!!! his voice sounds so pleasing to the ears and I smiled and replied "hi Charlie welcome to the new section to I hope we continue getting along" I tried to act as cool as possible before Charlie said something that got me smiling like a fool " sure Valerie and you are looking really dazzling" he spoke with a smile and my heart beat was as fast as crazy and I wished I had recorded that statement, then I replied coyishly "thanks and you are looking great too" the after that the bell rang for the beginning of classes.