

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 ¡ Teen
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22 Chs


The next day Valerie woke up due to the ray of sunshine right on her face making her look like a beautiful fairy princess.... after tossing and turning on the bed for a while she had to get up so as to prepare for the the event at noon and the team of the event was an official one so everyone has to dress cooperate .... and as the guest host Valerie thinks she has to put in extra effort and for a matter of fact her role model and mentor would be around, so she does not want to mess up at all....

After getting up and taking a cup of coffee so as to awaken every cell of her body with caffeine.... she called Sofie to bring her suit over so she could start preparing for the day....

she chose the white suit that was designed with blue flowers and pearl.... and the suit was giving out the simple but expensive vibes and the suit trousers was plain white and it was fitted on the upper part and loss below while showing off of her full body shape and she was going to put on a blue glassy heels with a blue bag, the accessories she's using is only the pearl earrings and silver ring.....

then the hair stylist choose to cut her hair short to her neck and giving it a beautiful curl making her look like the boss lady then Valerie choose to do the smoky eyes makeup wanting to give out some bad ass vibes as well...

Not quite long she got a call from her bestie and immediately she picked up the phone she was given a ear full " B***h why didn't you tell me you were out on business not until I heard from your mum..... are you sure we are even friends.." Vivian ranted on and on then when she calmed down Valerie had to explain how urgent it was that why she couldn't give her a heads up and how busy she was for not calling and she apologized as well.. " I would only forgive you because it's business and make sure you get me all the goodies over there" Valerie laughed and replied "sure darling you would get all the goodies I can bring along".....

then after talking for a while they hung up and Valerie got a call from her mom and dad asking her to remain calm and focused and to think of everything as a simple test in school and they would always pray and support her while sending her their ultimate love....

when Valerie and Sofie got to the venue they were a lot of reporters and photographers on the red carpet waiting to take pictures of every brand owner and this was Valerie's first time going for the meeting so she was very nervous to go through the red carpet but she has to and Sofie tried to give her a reassuring hand squeeze ... then Valerie choose to be bold and came outside but immediately she came out another car parked behind theirs and the first thing everyone saw was a shoe then the silhouette of a refined and expensive looking young man with an aura that no one could suppressed... meanwhile Valerie was about to walk on the red carpet before the elegant guy came...

when the young man got close to her he gave a slight smile without any care in the world " let's walk down the red carpet together"..... immediately Valerie saw him up close and the mole under his eyes she was shock and weak in the knee her brain was just screaming "Alec.....Alec oh my gosh" she was about to lose her balance before he held her by the waist and made her stood upright " shall we" he asked in the coolest voice ever and Valerie could not help but nod her head in daze and most reporters started Wondering who the lady standing beside Alec could be "is she a new celebrity" while others were asking if she was a model while some where talking about how compatible they they look together......

when they were walking together on the red carpet the both of them were not smiling they were giving everyone chills but that did not stop them from looking good on their own... then it was time to pose for the camera Valerie and Alec were standing side by side Alec was putting on a pure white tuxedo and his haircut was sharp and attractive with his blue set of eyes making him give off the young but rich vibes... after taking photos together they both head inside the hall with different thought in mind Valerie was thinking on how to stay calm with her role model by her side while Alec was thinking "what a shame, she does not recognize me anyways I'm glad I made her the guest host" the he visualize patting himself on the back "good boy" then he saw Valerie socializing with other people and giving off a beautiful smile which made him smile as well.