

Valerie was a very simple girl in early teen and was a very popular and straightforward child who hardly care about the little problems in life because her parents was rich But something and someone unexpected happened CAN SHE COPE WITH THIS UNKNOWN???

kinanaiviv01 · Teen
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22 Chs


Valerie and Sofie entered into the hotel's biggest hall and they were both walking side by side in an elegant manner like they have no care in the world and immediately lots of people started turning at their direction making Valerie a bit shy then she gave out an innocent smile making her look like a baby in which she is and Valerie could hear others admiring her while others were just giving hateful looks and remarks.

"what makes her think she can act like a queen here when she's nothing but a little kitten" lady 1 spoke...

"ohh what a pitiful child maybe her parents do not love her that's why they sent her here" another lady remarked .... Valerie was already boiling of anger but was trying her possible best not to look like a vixen in the eyes of other honorable CEOs that has chosen her as a guest host .. not quite long after her and her manager found a place to seat one of the waitress came to call her "good evening Miss Valerie" the waitress greeted her politely and Valerie looked up at her "good evening and how may I help you she asked the waitress smiling.....

the waitress became to stunned to continue her sentence because Valerie was looking like a fairy when she smiled. "ahhmm .... Mr....Mr Larry calls for your attention on the table ....ove....over there" Sofie couldn't help but laugh out loud and Valerie kept on smiling "please lead the way" Valerie asked the waitress then she and her manager went to the front row.

Mr Larry was the second host of the meeting and the main host and inventor of the meeting Mr Alec but he does not use to attend the meeting due to one reason or the other he always sends his assistant to represent him and because of that lots of rumors has been spreading around about him others said he has a disfigured face while some said he's a bad looking old man but no one knows the truth about him.... now back to sitting with Mr Larry

"Good evening Mr Larry" Valerie greeted cheerfully because after the hidden Mr Alec, Mr Larry was her second mentor he is one of those people she always look up too.

"my dear Val why did you come alone how about your mum" Mr Larry asked in a loving manner....

"my mum has been really busy handling her own brand as well so I had to man up to little of my responsibility" she puffed up her shoulders in a joking manner while Mr Larry and other old CEOs could not help but laugh at the young lady...

then they started discussing business and fashion before Mr Larry talk about the special visitor that would be present in the meeting the next day "listen up everyone.... hope you all know the legendary CEO, designer, and the main host of this yearly program Alec" Mr Larry asked enthusiastically ...... and almost everyone replied yes and Valerie was screaming in her head like who doesn't know him that was her role model and mentor ...... then Mr Larry continued "alright things are about to get better after tonight because this honorable man would be here tomorrow live and direct" and after this information their was a round of applause because lots of people can't wait to see him including Valerie....

After the news dinner was served connection was made and everyone went to their various rooms to sleep and prepare for the next day in which every one is anticipating for including Valerie she just couldn't wait for her dream day to come like for how many years has she been dreaming about this opportunity and finally she would be getting her 17th years birthday present by seeing this man....... she could not comprehend how she felt... she kept on tossing on the bed not knowing when nature calls her into a deep sleep.