
Universal Grimoire

a man drained of blood without a single wound, zero explanation, this story is about a city there is no main character, for they all shine equally on the stage set before the ones who watch them this is a story of broken people and twisted souls, a story about fantastic world that exists just out of site who's events have been recorded in this the universal Grimoire

REDEYEofBLOODmoon · Fantasy
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chapter 1 love and demons (first person pov Ross)

I woke up at 6:00 in the morning with the thought of "wow I'm a 17 and about to graduate high school and I haven't had a single girlfriend or crush in my life" which is absolutely true and depressing for someone like me who has always wanted to be normal and have a crush or girlfriend. I lived alone most of the time I was technical under the guardianship of my aunt but the majority of the time she was abroad after all she was the lead singer of a semi popular pop punk band she send me an allowance once every two weeks for groceries and the left over money was for what ever I wanted, I smelled an onion scent and removed I forgot to shower last night.

After I'd showered and brushed my teeth I walked out of the apartment to the Starbucks right next to building, and got my usual matcha latte and walked to school.

"Hey Ross, you alright?" my friend Fridge asked, his real name is Joseph Magela but everyone calls him "Fridge" because he's on the varsity football team and is the size of a Refrigerator.

"Yeah I'm good man," I replied with a yawn.

"Really because you're never late for our morning meet ups," Fridge countered.

"Wait I'm late?" I ask looking at my cellphone's clock to see it said 7:30, which to my knowledge was the right meet up time. "But my phone says it 7:30 that's when we normally meet," I say showing him my phone's bright screen.

"Dude your phone is tripping out, it's 8:30," Fridge says showing me his phone's screen. "Any way Charlotte is running late too but we've got 30 minutes till home room so let's just wait for her and meet up at Five Guys for lunch and hang out then okay."

"Hey guys, sorry I'm so late I overslept," Charlotte sighed as if she'd ran all the way here from her house. "Ah man it's time for class well see you guys at Five guys for lunch," she says in a rush as the first bell rang signaling Home room, and that's when I saw it a fresh scar on the top of her wrist that seemed to heal really fast like by the time I blinked the scar was halfway to being nonexistent.

"How did she know we were meeting at Five Guys?" Fridge asked.

"I texted her while we were waiting, see ya at lunch time man," I say as I rush to class.

A few hours later it was lunch and I was hungry and ended up ordering 2 cheese burgers "all the way" and a Large fry and drink. "So what's up Charlotte? you were in quite a rush this morning and I was wondering why," I enquire.

"I didn't want to be late for class, that's all," she said looking away.

"Well anyway Have you guys heard about the bodies people keep finding, some of them are drained of all their blood and others barely even resemble Humans anymore, maybe it's vampires," Fridge said as I lost my appetite.

"Dude, you really believe in vampires?" I ask.

"No, but it's hella disturbing nonetheless," Fridge replied.

"Guys talk about that stuff later, we're eating, also never say hella again it makes you sound stupid," Charlotte snapped at us, and so we finished our meal in silence; we split up and went back to the school for our last 4 classes.

School let out at 4:00 in the afternoon and I needed to get some groceries and by groceries I mean lunch meat, bread, cheese, Mountain Dew, and Doritos; it was 4:30 when I got to the store and 5:00 when I headed back to my aunt's lonely apartment.

I made a sandwich at 6:00 for dinner and it wasn't good but it wasn't bad either. "Man I'm bored," I said before calling Charlotte to see if she wanted to meet up at the mall and hit up the arcade at 7:00, she agreed and do I mean she agreed, she sounded so excited that she could have exploded at any moment. So I called a taxi because the mall is like a 50 minute walk from my apartment and it was starting to get dark.

I made it to the mall 7 minutes late because of traffic and was scolded for it by Charlotte who was dressed in a bage white sweater that outlined her torso, not so tightly that it was scandalous but just enough to make me think wow she looks good in that. Her flowing blonde hair that reached a little bit below her shoulders shining like gold in the bright lights of the mall, and that's when I realized I now had the first crush in my life.

"Are you okay Ross?" Charlotte asked, breaking the trance she had put me in.

"You look beautiful tonight," I blurted out like an idiot.

"Th-thank you, you look quite good yourself," she stuttered as she looked away while blushing, I wasn't wearing anything that out of the ordinary just the outfit I wore to school with a different black graphic t shirt with symbol from one of my favorite anime.

How have I not noticed how cute she was before now? I questioned myself in my head. "So do you want to go to the arcade now?" I ask trying not to sound stupid.

"Sure," Charlotte said with a smile while her eyes flashed red and then back to the usual amber color, it must have been a trick of the light and with that we headed to the arcade, and played a few dancing games and one of those horror first person shooters where you sit in the booth with one other person.

We left the arcade at 9:00 and went to get some cake from a popular bakery that always had a huge line but we got lucky tonight because there were 0 people in line now and we got the most popular item on the menu and split it between the 2 of us.

It was 10:00 when the mall closed and we decided to head home. "Ross, I've been avoiding talking about this for awhile, the reason I've been in such a hurry all the time is because I don't want you to worry about me I know you've noticed the scars and how they vanish, those scars were put there by my father, I guess I'm telling you this because I can't go back there after having so much fun with you I can't go back to the constant suffering, when ever I'm with you I can just forget about all that and have fun and there'sa warmth that Ionly feel when I'mwith you, I've been trying to figure out what these feelings are for quite a while and I think I've come to a conclusion, I love you Ross," Charlotte said as tears fell from cheeks.

I finallyunderstood what my feelings were for her, I'd been feeling the same way, "I love you too, you can stay with me, and we can get you through this together," I say unflinchingly.

I start walking to my apartment with Charlotte asleep on my back. I made it 40 minutes of the walk before the man dressed completely in black block the sidewalk in front of a dark alleyway that smelled like death.

The man grabbed me by the collar of my shirt forcing me to drop Charlotte and threw me into the alley with tremendous speed and strength. As I got ready to stand my ground and fight he started walking very slowly toward me with a scythe materializing in his hand as his flesh began to rot until all that was left was a hooded skeleton with glowing red lights in place of his eyes.

Death is walking toward me, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die… this is the only thing I could think until…


I flinched before realizing what ever was I was still alive. Death was now fighting a girl with pure white skin and platinum blonde hair that shimmered like silver in the moon light. Death lost his footing and fell over as the girl grabbed his scythe and slashed his head off with it. With that it was all over or so I thought before I blacked out…

I woke up in a void with a strange man floating next to me, "Well I'm finally free of this curse good luck with being a new Grim Reaper and all that and try not to go insane and forget who you are because you're gonna be on earth until the end of time when ever that happens bye and best of wishes, " the man said, before turning his back to me and walking away, the man's head swiveled to look back at me "one more thing the curse will try and take over and turn you into the angel that casted it."

My eyes shot open as I lay motionless in my bed.

"Phew, it was just a dream," I yelled triumphantly, as I look to my right to find Charlotte laying on top of my blanket sound asleep.

Chapter 1 (part 2)

After waking up to find Charlotte laying next to me I thought "oh shit I'm a Grim Reaper now and she'll be mad that I dropped her" but the biggest thought in my head was "how did we get to the apartment", as I thought about this stuff I felt a sharp pain that went away as soon as I noticed it. I look toward where the pain came from to see Charlotte sucking on my right hand in her sleep.

"Charlotte, it's time to wake up," I say softly, as I rub her shoulder signaling her to wake up.

Rubbing her eyes she sat up on top of the blanket as I look at my hand where she was sucking on it to find a bite mark that was healing faster than should be humanly possible; that wasn't even the most shocking thing Charlotte's irises were a deep and beautiful crimson as she stared at me with a cute half asleep smile.

"Are you alright after what happened last night?" Charlotte asked with tired yet cheerful voice.

"Yeah, I'm good but how did we get here?" I asked with a yawn.

"Oh yeah, you blacked out didn't you, well after that Grim Reaper attacked you I killed it and carried you home on my back jumping from roof to roof until we got here," Charlotte said as she laid her head on my shoulder and fell back to sleep.

Since it's Saturday I got up and let her sleep under the covers while I made breakfast which was eggs and bacon with toast.

"Charlotte breakfast is ready," I yell to wake her up, thinking it would be better to talk more about what happened over a meal.

As we ate breakfast we talked about how she was able to carry me around and jump from building to building, and that's when she hit me with the big reveal…

"Yeah, I should have told you before I fell back asleep, you went on a date with a vampire well technically I'm a danpire since my dad is a human but I got all the abilities my mom had," Charlotte said like she was congratulating me for it.

That's when I understood what the pain in my hand was.

"Cool, Vampires are always the cutest in anime right? and I got to go on a date with one," I said to show nothing had changed between us.

"So you're not scared?" Charlotte asked, looking a bit confused.

"Why would I be scared you're still you aren't ya?" I say to reassure her and that's when she jumped over the kitchen table and locked me in a hug.

"I knew I picked the guy, I never told you what I was out of fear that you might hate me," Charlotte confessed, as her embrace let the size and softness of her assets be known, wow my mind is going crazy I should probably keep my mind off of that for now.

"How could I ever hate you? You always make me happy when I'm feeling down and you've always been there for me since I moved here when I was 12," I said in a voice so awkward and out of breath due to my hormones.

Her crimson eyes softened after I confessed that she had nothing to worry about, she then moved in for a kiss and the next thing I knew her soft lips locked with mine as our tongues danced and with that I had my first Girlfriend and my mind was blown even further into dirty thoughts, damn these hormones they will not control me, after the passionate kiss I turned on the TV and ran to the bathroom to unclothed my mind.

After that we watched TV for a bit, then started discussing how we were going to deal with the living shit pile that is her father.

"We should call the cops is what we should do," I stated.

"Ross there's no evidence that he's been abusing, my wounds are all gone," she interjects. "However we could call a friend."

"Who?" I ask.

"A demon named Gajial," She said with a devious smile.

"Wait, you're telling me demons actually exist," I say in disbelief.

"Yes, he was my mom's familiar before she was killed by… that's not important, any way, I have his sigil memorized," Charlotte says, before drawing the sigil on a piece of paper and saying the words "AN TASASHI GAJIAL AN CA" and folding the paper in half vertically and horizontally then throwing it as it burst into flames consuming itself into ash.

That's when the man with the golden eyes, slicked back flaming red hair, 1 whole horn, and 1 broken appeared on the couch next to me.

"Hello, what's up or what ever the hell people say these days it's been a while, I haven't been summoned since my master kicked the bucket protecting you, so what's the situation and who's the hunky Grim Reaper over there?" the man that I could only assume was Gajial asks mockingly.

"Hello, Gajial he's…" Charlotte starts saying before getting cut off by Gajial.

"I know who he is and I know the situation too, I was just screwing around with your heads, hell I know everything I'm a demon; so you want me to deal with your father, but everything has a price so let's make a deal say I get live in the human world with the Grim Reaper here and I help you when ever you need let's shake on it and we have an agreement," Gajial says as mockingly as possible before reaching out his hand.

"Deal," Charlotte says, like she owns the apartment; either way I won't argue. They shake hands and the deal is made.