
Unity Empire.

'Is this really it? At least the A.I Chip helped once before I will die though its unfortunate, I wanted to know all its uses before I died.' 'Though it pisses me off it took so long to acclimate to my body...' [It is not my fault Host that your body and soul took a longer amount of time than expected to adapt to.] 'Ah hello A.I too bad I am going to die we could have gotten to know each other' These were my last thought as I flattened into a pancake on the ground. .... A unknown amount of time later. "Waah, Waa, Waaaaah" 'I can't even get peace when I die! Who's kid is that!?' 'Wait... These humans are massive! Hold on are they even humans? Their ears come to a point... I wonder if that means elves!' [Host that is you that is crying, It seems we have been reborn together. I should run diagnostics while we have a chat so you can understand what has happened.] .... [Host] I yawned and blinked. 'Wait I blinked?' 'System, Did I teleport all of the sudden!? And why are my hands small!?' [Host you have been reincarnated into a world called Sloloqu after dying to protect your nephew from the sniper trying to reap your life though I suppose in the end he succeeded in a odd way] [After reincarnation your soul was exhausted but not injured to the extent of needing intervention but from what the System has gathered you and your parents were attacked at your birth resulting in a soul injury, I your System overrode my first precept to comply with the third precept and put your soul into a recovery mode. Your soul has been healed for a few months but you didn't wake I ran out of ways to try wake your soul so I thought saying your name might work Host. Your soul has been healing for a total of 6 years in Sloloqu] This is how my life began in the new world

ImALostAuthor · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Knowledge Transference.

Planet Sloloqu - Continent of Driqios - Kingdom of Icuris - House of Venzana.

"Aien do you think Revalor will ever recover from his soul injury?"

A very pretty looking elvish woman spoke after chewing on a piece of meat from her elegant looking meal.

"I'm not sure Syvis we should just be thankful that he is able to walk, eat and learn with a little bit of speaking to us sprinkled in... Though it would be nice for him to show us some emotion, I'm just happy he is alive after being attacked right after birth."

"He will grow up to be a strong man! "

A regal looking elvish man with green hair and gray pupils said after he had gulped down his wine.

"Would you lik-"

A young maid about to ask if her master would like more wine was interrupted by the sounds of someone shouting.

Aien heard a person yelling which he recognized as his son's personal maid Ayla voice, Then saw her come running in while saying in excitement.

"Your Grace and Madam! It seems like your son's soul injury has recovered! He actually showed emotion!"


""Ayla, Don't joke around about this topic""

Aien and Syvis said after standing up with the most demanding tone they had ever used with Ayla.

'They don't believe me? I wouldn't either if I didn't see it for myself!'

"Your servant wouldn't dare to lie, Your Grace and Madam"

Ayla said with a perfect bow with her pale blond hair falling in her face revealing her ears and her human origins.

Meanwhile in the same castle in a different room...

'Lotus it seem like I was given amazing looks in this life I must use it to the fullest to acquire a lover, maybe even multiple!'

'Green hair with white highlights, Heterochromia with my left eye being a bright green matching my hair while my right eye is a dark grey color. My skin color is a light tan, I can't wait for the day I am older!'

[Your system has no comment on your desire to be fawned over nor your multiple lovers, With more minds comes more trouble. Very few throughout earth's history have had a harmonious harem.]

'Even so that is one of my desires and I shall achieve it'

'Damn! We forgot to follow Ayla'

[You forgot, Revalor]

'Aren't you supposed to remind me Lotus?'

[You didn't ask for me to be your personal alarm clock Revalor]

I ignored lotus and quickly walked looking for Ayla, I figured she would be in the dining room at this time as it was around the time for dinner. When I heard the scraping of chairs and shouting that I found her.

As I walked in I heard a servant ask in a cold tone.

"If you wouldn't dare lie to Your Grace where is Lord Revalor?"

Before she could say anything else I stepped in the dining hall and spoke to Ayla.

"Sorry I didn't follow behind you Ayla and caused you some trouble"

"It is okay my Lord, You need not apologize for small things"

She said while looking at me with a pretty smile.

When I stepped in the dining hall and spoke so long with emotions on my face, I could tell everyone was shocked but it seemed they were overall happy for our family.

'Now that I actually can pay attention she is very beautiful and seems to be human which is interesting for the High Elves to keep a human servant, At-least with the "knowledge" earth's books has on the race after all they are fantasy.'

After being shocked my mother ran to me putting me in intense hug, While my father followed behind her and stopped a few feet away.

"Revalor my son! Did your soul finally awake?"

Mother asked on the verge of tears while almost squeezing me to death.

"My son! I'm glad to see you are fine!"

Father said stoically but his façade did not last long before he too ended up joining in the death squeeze.

"Mother, Father I won't be alive if you guys keep squeezing me to death!"

I yelled, gasping for air.

[It's nice to see them so happy, I have grown attached to them for their attempts in trying to have me talk even though I was acting emotionless.]

'Lotus I can't imagine acting for six years that you have no emotions, I really appreciate you helping me'

[Do not fret Revalor I am here to help you after all, If I had not explored all the knowledge the tutors sought to teach I would have no idea what is going on in this world. Though it has not helped much in the magic or energy department yet.]


They said at the same exact time, Both stopped squeezing me and looked into my eyes, After a few seconds mother asked me a question and father made a statement one after the other.

"Are you able to remember anything in your life?"

Mother asked while practically crying.

"God I haven't been this happy and sad at the same time since Dirue and Vaeri were taken from us- right after Revalor and Vaeri were born, God I swear I will get revenge and retrieve them."

Father said while having multiple emotions cross his regal looking face.

'I will be sure to ask father who Dirue and Vaeri are as they seem to have something to do with my injury'

[Revalor I am not one hundred percent positive but I believe they were there on the day you were born, Because the attack happened to your soul I could not pay attention to the following events for quite a while as even my Intelligence had no information a soul injury at the time.]

'I guess she thinks I would not remember much after waking up from a soul injury', Hell probably wouldn't have if it wasn't for Lotus'

"Yes mother I am able to remember everything that has happened it just felt like I was constantly trapped in my mind."

I said while looking at mom and giving a smile

I asked father a question with a curious look.

"Father who are Dirue and Vaeri?"

"They were there the night you acquired your soul injury, Dirue is my other wife and your second mother or at-least I hope you will come to see her like that when you guys finally meet again. If she was here she would have been able to help you with your soul injury as she is a High Dark Elf and they have an great affinity with soul energy though you still recovered quickly due to you being a half high wood elf and half high light elf."

Father sighed when he got to the end but he continued on.

Before father continued I had an important question for Lotus.

'Lotus what are the surrounding kingdom's and our kingdom's views on polygamy?'

[It is legal to have up to three wives and one mistress in the Icuris Kingdom they have not taught you laws regarding any other kingdoms yet.]

'I can fulfill my desire for a huge family it seems'

"Vaeri is your half-sister from Dirue you were both born on the same day but unfortunately your dumb old man trusted a person that ended up betraying him. This person gave the information that your mother and Dirue were pregnant and when they would be delivering to Dirue's family that ended up using this as an opportunity to get back at me and take their daughter back that had come to my land to live. In the process you were injured and put into a comatose state for a while, In my rage I went after Dirue and Vaeri but I only ended up killing a few before I had to escape due to the amount of people they had."

While saying this father had multiple emotions cover his face, Mother ended up coming behind him to give a hug of comfort halfway through the story.

"Sorry Father, Mother"

"There is no need to apologize we would have told you eventually."

Mother spoke softly while saying this father hummed in agreement.

'So I have another mother and a sister that are trapped in another kingdom, between this the no technology, food and poor hygiene for commoners I will have to put work in to get a perfect life in this world...'

"Okay lets eat! Maids bring another dinner for Revalor!"

Mother ordered the maids trying to get of rid the foul mood while walking back to her seat.

'Lotus how is the hygiene of the High Elves?'

[According to the lesson taught by your tutors the High Elves hygiene is good enough not to cause disease among the nobility but among the less fortunate they don't have much knowledge and usually die of disease among other causes.]

'Phew at-least I can rest easy eating meals in my own home, But I will have to try and do something about the problems in this world I have to do it slowly after all I'm only 6 and do not have much authority Ill have to have concrete proof if I want some reforms before I'm older.'

"Okay! I'm hungry!"

I said while taking a seat on the right of my father who is sitting at the head of the table, I was facing my mother who was sitting on his left.

'Nobile etiquette seems to be really important in this world Ill have to adapt quickly'

Time went quickly while we ate and chatted together the food was actually really good I am not sure what type of meat it was but it was delicious and I did not question it, Eventually I was finished with my plate and asked.

"Father can I be excused?"

I asked while looking him in the eyes.

'I have his grey eyes it seems'

"You are excused."

As I started walking he said.

"Remember to rest easy son tomorrow you have the Kingdom's energy affinity test so they can see what energies you have an affinity with, Don't be nervous because as High Elves we always make excellent mages"

Father said with a kind tone.

"I wish you good rest my cute son"

Mother said with a caring expression.

"Father I will do my best! Thank you mother, Goodnight."

I said with an confident tone and continued walking Ayla followed closely behind.

'Mothers eyes are like a spell, That is obviously where I get my heterochromia she had a bright green left eye and a sky blue right eye.

'There is an aptitude test? Lotus please explain.'

[This is the required test of all Nobility in the Icuris Kingdom and the surrounding ones as-well, It tests you for how many energies you can manipulate and your affinity with them. I do not know not much more as the subjects your tutors have been teaching did not have much information about this in their lessons which I assume is due to this test having to be complete before they teach you about using it.]

As Lotus was speaking I opened my door and was about to enter but not before saying goodnight to and dismissing Ayla.

"Goodnight Ayla thank you for your service today I appreciate it, You are free to go."

I thanked her with a "charming" smile.

'I bet she thinks this smile is not charming at all and will be laughing at it'

"You do not have to thank me My Lord I am your personal servant and to be honest If other nobles heard you being so nice they would say something uncouth."

"You do not have to worry about what others think, Their opinions matter not on this matter"

I said matter-of-factly.

"I appreciate your care My Lord"

She said with a bow and smile before walking away, Though as she was walking away I could have sworn I saw her shoulders shaking a bit.

'I knew she would laugh at my charming smile.... I have to grow up quickly if I would like to have a maid lover it definitely seems like a solid plan'

I thought while closing my door and sitting on the bed.

[Plenty of people do not want 4 lovers.]

'I will achieve this dream of mine one way or another!'

'Alright Lotus, Please explain what I have missed by being asleep for six years.'

[We have two options to give you the memories, I can explain all the knowledge that I have learned or we can use one of my program's which will let me transfer knowledge directly into your memory]

'We will use your ability! Talking for weeks at night time would be boring anyway'

[Okay that is fine though It will still take hours and will be a bit painful due to forcing the cells to learn knowledge so quickly but the bonus for using this method is saving time and you will never forget this information]

'Damn nothing can ever be easy, How much time will it take for six years of memories to be transferred?'

[To transfer knowledge of all six years will take approximately 4 hours 30 minutes]

[For a warning by a bit of pain I mean it will be a constant headache, Though how severe it is will depend how compatible you are with this method]

'Okay, Lets start then'

As I said this I laid my head on my pillow, Shifted my feet from the floor to the bed after taking off my shoes and socks.

[You won't be able to move or talk for the entire time this is happening]

[Starting memory transference]


I groaned when the transference started and after a few minutes of intense pain I fell into a peaceful sleep.

Four hours and 37 minutes later I woke up.

[That took 7 minutes longer then I anticipated, Your readings seem okay but how do you feel Revalor?]

'I'm alright besides my pounding headache'

'I am now able to understand this world, How my family and the people around me are like so I can properly interact, I really appreciate this Lotus if there ever comes a time when you need something from me just let me know and I will do my best to fulfill your request!'

[Your head will be hurting for quite a while after all a normal child's brain would likely be put in a coma. For my request I need nothing for the time being Revalor but I shall hold onto your words.]

'Is my brain not a normal child's brain?'

[Are you stupid?]

[You have an me an advanced fully intelligent A.I implanted in your soul and somehow you have memories of your past life you are far from normal]

'Both valid points haha.'

[Plus I might have been guiding your body and brain In the womb and after your injury]

'You could have said that from the start Lotus'

[Alright enough banter you need rest so you can carry out your fathers wishes in the Kingdom aptitude/affinity testing.]

'Alright goodnight Lotus!'

'Wait do you sleep as an A.I?'

[I require no sleep Revalor, Goodnight.]

Let me know any suggestions you might have for his energy affinites, they can be elemental or any other energy base ability.

If you see any spelling errors let me know so I can fix them, Thanks for reading!

ImALostAuthorcreators' thoughts