
Unity Empire.

'Is this really it? At least the A.I Chip helped once before I will die though its unfortunate, I wanted to know all its uses before I died.' 'Though it pisses me off it took so long to acclimate to my body...' [It is not my fault Host that your body and soul took a longer amount of time than expected to adapt to.] 'Ah hello A.I too bad I am going to die we could have gotten to know each other' These were my last thought as I flattened into a pancake on the ground. .... A unknown amount of time later. "Waah, Waa, Waaaaah" 'I can't even get peace when I die! Who's kid is that!?' 'Wait... These humans are massive! Hold on are they even humans? Their ears come to a point... I wonder if that means elves!' [Host that is you that is crying, It seems we have been reborn together. I should run diagnostics while we have a chat so you can understand what has happened.] .... [Host] I yawned and blinked. 'Wait I blinked?' 'System, Did I teleport all of the sudden!? And why are my hands small!?' [Host you have been reincarnated into a world called Sloloqu after dying to protect your nephew from the sniper trying to reap your life though I suppose in the end he succeeded in a odd way] [After reincarnation your soul was exhausted but not injured to the extent of needing intervention but from what the System has gathered you and your parents were attacked at your birth resulting in a soul injury, I your System overrode my first precept to comply with the third precept and put your soul into a recovery mode. Your soul has been healed for a few months but you didn't wake I ran out of ways to try wake your soul so I thought saying your name might work Host. Your soul has been healing for a total of 6 years in Sloloqu] This is how my life began in the new world

ImALostAuthor · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Conspiracies' abound?

In the slums of the capital city of the Kingdom of Icuris there were a few meetings happening at the same time...

In a dilapidated building there are two men wearing black cloaks with a hood and cloth masks that have holes for their eyes.

"Star-fall one are you sure our orders are to assassinate the Grand Duke's Heir and the Royal Princess? Doesn't this seem a bit dangerous?"

Asked one of the cloaked persons in a rough mans voice.

"When did you start to question orders Star-fall two?"

Star-fall one said with a laugh at the end of her sentence that identified her as female.

"Oh shut the hell up, Something doesn't feel right with this one at-least with the other contracts we were given it felt like we had a chance to survive."

"Star-fall two we have completed all the contracts given no matter how dangerous they have been for us, That is how we have earned our wealth! This time wont be any different. There will be an opening as the Grand Duke's heir steps up to place his hands on the ustrium crystal, The Princess will not be far away as her assessment is coming up. We will then kill both of them with the Laizer technique before escaping with the Laizer Light Escape technique making it a clean death."

Thinking she is the brains of the operation star-fall one explained to star-fall two her plan.

"You seem to be right, There does seem to be a chance of survival with your plan and our techniques."

After being convinced star-fall two agreed on star-fall one's plan.

If the two assassins though about that if someone had overheard their words and they would be identified from the names of their techniques alone, They would be forever regret it. Luckily for these two no-one was the wiser.

In the same capital city were two people sitting in an Icuris nobles' manor that wasn't but a thirty minute walk away from the Royal Academy.

"So you two are saying that Grand Duke Rydell has ordered you to assassinate two Dukes Heir's?"

A well groomed man wearing the colors of the Icuris Kingdom on his clothing asked two men who donned masks and were dressed in tightly fitting clothes that would not restrict their movements if they faced combat.

"Yes, His Grace has commanded us to assassinate the heirs of Duke Myrin and Duke Ilrune."

The man wearing a mask that consists of a wolf carving answered the noble in a bored tone.

"Then what would His Grace be asking of me? My men are no good at assassination, That leaves me no way to help you with His Graces' orders."

The well groomed noble man asked in confusion with a bit of irritation.

"What His Grace wants from you is quite simple, Provide us with an appropriate cover to enter the nobles seating area in the Royal Academy so that we have access to our targets. From there you need not do anything else besides acting like a scared little noble when they are killed."

Spoke the same man with the wolf mask and his tone demanded no questions.

"His Grace would also like to give you a reminder of the debt you owe to him, That you can easily repay the debt if you agree to the plan he sent and that he is being lenient with you for any other person would have long been killed."

This time it wasn't the man with a wolf mask instead it was his companion who spoke while wearing a mask carved in the style of a cat.

The well groomed noble man grew angry and flustered while speaking loudly.

"What His Grace is suggesting in the plans he has sent is straight treason!"

"Haha and you giving us help to assassinate the two Duke heirs is not treason? His Grace is growing impatient with your repeated failures to repay debt on time and is finally giving you a lifeline, It would be wise to accept his wishes."

The cat masked man spoke with a commanding tone after he stood up, Giving no time for the noble man to argue with him also prompting the wolf masked man to stand as-well before he spoke with a commanding tone again.

"Well now, Get us noble clothes and we shall be going on our way, After all the assessment should be starting soon."

The well groomed noble man held back his anger from being commanded by "commoners" and nodded while leaving the room to complete their demands.

After the noble man left the room they took their masks off and tossed them out as they couldn't be used for this mission.

"Reaper one, Why is His Grace so concerned with this Kingdom and its nobles?"

The man previously wearing the wolf mask asked.

"How should I know the thoughts of His Grace, But if I had to take a guess it would due to the capital city having the best constructed walls in all three continents while also housing the Elven Tree in its Royal Palace."

Reaper One replied to Reaper Two's question in an unsure tone.

"It's walls are indeed the best for defense though is a pity the Elven Tree was injured during the Elven Empire's fracture otherwise It could still be useful to His Grace."

Reaper Two said with pity ending it with a disappointed sigh.


Meanwhile in the Grand Duke's carriage in front of the Royal Academy.

'The Royal Academy is absolutely massive. I can remember the first time I saw it walking with the Princess to take a tour for one of our "play dates" as my parents and the Royal Family called it, I thought it looked massive even when compared to the academies of earth. As for our "play dates" Lotus knew from the start we were engaged so Viessa was one of the few people Lotus talked to when she was controlling my body.'

'Though it makes me wonder what my father for the King to engage the Princess to his son, He must have achieved quite a bit for the Kingdom because from what I know Princess's are usually married off to other Kingdom's Royalty to create stronger ties and alliances.'

As I finished this thought our carriage stopped in front of the academy gates while our family exited to a view of thousands of nobles and normal folk walking about. Father told us that he and mother were going to meet the King for important matters and that we could come along or go to the testing ground. I decided to go along with father so that I could take Viessa my fiancé on a trip to the Royal Palace so I could see the Elven Tree.

'I feel bad using her as only a tool to take a trip to the Royal Palace so that I can see the Elven Tree, But I am very curious about it.'

[Don't feel bad Revalor, She probably enjoys going on her "play dates" with you. haha.]

'Sigh... Even my loyal partner is making fun of me, I need to grow up fast so they can be real dates and I wont be made fun of for being a lolicon.'

It took a few minutes for a servant to lead us to the room where the King and his family were staying, When we arrived and father explained who he was we were let in by the Royal Guards.

As we stepped in the large room, King Erland my father-in-law to be greeted us with a genuine smile and spoke.

"Hey Aien, Syvis and Revalor how have you been doing?"

"Haha Erland, We have been fairing alright in fact we have a great piece of news I think you and Imryll will enjoy."

As father said the Kings name he gave him a hug before continuing speaking, As he got to the Queens name he looked at her with a smile.

"Pray tell us the good news."

Imryll asked with genuine smile matching her husband'

'Stories about Royalty are not always true, It seems they are able to be humble to friends while not having them bow every time they meet. I suppose it helps that no guards are in the immediate area so they are not forced to keep up the Royal dignity.

"Revalor has awoke from his soul injury and is now showing emotions, Thank the Eleven Tree."

My mother spoke before ending her sentence with an the elven prayer.

'Ill have to use that from now on, No more thank god. haha.'

"Is it true!?"

Both Erlan and Imryll said at the same time with an excited and somewhat relived(?) tone while looking over at my face.

"It is true father-in-law, mother-in-law."

I looked at them with a smile and spoke.

As I finished this sentence I was suddenly hugged by both of them and squeezed for a little while before being put down so I could catch my breath.

"We are so glad to see your soul injury is healed! We were honestly worried if you were ever going to recover."

Father-in-law spoke while his hand rubbed my hair.

"I would prefer you call us Father and Mother though, adding the in-law makes it sound like we are dreadfully old!"

Mother-in-law suggested.

'But you probably are old, After all we Elves live for a thousand years even without supplementing ourselves with energy. I thought this but never spoke it aloud.'

"I call Mother and Father by that though."

"That's weird Revalor why wouldn't you call them mom and dad like I do?"

Viessa asked a simple question but it made me think.

'Wait why don't I? Is it because I got used to Lotus saying it as she always referred to my parents as that, But I can see how that is odd I will indeed change the way I refer to them.'

"If mom and dad would be fine with this? Then I can refer to father and mother like you wish."

I asked while looking at mom and dad.

"That is what we wanted for a long time but you insisted that you call us father and mother so it feels like we should be the ones asking you for permission instead."

Dad said while laughing and mom laughed at his statement too.

"Yes love that is a great way of putting it. Of course we would be fine with this Revalor."

Mom stated while pinching my cheeks and giving me a hug.

"Speaking of injuries, Aien we have some matters to speak about."

Erland gave an excuse while taking my father to another room to speak in private.

"It seems my daughter is perfect for your son Syvis."

Mother said with a chuckle.

"Nope I think it is the opposite, My son is the perfect match for your daughter Imryll."

Mom verbally sparred with the Queen.

'As soon as the men leave the catfight starts, Its getting dangerous! Have to leave quickly!'

"Mom, Mother I was thinking about taking Viessa on a play date at the Royal Palace to see the Elven Tree is that okay?"

I interrupted and asked with a hopeful look in my bicolored eyes.

They stopped their catfight for a moment answering my question before continuing.

"Yes but be sure to be back in an hour and bring extra guards with you, If you aren't back in an hour we will be coming for you and you will both be in trouble."

They both commanded and I complied, It did not take long to gather up forty guards. In total I took twenty of my dad's personal guards and twenty of King Erland's personal royal guard. Both of our personal bodyguards/servants will be following us as well.

We set off in multiple carriages headed toward the Royal Palace and arrived in around 5 minutes because the Palace is so close to the academy. We were immediately led to the Elven Tree's Royal Courtyard that had hundreds of guards patrolling around.

'I have been in the Royal Palace a few times but have never visited the Elven Tree, Though even from the city gates you can see it as it stand very tall.'

'It's said to be close to one thousand feet, Which is quite frankly unbelievable it really drives home the point that we are in a different world. Right Lotus?'

[Indeed even on the countless planets humans colonized, There were no trees that grew this large.]

As we entered the courtyard I asked a question to Viessa.

"Do you want to play hide and seek Viessa?"

I asked her while pretending to hide behind a tiny plant.

She nodded her head meekly and ran to hide leaving her bodyguard to run after her.

'Man she is much more shy today than she ever is.'

"I wonder what's with her today?"

I thought out loud leaving Ayla to hear me.

"It is quite obvious My Lord, She is surprised about your change in personality. You never said more then a few words in a single day yet now you are talking to everybody which is quite surprising for anyone."

Ayla told me while laughing a little at the end of her sentence.

'Sigh.. I didn't think about it like that, It no doubt would be quite a surprise.'

Around fifty minutes of playing later she was not shy anymore had in spoken quite a bit.

"Viessa I want to get closer to the Elven Tree you can stay here if you want.

I told her after finding her hiding in yet another tree in the massive courtyard, Packed with Royal Guards.

'It feels like something from the tree is tugging on my soul, I want to see what it is.'

[Revalor please be careful we know little to nothing about the soul.]

Lotus warned.

"Ill go! I go to climb it all the time!"

She said cutely.

"Alright! Lets go climb it together!"

I said while walking to the tree getting ready to attempt the climb but as I touched the bark I felt a connection establish within my soul, It tore off a piece of my soul and after this happened I felt my fragment of a soul connect to something else inside of me.

I was not able to worry about anything inside my body as I turned to screaming before outright collapsing to the floor, I was experiencing the worst pain in my life almost making me lose consciousness. Lucky for me it stopped before that happened, When I finally gathered myself I felt as if I gained things that would help me complete my goals in this life.

'Lotus what just happened to us?...'

After this week there will be five chapters released on the weekdays while zero will be released on the weekend.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you see any spelling errors or have any suggestions or questions leave a comment and I will try to reply!

ImALostAuthorcreators' thoughts