
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


"I believe it's time for me to head home," he remarked as he stood up and made his way home.


After spending two days at Seichi's house, during the night.

He had his mouth open and was producing sounds, specifically ultrasounds. After emitting them, he focused on listening to them while wearing a blindfold over his eyes.

Upon hearing the sounds bouncing off objects in the room, he could determine their size, shape, and location without visually observing them.

By utilizing echolocation, he could interpret the echoes of the ultrasounds produced, similar to how bats navigate and hunt.

"I have finally improved my ability to use it," Seichi stated as he removed the blindfold.

"It's unfortunate that I can only rely on echolocation. With better control over the frequency of the ultrasounds emitted, I could potentially gain destructive and medical capabilities. It seems that more practice is needed for that," remarked Seichi.

"At least my jaw has been strenghtened and my canines enlarged. I've also learned to conceal my bat wings. My appearance has even improved thanks to my enhanced jawline," Seichi exclaimed while admiring himself in the mirror.

"But there is something significant that I have accomplished in these past two days..." Seichi mentioned as a red and black aura enveloped him ominously.

"I can somewhat manage this aura now, though not completely. At least I can summon it consciously."

"I am not completely aware of its powers yet, but I understand that it has the ability to duplicate or take away someone's uniqueness and make it mine. Therefore, I have come up with two names for it: Copycat and Gluttony," he mentioned as he made the aura disappear.

"I'd prefer it to be Copycat, as it is easier to conceal, and I would rather not draw attention to this power so early on while I am still vulnerable," Seichi remarked, clenching his fist.

"Regardless, we will find out which name will prevail tomorrow at school."


The following morning.



~Dri-i~ the sound was interrupted halfway when Seichi tossed away the alarm clock. "Is it time for school already? I don't feel like going..."

But he got ready anyway and headed to school with his eyes closed, concealing his bat wings and relying on his echolocation skills.

Upon arriving at school, he noticed people staring at him oddly, not just because of his new appearance but also due to rumors spreading about him using a peculiar power to almost defeat Toshida.

Not everyone gave him strange looks; some girls were intrigued by his newfound uniqueness.

Walking through the school, he felt content seeing those who used to belittle him now looking at him with a sense of inferiority after defeating Toshida, one of the most powerful uniqueness users in the school.


Upon entering the classroom and opening the door, a situation that was both unpleasant and somewhat satisfying greeted him. Toshida was being taunted by his supposed friends. "You used to act so superior, Toshida! How does it feel now that you are a fucking Null User?! Hahaha..." Ken chuckled as he physically targeted Toshida.

Upon hearing this, Seichi came to a realization: "So my Uniqueness took away someone else's uniqueness. Welcome, Gluttony!"

"Why did you ever think you were better than me before!? You foolish ex-bat," another ome of his friend, Ryota, voiced out while also participating in the bullying of Toshida.

"Excuse me..." Seichi interjected, causing all of Toshida's current bullies and classmates who had been watching with disdain to turn their attention towards him.

"Do you understand what I felt now, Toshida-san?" Seichi inquired with a mischievous tone as he approached Toshida on the ground.

"Don't come any closer, please! I can't bear experiencing that aura again! I would rather face death than being touched by that thing again! Please, I'll do anything you want!" Toshida cried out in fear.

"Does it really hurt that much? Well, but he deserves even more suffering..." Seichi thought to himself before realizing, "When did I become this cruel? Perhaps Gluttony is affecting my mindset." Despite these thoughts, he continued moving towards Toshida and his tormentors.

"Don't approach any further," Toshida pleaded with his eyes shut tight, bracing himself for the impending pain.

"Ahhhhh" two screams rang out and either of them weren't strangely coming from Toshida. Surprised by the absence of pain, Toshida opened his eyes to see Seichi holding Ken and Ryota by their necks while using that red and black aura on them. The class watched in terror, wondering if they would be subjected to the same aura for laughing at Seichi throughout all of his middle school years.

Seichi referred to that as the Glutton Aura, which was in that moment enveloping Ken and Ryota and it didn't stop until they both lost consciousness. After releasing them, Seichi left the classroom, stating that he did not bully the weak like Toshida did.


He then went to the male bathroom where he experienced intense pain while assimilating Ken and Ryota's Uniquenesses. A transformative aura enveloped his entire body, which was undergoing a process of tearing down and rebuilding simultaneously.

After enduring moments of discomfort, the transformation ceased.

Seichi stood up from his kneeling position. "Why do I feel like I'm looking down on everything?" He pondered as he observed his changed physique. "Why am I taller now, and wow, have I always been this muscular?"

Rushing to the bathroom mirror, he beheld his altered appearance - significantly taller, with a more attractive and masculine face, and incredibly fit. It seemed like he had aged at least a couple of years.


"I suppose this is all thanks to the Enhanced Body Uniqueness," Seichi mused while admiring his newfound appearance repeatedly.

"Moving on, the other Uniqueness I acquired is Adaptability based on what Ryota mentioned in front of me. It should allow me to adapt to poison, fire, pain... quite a useful ability."

"Yeah, all well and good, but how do I go back to class looking so different? Wouldn't that raise like a lot of suspicions..." He wondered aloud while still gazing at his perfect reflection.

To be continued...


This is the rewritten version. Please tell me if you like more this one or the previous one.