
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


"Yeah, all well and good, but how do I go back to class looking so different? Wouldn't that raise like a lot of suspicions..." He wondered aloud while still gazing at his perfect reflection.


The entrance door of the classroom opens.

A very attractive student with white hair walks in.

Upon his arrival, the female classmates were amazed, while the male students seemed irritated and some even envious of his appearance.

After a few moments, everyone's attention shifted from him to the teacher as she cleared her throat to regain their focus.

"Are you sure you're in the right class, student?" She asked, with a hidden admiration for him.

"No, Ms. Kano, I am in the correct class. My name is Tetsuo Seichi," he replied confidently.

His words surprised everyone present.

How could Seichi have changed so drastically in just a few minutes?

"Don't worry about it. It's just another side effect of my recently discovered uniqueness," he explained as he took his seat, causing confusion among his classmates and teacher.

"Tetsuo...alright...you are not in the wrong class...but why did you dare to interrupt the lesson?! And even coming lare?!" Ms. Kano scolded him.

"I apologize, Ms. Kano. I was dealing with the consequences of my uniqueness," he replied calmly, showing no sign of intimidation by his teacher's reprimand.

His behavior was quite different from before.

"Tetsuo, I can't confirm your explanation. Please sit down immediately and do not disrupt the class any further!" she commanded sternly. He complied with a charming smile that caused some of his female classmates' noses to bleed and said, "Yes ma'am."

He then paid attention to the lecture, using echolocation as to practice this a little bit in the meantime.


After the lectures ended and the Lunch Break began.

Seichi yawned and commented, "The lesson on Uniqueness history was quite boring... yawn," as he lay on the desk with his head turned to the right.

His eyes met those of a female classmate sitting next to him.


"Beautiful..." Seichi thought, captivated by her appearance.

Apologizing nervously, she said, stuttering a little bit "I-I'm sorry for s-staring at you..."

"You're afraid I'll make you a Null User too? Rumors do spread quickly," Seichi remarked casually with his head still resting on the desk.

Her expression now showed even more fear.

"You seem easily frightened. Don't worry, I was just teasing you. I don't treat everyone that way. You're new here, right?" Seichi joked in a charming tone.

Blushing with embarrassment, she stuttered, "Y-yes, my father recently relocated us from southern Japan because he was tired of the people there..."

"And what's your name, girl from the south?" Seichi asked playfully.

"My name is Miyazaki Hina," she replied.

"Miyazaki? Isn't that the Flame Emperor's last name?" Seichi inquired as he finally lifted his head from the desk.

"Yes, he is my father," she confirmed hesitantly.

"Well then, I guess I can't make you a Null User like I planned; otherwise your father might not be pleased," Seichi said with a serious expression.

"I cannot grant you Null User status as I had intended, or your father may not take it lightly," he mentioned with a serious expression.

This made her quite apprehensive.

"Just kidding, I wouldn't do that to someone I have no connection with, especially to such an attractive girl like you," he said, flashing his charming smile once again, causing her cheeks to flush.

"T-Thank y-you..." she responded.

"For what?" Seichi teased her knowingly.

"For calling me cute," she replied with a smile.

Her smile was captivating.

"Please refrain from smiling too much; you might make my nose bleed," Seichi continued teasing her, causing her to turn as red as a tomato.

"You are really adorable right now, you know," Seichi remarked, making her blush even more.

"Okay, I'll stop," he said before getting up from the desk. "By the way, my name is Tetsuo Seichi, but I assume you already knew that!"

"Pleasure meeting you then!" she chirped cheerfully, displaying a lovely smile.

"That smile looks like that of an angel," he thought, mesmerized by its beauty. Now it was him who fell silent in awe.

"What's on your mind, Tetsuo-kun?" she asked upon noticing his silence.

"Nothing much; I was just admiring your beauty," Seichi responded sincerely.

"Could you please stop?" she requested gently as she puffed her cheeks.

"Stop what?" the white-haired individual inquired confusedly.

"Teasing me...," the orange-haired girl clarified softly.

"I wasn't teasing you; I genuinely believe you're beautiful, Miyazaki," he exclaimed with his usual charming demeanor.

"I wasn't teasing you, I genuinely think you're beautiful, Miyazaki," he said with his usual charming smile.

She blushed in response.

"Hey, Hina-chan, why don't we take you on a tour..." a couple of girls approached from behind her, interrupting their conversation. But, upon seeing that she was speaking with Seichi, their faces showed surprise rather than terror.

"Sorry, Tetsuo-kun, you can continue the conversation," one of them, a girl with black hair, stammered.

"Don't worry girls, I don't bite. You can take Miyazaki," Seichi reassured them with his captivating smile that caused all three girls to blush.

"See you after lunchtime, red girl."

"S-See you, Tetsuo-kun."

And so, Seichi spent the lunch break trying out different things since the classroom was empty due to others being afraid of him.


After the lunch break...

"My Enhanced Body improves all aspects of my body. It enhances my senses and allows me to use echolocation more effectively. Even my Adaptability benefits from it since both traits affect the body. My bones and regeneration abilities are also enhanced by it, which may even impact my appearance."

"In addition to that, it offers an extraordinary Evolution Path called Absolute Body."


An Evolution Path is a route that a Uniqueness can follow to evolve and become stronger.


"I am curious about Gluttony's Evolution Path," Seichi pondered as he emitted and controlled his red aura.

But as some male classmates entered the room while he was doing so, Seichi was forced to quickly retract his aura.

Following the arrival of the male classmates, the rest of the class also entered, including Miyazaki Hina, who took her seat next to Seichi.

"Hey, Tetsuo-kun, did you spend your whole lunch break in here?" she asked Seichi with a smile.

"Yes," Seichi replied to the girl. She then asked, "Did you have anything to eat?"

"No, why?" Seichi responded.

"In that case, please have some!" She offered him her partially eaten lunch. "I know it might be impolite to offer something already half-eaten, but I couldn't finish it."

"No thanks for the offer, Miyazaki, but I am not-" Seichi started before his stomach grumbled loudly.

"What was that?" Hina smiled at him.

"In that case, I'll take it," Seichi said as he accepted her lunch and began eating it.

...to be continued


This is the rewritten version. Please tell me if you like more this one or the previous one.