
Uniqueness Emperor

In a world where the 99% has a special ability, there's a small and handsome boy called Seichi, who suffers bullying because he doesn't same to have a unique power like everyone... Alternative title: Why is my Uniqueness so OP?

SMNovels · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs


Seichi shouted directly at Toshida's face, surprising him with his actions. Toshida responded: "And what if I refuse? Will you attack me? What strength will you use? Null User!"


"Hand it over I said!!" Seichi demanded as his eyes turned from black to red, surrounded by a dark red aura.

At that moment, a sense of fear spread throughout the room as the sudden appearance of the black and red aura startled everyone in the class, especially Toshida. The intensity of the aura was focused on him, with Seichi's now crimson eyes fixed on his.

Despite feeling genuine fear, Toshida attempted to maintain composure and retorted, "And what weight do your words hold? They are meaningless-"

Before he could finish, a strong pressure was applied to his neck. "Give... it... to me," Seichi insisted.

With one hand choking Toshida with full force and the other retrieving his mother's picture from Toshida's grasp, which weakened due to lack of oxygen. As Seichi exerted his strength, an ominous aura began enveloping both him and Toshida. Upon contact with Toshida's skin, the horror commenced.

Toshida let out screams of agony as the aura inflicted pain upon him. The intensity of his cries grew louder as the aura gradually consumed him entirely.

The class watched in terror, unable to speak or intervene. Even Toshida's closest friends hesitated to assist him for fear of being harmed by the menacing red and black aura.

As time passed, Toshida's bat wings vanished, and his screams grew louder in response to his increasing pain until he lost consciousness.

When this occurred, the aura disappeared, and Seichi regained his composure.

He discovered an unconscious Toshida in front of him, with a red neck from the choking, which thankfully stopped before Toshida could have perished.

Seichi was perplexed by what transpired, but then memories of his outburst surfaced, prompting him to flee in horror at his own actions.


He ran non-stop until he arrived at the school courtyard due to exhaustion.

Breathing heavily, he suddenly began to experience pain.

The peculiar aura reappeared around Seichi as he started screaming in agony.

Seichi dropped to his knees on the ground while his mother's picture fell out of his pocket and landed in front of him.

In the midst of pain, he gazed at his mother's picture.


After enduring moments of agony throughout his body, the pain along with the aura vanished.

"It's finally over-" Seichi uttered before being struck by excruciating pain in his head, particularly around his ears and teeth area.

It felt as though something was emerging from his ears; although he wanted to touch the area to investigate further, the pain immobilized him.


After a few more seconds, the pain subsided completely. Seichi sensed a heaviness in his head and perceived as if he had grown an extra pair of arms.

He attempted to move these additional arms up and down, sensing the breeze against his head.

Upon reaching around his ears with his hands, he noticed nothing unusual. However, as he moved further up, he encountered some unfamiliar attachments.

Puzzled and concerned, Seichi traced these attachments with haste as they grew in size and felt like a thin skin membrane, accompanied by small bones.

Pausing his exploration, Seichi retrieved his phone from his pocket to examine the attachments closely. Upon opening the camera app, he discovered small bat wings connected to his head.

"Why do I have these? They resemble Toshida's wings..." Seichi expressed confusion.

"And what was that red aura?" His confusion deepened with each passing moment.

Then a realization dawned on him: "Could this be my Unique Ability?"

"I am not devoid of abilities!"

"My wasted existence is over!"

Seichi felt immense joy, as if he had reached the peak of happiness.

Seichi exclaimed, his voice's being the happiest in his entire life "I have finally awakened my Uniqueness, and it happens to be an Original one!"

Reflecting on his family's abilities, Seichi thought, "My mother seemed to be a Null User since her passing was overlooked like a minor event. On the other hand, my father possessed a weak Uniqueness that only enhanced his appearance, which he used to charm my mom. Therefore, I must possess an Original Uniqueness."

An Original is someone whose Uniqueness is completely different from that of their parents. Their abilities are significantly stronger than those of regular individuals, making them highly esteemed in society.

Seichi proudly declared, "My life commences not as an ordinary person but as the most outstanding figure the world has ever witnessed!"


But, after some contemplation, Seichi realized something, "But what exactly can my Uniqueness do?"

Recalling that day's incident involving Toshida and himself, Seichi pondered whether his Uniqueness could absorb or take over others' abilities rather than simply replicating them. He speculated on the nature of his unique power.

Seichi expressed, "If I were to imitate or borrow Toshida's Unique ability, I should be capable of achieving what Toshida could do..." He then focused his attention.

He attempted to listen to ultrasonic sounds using his ears, similar to how a bat does.

"I can sense it - the rhythm of my heartbeat. I can perceive each instance when blood is pumped through my heart. Every beat. I can discern the sound of the wind more clearly, the sound of worms moving... I can sense everything!"

"This new Uniqueness of mine is truly remarkable," Seichi thought as he tightened his fist.

"The potential for my growth now seems boundless with this-" Seichi began before realizing that he was still at school, and students from another class were observing him behaving oddly, which caused him embarrassment.

"I believe it's time for me to head home," he remarked as he stood up and made his way home.

...to be continued


This is the rewritten version, please tell me if you like this one more than the previous version and if I should continue to rewrite even the other chapters like this (Thanks AI).

For now, just enjoy this and have a great day.