
Chapter Two

Raymond got to the dining room where he saw his grandfather and his officials dining together. His grandfather who looked up at him,smiled at him and ordered him to join him. Raymond smiled at his grandfather and replied"Good morning grandpa" and his grandfather replied him baring his teeth broadly.

All what Raymond's grandfather and the officials were saying was all about the contract coming their way and how big the opportunity was.

After the officials and Raymond's grandfather were done with their meeting, Raymond's grandfather ordered the seven squad guard to follow them outside and see them off.

After the maids pacjed the table, Raymond's grandfather began his speech "Raymond my son,the reason why I called you was to let you know that you would be the one to represent me there because of my health". Raymond was embittered by the way his grandfather's health was deteriorating. He said "grandpa am so sorry to hear about your poor health and I wish you quick recovery"

"Thank you my son"

"Grandpa concerning this meeting of yours,how will I go about it "when is the meeting?with whin am I meeting with?"

Raymond's grandfather nid his head in satisfaction and said " that is a brilliavt question my son,the meeting is going to be held at the vingram business ltd and you are going to be meeting different bosses from different organisation but most especially YOUR FATHER". At the call of his father,his eyes widened and he asked his grandfather if he was for real.

"Yes my son,you are going to meet your father,Lincom"