
Chapter One

Raymond was disturbed by the knock on his door and was annoyed to be disturbed. He rolled the bedsheet away from his body and said with a hoarse voice "who is death". Sensing the angry voice of Raymond,the knocker slipped the letter under his door and went away afraid.

Raymond who was about to scream the second time since no reply was given to him was shortened because of the letter which was slipped under his door. He stood up with a groan and headed for the door. He oovked up the paper and went to his bed.

After knowing the content of the letter,he reasoned why his grandfather called for him. He thinks that the call must be important because he called for him early in the morning. He decided to go later since he has some office work to do in his room.

Raymond loves his grandfather so much and was already used to him since he had been living with his grandfather in the mansion since when he was a little boy.

When Raymond's mother died since when he was small, Raymond's father abadoned him and eloped with another lady leaving him stranded. Not after when his grandfather came to pick him up to his mansion.

His grandfather is a rich man who owns estates, mansions. And because of his love for his grandson Raymond,he told his lawyer that after his death, Raymond should take over his business and that all his properties should take over his business and that all his properties should be lawed over to his grandson Raymond.