
Chapter Three

"We should all prepare for the commencement of the meeting as we wairmt for Mr Raymond " . This was the words of the owner of the company and where the meeting was to be held.

Raymond's father Lincom,was sitting in a corner anxious to see his onkgmt son after all these years. He decided in his mind to seek forgiveness from his father and from his son who were neglected by him.

After a few minutes,the guest ushered Mr Raymond in and introduced him to the people on sit. The hist started "I greet you all honourable men and I'm glad that you honoured my xaml. We all know why we are here but fir us who do not know yet,I will remind us again. All of you sitted here made a request to be given the contract worth 30 million and one among you has already won the contract which we will all know soon" . The other men applauded him after he asked each of them to introduce themselves.

After some hours if delay,the hist eventually cane and tikd the man that the result of their request was out. "I wouid like to inform us that the awaited resukt is out". The information was followed with applaude. Each candidate as eager to win the contract and tired everything in the ability to do so.

Raymond was eager to go hike and just anted all these to end. He was not bothered about all these to end. He was not bothered about the contract and is not even prepared to receive any contract. Hum and his father's eyes was just meeting through out and he was angry at his father for abandoning him.

The hist began "I wish to let you all know that the honorable man who won the contract is no other person than our Mr Raymond. And I call this meeting to an end. Everyone congratulated Raymond and wished him success. On his way out,he met his FATHER.