
A Great Deal for Love.

Morning soon approached as the sun beened threw the window. The long and enjoyable night he had was so good he thought it could have been merely a fantasy. He got up and groaned stretching himself out as he walked to the kitchen hear the sound of Huming he saw Alex cooking food and it smelt great.

"God when did you learn to cook, I remember I tried to show you how and you nearly burnt the tree house down."Kai laughed as Alex huffed." Hey, I may have also did it ,but at least I did not fail 3 tests in a row."Kai shut up instantly." That's what I thought. "Alex smirked winning the battle as he set down a plate of food for Kai. It was simple bacon and eggs with a side of toast. "Thank you Alex it looks great. What about you what you eating? " Kai asked Alex as he sighed .

I sadly can't gain anything from human food. I can eat it no problem,but I need blood to survive now. " Alex said as he frowned and walked over to his bag pulling out a pack of pills." YOU DOING DRUGS?!"Kai said as Alex shook his head." Blood pills. Dad made them for me since I don't like to drink from humans." Alex said as Kai looked down.

This must have been hard on Alex, limiting himself. Kai got up and took the pills away from Alex." What are y-" Alex was cut short by a kiss from Kai as that long awaited kiss ended they stared at each other.

"Stop limiting your self,  I am here. I am always going to be here. So... if you need blood take mine just be gentle. " Kai said as a bright blush covered his face as Alex smiled and took the pills back." Fine, but after you eat. Once I do this your going to be tired and may even pass out.

Kai nodded and went back to eating , Alex on the other hand put the pills away,  he still needed then incase his dear friend was not around so it would be better safe then sorry.

Once Kai finished eating and cleaned up he went back to the bed room with Alex. Kai was kinda starting to second guess himself as he looked at Alex who just have Kai a warm smile.

"Alright, try not to move I will try to make this as painless as possible. " Alex said as he pushed Kai onto the bed as he cralwed up on it after him. There eyes meet again,  Kai staring into Alex's beautiful crimson eyes as Alex's head moved closer to his ear.

"I have not really done this so I will try to take it slow." Alex whispered as his warm breath could be felt on Kai's ear. The feeling made him shiver. Alex moved his head over to Kai's  neck as he started to lick it over and over again as Kai turn his head away exposing his neck more showing Alex his veins as his eyes started to glow, he knew what he wanted and how to get It.

Alex gave Kai's neck a few more links which made Kai shiver and blush even more. Then Kai felt it, Alex's fangs against his neck as he closed his eyes in worry, in fear, in submission. He wanted this , he wanted to help Alex and Alex knew it.

Alex then suddenly bit down in Kai's neck  but no pain what so ever, was it because if Alex's sliva. No he did not care as he whined feeling Alex feed off him, made him feel so good. His body went limp and slowly his mind went back feeling nothing ,but pleasure threw this.

What Kai did not know was Alex was trying to stop himself from killing Kai accidentally. It was so hard to want to stop, Kai's blood was so sweet so good he could keep drinking it until there was nothing yet.

Then reality snapped him back in as he pulled off Kai's neck and panted himself, his mouth covered in blood as he went back down and licked the wound he made. He could tell Kai was out could. How far did he... how much did he take ? How much did he take?" These questions raced threw his mind as Kai groaned in his sleep.

"Well, I did not kill him. That's great, but I.... I need to learn more self control. I want to have more of Kai every part of him. Most of all I want to be with him till the end."Alex said as he petted Kai's head as he was asleep. "Rest up, when you get up we have have some fun." Alex said as he covered Kai up and left the room.

"Did you hear about the killing."

"Ya I did , I heard that the victim was bitten or something."

"Ya, they were pretty well drained of there blood."

"You thinking a vampire?"

"Na couldn't be, they don't exist."

"Even if they did they are horrible, terrible, createues that feel of anyone and anything they can to survive. "

"No you're wrong, YOU'RE WRONG!"Kai yelled as he woke up from his nightmare panting heavily and sweating. He looked around the room as he did not see Alex. Kai tried to get up slowly as he almost fell over.

His body still pretty weak from Alex's feeding. As he continue to get his balance, he could hear voices coming from the other room. One was definitely Alex's, but the other was something he did not really Remember.

The closer he got to the bedroom door the clearer the voices became as he leaned against the wall cracking the door open a little so he can over hear what was going on.

" Look what you did, you found your so called friend and almost killed him. This is exactly why we moved in the first place, that and you can't trust these humans."

"Dad listen, I know I drank a bit to much and that I was even lucky that I stopped, but Kai offered like he did before." Alex said as he sounded stressed.

"Bullshit, I know it is bullshit. No human in there right mind would let a vampire drink from them. Not a chance in hell." Alex's father said as he crossed his arms.

"Why would I lie about this? It would not make any sense dad, stop being so stubborn about it. You just don't like the fact that me, your son likes guys over girl's  and even more so that I love a human. Ya he is a bit of a goofball, he is reckless to all hell and knows how to set me off sometimes, but as long as I we have feeling for each other, this is not going to change." Alex said as Kai slide to the ground and started to cry. Not for reasons of sadness, no he was crying for being so happy to have Alex in his life.

"No what you don't get is, what if you turned him into a vampire and made him a mindless slave hmm? What then, if you did not stop you would have. Or did you forget you are a pure blood, meaning that you can easily do it to him with out knowing of it. "His father said as he huffed.

"And what if he wanted to become one, I know just as well as you do. I can get him these the stages on my own with out your help. I am not some useless child anymore." Alex said as his father slapped him in his face, his cheek red from the contact.

Kai heard that slap as it snapped him back from his tears,  he tried to quickly get you as he struggled grabbing onto the door handle as he helped himself threw.

"As long as you are apart of this family I will not allow that creature to become one of us. You unders-" Alex's father was cut short as Kai who now was standing by the kitchen countertop looked at them both.

Alex rushed over in a flash as he could tell Kai was still very weak." What are you doing up here let me help you back to bed." Alex said as he easily picked up Kai with no problem. Kai gently touched Alex's hand as he looked over to Alex's dad.

"Sir, with all do repect. I let him drink from me back then, and now. I did it because I felt like it was the right thing and I still do. Sorry that I am not the most trustworthy person you never really got to know ,but you should try and listen to your son."Kai said as he looked away, Alex smiled and kissed his forehead as he was about to walk away with Kai in his arms when Alex's dad stopped them.

"Fine you know what, since you two fools want to go threw with this so much. We are going to make an agreement here and now. Understand, that I will be explaining everything and if you don't like it tough shit. "Alex's father said in a stern tone as Alex and Kai looked at each other. Alex set Kai down on the couch and sat next to him, as Alex's father sat across from them both.

"Ok so, this is how its going to work.

Number 1, Kai. You are going to be in charge of feeding Alex, he will no have any more blood packs for his cravings or anything so you have to feed him daily and make sure that he does not take to much from you or else you might end up dead or worse." He said as he cleared his throat.

"Number 2, Alex will be in charge of taking care of you. Meaning all expenses and such normal food and what else you might need will be covered by him and only him.

Number 3, if either of you fail to do your job, Kai I will kill you and Alex I will lock you up until IM DEAD." Alex's father said in a very serious tone.

Both Kai and Alex looked at each other as they both gulped. They understood the risks, they love each other and they wanted to be together." We accept." They both said as Alex's father nodded. As he pulled out a ring and put it on Kai's finger. Use this if your out in public to feed Alex it will make a cut around your finger for him to drink from it."Kai nodded as he looked at Alex as he blushed a little. Alex's father went to Alex as he sighed.

"Alright since you are pretty dead set on this idea of yours if you some how pull this off, after a year I will personally turn Kai into a vampire, and you can love out your life happily with him." Alex's dad said as Alex hugged him and smiled.

"I will prove we can do it, thank you for making us this deal. You are the best!" Alex said as his dad hugged him back. "Ya, just done fuck this up or it will be his life and your future. "His dad said as he let go of him and stood up." Alright, I will get going now." Just keep up you end and I will keep mind Alex. "His dad said as he smirked and vanished into thin air.

Kai and Alex looked at each other and smiled brightly." Well, that went well. Happy we can attests be together now."Kai said with a giggle as he groaned feeling sore.

Alex saw this and gently picked him back up as he kissed his cheek." Better then any give dad ever game me. We just got to do our part." Alex said walking back to the bed room with Kai as he nodded." That means you have to tell me when you start feeling a need to eat so we can keep your thirst under control ." Alex nodddd setting Kai down on the bed as Kai sighed.

"You definitely did a number, I can barely feel my legs." He laughed softly as he poked Alex as he nibbled his finger playfully." Yes I know, I will tryto do better." He kissed Kai's head as he smirked.

"Now Mr crazy, rest. I will be in the other room planning some stuff out for the future." Kai nodded and closed his eyes once again as Alex left the room. Now with good news in hand they have more hope for there feelings and even more strength for trying to have a future with one another by there each other's sides.