
A Future Lovers Wish for.

Kai was in a deep sleep. His dreams getting worse once more as he tossed and turned into bed as he whined.

In his dream he could see himself and Alex  both very happy, but soon Alex left as he vanished from existence as then Kai fell to the group his body turning to dust as he could do nothing about it.

Kai woke up as he held himself as he started to cry. Alex could hear his soft crying as he moving almost instantly over to Kai as he hugged him."You still have those nightmares like when we were younger don't you." Alex asked as Kai nodded as he buried his face in Alex's chest crying more.

"I hate it. It just never stops, I never see anything good when I sleep most of the time." Kai  said as he grabbed Alex's shirt."Are you sure we are going to be able to do this.I don't want to lose you. I don't want to see you suffer because of me. I just feel so us-" Kai was cut off by Alex's passionate kiss as Kai was in shock and blushed heavily as he tired to hide his face.

"Don't ever use that word around me. You're never useless you big goofball, you are special to me and we can make it work with each others help. "Alex said as he gave ensureance to Kai who started to feel better. Wiping away his tears as he hugged Alex tightly as he kissed his neck.

"You treat me so well. I feel so bad, you have to do all the hard work now and all I have to do is just make sure you drink. My blood."Kai said as he sighed and Alex placed his hand on his head and rubbed it.

"Your pretty dumb, that is important. Without blood I would go berserk and start killing people for it, so you feeding me is honestly more important my sweet little dummy." Alex teased as Kai blushed.

"Your such a jerk you know that right?" Kai said as he shook his head. As he slowly got up out of bed as he was feeling much better now. Kai stretched himself as he looked over to Alex.

"So what is our game plan then?"Kai asked Alex who took Kai's hand and walked him to the kitchen. The kitchen table covered in papers as Alex picked one off it and handed it to Kai. "Read it."Alex insisted as Kai tilted his head.

Kai took the paper and began to read." Kai aka me will leave this job of his and come with Alex aka you around the world and onto every set and do everything with him. Ok kinda romantic." Kai giggled as Alex gestured him to keep reading.

Kai continued as he read." We will leave tommorow and just live our life on the road for now. For feeding, we will do anytime we go out and or when I really need it."Kai finished as he smiled." You really thought this threw haven't you Alex. " Kai said as Alex nodded.

"Yep everything I can think of, as for what you will eat well what ever you want really since I will just get us a very very nice bus or something that we can live in so we can get me to where I need to go and so we have a place from prying eyes for when feeding or other things want to be done." Alex said as he winked at Kai as he shook his head.

"Such a naughty vampire, don't be getting any kinky ideas cause I may like them." Kai teased as he sighed happily walking over and hugging Alex.

"Ok well, if this is the plan then let's get use to you taking well less of my blood, its been a while and you seem to be stareing at my and not in the sexual way you normally do."Kai said as Alex nodded pulling Kai close and kissing his lips.

"Maybe a little, but we should wait befor-" Alex's words cut off by Kai who kissed him with passion." You don't get to wait when you tease me so much my sweet vampire love." Kai said to Alex as they smiled." Fine, but I will say it maybe hard to stop." Alex said as he nibbled on Kai's ear as he closed his eyes.

"Alex, God done tease me any more or I might have to do things I am not really for."He said as he smiled and moved his head off to the side as to give Alex a much easier time feeding from him.

Alex did not need anymore information just the way Kai moved his head made his body shiver with need as he pulled Kai close licking , sucking on his neck in multiple spots covering the side if his neck with kisses and sliva as he soon pushed his fangs into Kai and began to drink.

If felt much different then the first time as he felt a more tingling warmth in his own body as he thought that he was just getting  a bit hot and bothered by Alex's feeding from his neck.

Alex quickly let go of Kai as he licked his neck panting himself. Seaming like restraint was not Alex's strong suit, but for there love they would have to endure. As Alex let go fully, Kai felt a bit weak kneed. Though not as full body tires as he did with that first feeding he had given Alex lucky for them.

Since Kai almost died the first time they did this, so this was a much better start for them now. Kai touched Alex's cheek as Alex quickly grabbed his hand squeezing it a bit to tightly as Kai cried out a little. "H..hey that hurts Alex!" He yelled as Alex let go and touched his own wrist." W..wow sorry Kai I... this might be harder then we think. I need more, but I don't want to take more from you, you already seam weakened from before and your already shaking from your legs. " Alex said as he sat down and Kai moved in front of him as he sighed.

"The other thing we can do is well , a bit more personal and a bit more of a risk for well you  not me Kai. " he said as be blushed." Dad said to me once that um

.. sex and release can help limit blood cravings since it clouds the mind and such." Alex said as Kai blushed holding Alex's hand .

Kai laughed as he looked at Alex." Really now, your dad said that to you before ?" Kai asked as he giggled a bit more staring at him. Alex nodded and smacked Kai's ass lightly as Kai let out a surprised eep.

"Stop being silly ok little fool. "Alex said as he smirked." So, we going do this or am I going to drink more and make you more weak than you already are." Alex asked as Kai laughed.

"Well, knowing the fact that drinking more maybe hard to stop, and the fact that you are more likely make me unable to walk either way. Hmm that's a hard choice."Kai said as he teased Alex." That will depend on how big you really are." Kai teased more as Alex picked him up with ease and walked him to the bed room.

" We have a long life ahead of us. let's just enjoy everything that comes by. One year after today we will be together for ever, for real this time." Alex said as he kissed Kai as they smiled.

There life moved on, each day happier then the last. As anyone could wish for them, a great life was a head for these lovers.

-The End-